He Said / She Said - Week 4 - Making choices for the family

In 2003, my wife started studying to be a Heilkunst Homeopathic Practitioner and she would travel to Ottawa each summer for classes.  It was during these summer jaunts out east that she was introduced to the concept of an Earthship.  The thing that appealed to us about the idea was protecting our family from man made or natural disasters.  The ice storms in Quebec and Ontario in 1998 were some of the worst in recorded history and people were without power during the winter for over a month!

This really got us started down the path of exploring how dependent we are on the grid and started the ball rolling on our desires to live out in the country.  I often tease my wife and accuse her that the last 15+ years are 'her fault', but in reality it was her insight and vision that started us down this wild and crazy road called life.  

In 2005 she then came home with this new term called a 'natural person' which then introduced me too the whole feudal system that the state put into place.  My whole paradigm was shattered as I grew up thinking that the government is there to protect and serve me, when in actual fact it is abusive, coercive and designed for slavery and control.

After my six month pout, we sat down and confronted all of this new information and decided that we needed to act upon it.  We recognized that our two boys were still vulnerable and so we decided that Carey would remain in the system while I explored what it would take to leave it!  We wanted to protect the boys while I was testing and exploring ideas and concepts that were far beyond the social norms accepted by everyone around us.  

I decided that I would take the risks as she would best serve the needs of the boys should anything happen to me.  I was not prepared to sacrifice my family in the event I got into trouble walking this path.  So instead, I sacrificed myself.

As it turns out, we all made sacrifices as staying in the city was no longer an option and in 2007 we sold everything and started building earthships on the land.  I know that Carey cried for a month as the beginning was tough for somebody who grew up in the city.  But she persevered and is now at the point in her life where she would never go back.  

I grew up on a farm, so I had a good idea what I was getting us into.  I quit my job to dedicate my life to providing for my family.  It may seem odd as most people leave their family to get jobs in order to provide.  But our view on life is the opposite of most.  We spent the last 11 years working together, side-by-side to build a life of independence and self-sustainability. We taught our boys all that we could during that time. It was our goal to ensure that all their needs would be met, even if I was not around.  

The beautiful thing about this journey is that even if I was rotting in jail or was dead, my family could still provide for themselves the basic necessities of life.  If we were in the city my wife would have been forced to get three jobs again.  Here, that is no longer the case.

Today the boys are out in the world finding their way in life.  Our nest is now empty.  I continue to push the envelope as I confront all the violent relationships in my life.  Sadly that is usually the state as they have yet to learn their lessons in life.  

My wife has been a rock and foundational pillar in our relationship and our journey.  Most of what I share is her wisdom followed by my research.  We work as a team but it is her insight and dedication to freedom, health and balanced relationships that have gotten us where we are today.  She is the guiding light in our work and I chose to be the public face of it all in order to protect her!  

In my view, the divine masculine is responsible for protecting the family and that is what I dedicated myself to do.  It also required that I respect and honour the divine feminine within her.  By working together we found a way to balance the two and become a powerful force of nature!  There is no leader or boss in our relationship as we both lead by example.  We make decisions based on consensus and we work through issues immediately should they arise.  

Now that our nest is empty, it is time for us to open up even more so that we can lead by example and mentor the next generation in a time of peace, freedom and prosperity.  We will do this together as we have done for the past 16 years.  

I have no problems sacrificing my vessel for this cause.  It matters not that my body perishes.  The main goal is to ensure that my wife and family is protected by the violence all around us.  When I have accomplished that, then I turn my attention to others.  That is where I stand today and why I write and share the way I do.  I have the full support of my wife in doing this work!  

That is what I feel a spiritual warrior would do!  Sadly, I've seen many couples break up because they are not able to come to a consensus regarding these issues.  

If you are curious as to my wife's views on this topic, you can read her post here:



What a fascinating read was about your personal life that is made up of so much adjustments and sacrifices.

You truly a nice couple example for many to how to adjust with each other and care for in every circumstances.

Your love and concern for your family is pretty a good example to follow. When people are leaving country side in this globalized world you decided to be near to nature and support your family with all your strength and wisdom.

I really appreciate your true sense of freedom for your next generation. Even though your nest is empty but you are giving them chance to live their life according to their own choices as you both have made to live a peaceful live on country side.

We work hard to walk our path and share openly in the hopes that we can influence others to do the same. Thank you for recognizing that work and the value of our sharing. May Creator bless you my friend! Peace to you.

The positive energy blooming from your posts really has the ability to influence others for good. I thank you for providing a chance to reflect only what you are giving. Stay blessed!

This is what a relationship is all about. Your skills and knowledge complement each other and you work together to accomplish your dreams. Each can be successful on their own but as a team, you are strong and powerful...

thank you. <3

Such concepts as "natural man or woman" and the sovereign individual are, unfortunately, anti-social as defined by our collectivist friends who hope to see the day when all humans are one homogenized amorphous mass of servants bowing down tot he glory and power of the State. How shameful it is that we have ceased to speak of individual god-given rights and instead accept the idea that the State has the authority to dispense and take away rights. Perhaps one day the pendulum will swing back to freedom. In the meantime people like you and your wife hold the torch of freedom. I am hoping that Steemit may provide a platform upon which good souls might find the light of freedom and natural law. I do hope your boys have inherited the gene for freedom and that they survive the enticing siren call or society...a society that is dead on it's feet having subjugated themselves upon the altar of social justice and conformity. Blessings upon you and your wife's heads.

I have indeed found a lot of freedom here on Steemit and lots of support for our way of life, thoughts, feelings, beliefs and views. Creator has blessed us deeply for taking the path that we walk and sharing it with other people. I suspect you would enjoy my blog as I've outlined as much as I could over the last 4 months, the equivalent of three books so far!

May you be blessed with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.

You must thank God for giving you a strong and wonderful wife...
and i must thank God for giving me a great brother
When we (i'm + my wife ) want to choose something important in our lives.
We bring a paper and a pen and then we start setting the target and then we put the hypotheses...then we start discussion every hypothesis...
in the end, we determine what is suitable for us and our lives...
We started this way two years ago, and it's very useful.
Thank you, brother.@wwf

Bravo to you both. My wife and I sit down every morning to talk about the day and work out priorities. It served us well for over 15 years. I do indeed thank Creator frequently for the relationships that I've been blessed with. It is a wonderful life and I love my wife very much. <3 Peace to you and your wife as well my brother.

Rick and I also have empty nest syndrome these days with endless hours to hopefully give back something of value to our world.


The similarities between you and your wife and us are striking as Rick prefers to remain in the shadows whilst I happily bang the drum unabashedly.

Our messages may be couched differently but fundamentally we are on the same page as we all promote love, peace, tolerance, respect and harmony.

I have a post here that may resonate with you and would truly appreciate your thoughts.

Meanwhile ~ how are the goats doing?!!


The more I share, the more people I find that resonate with our views. It is so wonderful to meet people like yourselves that are walking a similar path! How exciting.

Our goats are doing okay. We are at the tail end of a 2+ week spout of below -30C wind chills and the goats are getting tired of it. To be honest, so are we. It has been brutally cold for far too long. But the weather should break tomorrow where it will be +2C then back into the cold again. This winter has been crazy.

We put them in each night just to help them get out of the cold. So it means more work for us, but hey, that is what stewardship is all about! Right!

I simply cannot imagine the misery of cold like that!

I once experienced -10 in Northern France and thought I would croak :)

In the UK the coldest I have ever experienced is -4.

The goats feet must be freezing!

Keep warm you guys ~ spring is on it's way.


Their feet are fine. They get a winter coat to help them keep warm during the winter. Much like the moose, deer and elk do each fall. But because they are smaller, they don't have the mass like a cow or wild animal. So we take measure to not expose them to anything below -25C.

As for me, well I've experienced -75C wind chills and that was NOT fun but was very memorable! Spring will soon be here! Getting excited but sad as I won't be spending as much time here once the outside work starts. :)

The solution is timework now i do that with my wife and the relationship is going much better. We live a litle far from city not alone we have neigboroughs but dont have much contact with them we prefer that way.

Your marriage is a positive example, to respect each other, to understand each other, to support each other. Thank You for share

You are welcome. <3 We hope that this influences others to bring peace into their relationships.

Love and understanding that the most important

The right choice for the family, the family is the person we love and dear to our duty to protect from various

Really, your story is beautiful. You see that you are a wonderful person and know how to deal with things and how to treat them. A great experience in life. I teach you a lot. We learned from you.

Thank you for what you give us

You are a lucky man having such great partner on your side. Reading the beginning of your book I was amazed to find your praising words you got for her. Yeah behind every great man stands a strong women!

The right choice for the family, the family is the person we love and dear to our duty to protect from various disasters

Plagiarism will not fly here my friend. Please find your own words to engage in conversation rather than typing somebody else letter by letter. Not cool! It also takes away from the power and influence of the platform. Please step up and add value. That in turn adds value to the currency as well!