Reconciliation & Justice

in #reconciliationlast year (edited)

Law 1) USA 56
a) recognize Pueblo and Sioux as simi-autonomous states in a similar manner as California
b) recognize Puerto Rico as a state
c) form the state of Columbia out of the metro area of the current city-state called the District of Columbia
d) recognize the vassal state of Israel as a state
e) Recognize Pacifica (pacific islands territories) as a state
f) End reservations; restructure as townships and boroughs
these would not be optional annexations; they are required and must happen to heal the nation and world from the massive injustices inflicted upon the people of the United States.

Law 2) Bring back the old punishments, specifically medieval ones, starting with stocks.
a) Anyone worth $1m or more gets progressively worse punishments.

  • i. inflation-adjusted for 2016 dollar value
  • ii. The top .001% would receive the bloody eagle if they do any knowledgeable harm to a fellow human.
    b) air the punishments live on two public, free dedicated channels; “Stocks & Bonds” and “The Execution Channel”.
    c) Outlaw any capital punishment or airing of punishments for those worth less than $1m.

Law 3) Regional Government Layer & over all Restructure of government.
Our founders never perceived how large nor how populous our union would become, it is time to officially add a new layer of governance to our nation.

Law 4) Reasonable Labor Law
a) Make a full-time work week 4 days and 12 hours a week
b) Make minimum wage $42, inflation-adjusted for 2016-dollar value
b) Require multinational organizations of any kind to pay a tariff of 35% if they violate our labor or human rights laws.
c) Give both wage and holiday bonus scaled to individualized worker productivity.
d) Invest in unions and watchdog organizations.
e) Destroy the board of directors monopoly.
f) Disallow a corporation or foundation from owning another corporation or foundation OR require public disclosure of board of directors, whichever pleases the people.

Law 5) Federalize extortionary taxation
a) Federalize Emergency Services
b) Federalize Public Schools
c) Federalize Healthcare & Human Services

Law 6) Separation of Church, State, and Corporation
a) Recognize a law stating that the state taxes every organization that is not part of the state
b) Pull 501(c)(3) status from churches, and require the church to be fully taxed in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations
c) Remove limited liability & personhood of corporations.

Law 7) Civil and Social healing.
a) Trans, Cis, and Alt Sports
b) Acknowledge polyamorous relationships in law.
c) The second amendment should require training and proof of training, and allow citizens to own any weapon a standing military can wield; it was put in place to defend against such armies.
d) Only Unsex, non-stall bathrooms and locker rooms.

  • i. Mens and womens bathrooms and locker rooms are sexist segregation at its worst
  • ii. Public showers should be outlawed