Este delicioso postre tiene por nombre "corona de naranja", que ademas de estar preparada con este rico fruto su cremosidad es una delicia en boca de todos. Esta fruta es rica en vitaminas y minerales que son beneficos para nuestro organismo, asi que no dejes de probar este delicioso postre, te encantara!!
- 4 huevos
- 2 naranjas grandes
- 1/2 taza de almibar
- 150 gr de azucar
- Unos gajos de naranja, pelados.
1. Exprima las naranjas, separe las claras de las yemas, bata estas ultimas en un recipiente, junto con 4 cucharadas de azúcar, hasta que hayan doblado su volumen y estén espumosas.
2. Incorpore a la preparación el jugo de las naranjas recién exprimido y mezcle bien
3. Bañe el anterior en un molde de corona con el almíbar, vierta en la crema preparada y cuézala, al baño de maria durante 45 minutos o hasta que este completamente cuajada.
4. Desmolde la corona y sírvala adornada con los gajos de naranja.
que riiiico!!!!!
Me alegra te gusten mis recetas!! Gracias por tu voto.
de nada
My love for Spanish 😍
I wish I could learn....!!
¿do you want to be Spanish practice buddies?
you can use the duolingo app to learn.
I'll try to get that as soon as possible
Thanks once again
you're welcome Jesse!
I wish and want to learn Spanish language but here is no diploma of this Language in my Country.Its nice language and nice words dear @donutboy
you can do it, just practice.
is this easy language??? @donutboy
I guess he already gave you an answer to that
Why much questions again?
I love Spanish Language but there is no one who guide me.
i use an app called duolingo
duo means two and lingo means language I guess
That's great news bro
I hope it will be good for me
I will try to find it from internet
Thank you very much dear @donutboy for helping us
yeah no worries
Where I can find it is this app available in play store??
Wow okay
That's great
I'll get the app
Thanks for the info @donutboy
@donutboy Is this a translater of Spanish language.?
These questions are kind pissing someone off, it's kinda weird when you already know the discussion going on here and you're still emphasizing on the same question that have been answered a lot of times by @donutboy...... Please you guys should learn to communicate with new friends.... Don't piss them off okay.....i meant no offense, just a correction thanks
Supongo que voy a probar tan delicioso 😋
!what does that mean!
It means
"do you like oranges?
prueba {probably?) it's delicious,
what does encantara mean?
Yeah I love orange,
Due to research
Orange helps improve Brain function...
encantara means {love}
oh, I was translating another comment I saw by you.
sorry this is the wrong thread. no rush, but it would be super helpful for me if you translated your original sentence word for word, and I'll try to make one up like you.
te encantara!!
Las naranjas dulces y jugosas son un refrigerio delicioso y saludable o una adición a una comida.
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Dioooos!! yo quierooooo, estoy lo tengo que hacer, gracias por la receta
Que bueno te guste!! No dudes en prepararlo, te encantara!