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RE: White Bean With Bacon Soup en/es

in #recipelast year

Wow... That looks delicious 😋🤤

I love soups in all kinds but sadly making soup is one thing that I am really bad at 😁 lol
To come up with good ones and what is a good mix.
When I saw this White Bean With Bacon Soup... I just 😋 Yummy

Bacon works with most everything and white beans are good when you know what to make with them.
So I am absolutly gonna try this.

You really chop them up good and most pieces look even, mine usually ends in all kinds of sizes 😂 Hahahaha

In winter time like this and the cold, this was a post that gonna save many 😊 thx for the tip.

Have a wonderful week my friend and big hugs and love 🤗🌹🤗


Something tells me you will be just fine Saffy hahahahaha, doesn't really matter what it looks like, if it tastes good!!!
And yes, bacon IS a staple food group hahahahahaha!!!
You also have a wonderful week and I'll see you in the Alliance server!

Fine Yes but a master chef 😂 Hahahaha.. Not so much.

True tho, taste is the same even if it looks different and if 🥓 bacon is in.. Always works.. Lol
Like 🧄 garlic.. I use that in Everything 😋 Yummy

Happy I found your recipe tho and I let you know when I tried it.
Stay Awsome and I see you in our 🏰
Hugs 🤗💕🤗