Nothing in this world can be compare with the true love and care of our mother, she is the one and only woman of our life who loves and cares so much without any personal intention. A child is everything to a mother. She always encourages the child to any hard thing in life whenever the child becomes helpless. She is a good listener to her child and listen to everything good or bad from the child. she never restrict and limit her child to any limitation. She makes her child able to differentiate good from bad.
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True love is another Name for a mother which only a mother can have, from the time we come in her womb, takes birth and throughout her life in this world. She gives us tired less care and love, nothing is precious than a mother by which one can be bless by God thus we should always be thankful to God, she is the embodiment of true love and sacrifice.
She is the one who turn a house to sweet home by giving birth to us.
Thanks👏 @rienairyani for going through my post and giving out your vote
That's true, a mother can go through pains, difficulties infact she is always ready to do anything just to make her child happy and that's love
Thanks👏 for reading this post @augustinej