"Troy" The Grik Methology [ Full review of Hollywood movie]

in #realityhubs5 years ago (edited)

Movie can say the feelings of mind. It's not the spending of our leisure time. It's just a taste, by which we can be connected with generation to generation.
Today I will make a review of such a movie which is a legendary one.

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It's one of the best historic movie in which viewers can find the full entertain and It's not only entertained but also it has it's tragedic side.
Love your woman & save your motherland
I am highly sugesting you to watch this movie.
I am trying to give a review and my observation about this movie so that you guys may have more interest to watch this movie.
At the very first I am trying to express the main charecters so that you can push your mind to watch this movie.

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Main platform of this movie.

Troy ; Homer's great epic, the film follows the assault on Troy by the united Greek forces.
A battle between the armies of King Agamemnon and Triopas is occored. On that moment the prince of Mycenae offered that why we are going to lose our army??
Let's have a single combat. In us who win the princes will go to his side. But, Just before the single combat end, The main war just has been started. Here the hero, one of the main heroic and positive carector plays a great role in this war, and as a result the war has been gone to their side. But, wait. It's not over.

The play of that's day just end. After that Two sides just stopped and alliance that okk take the bodies of your friends.
We will fight in the next morning.
But the next morning, One big charecter "Achilles" sleeping and his brother has been killed by the opposition's prince #Hector.

The next day, Achilles came Troy and challenges Hector; in a single combat again until Hector is killed, and Achilles drags his corpse back to the Trojan beach. Priam, in disguise, sneaks into the camp and implores Achilles to return Hector's body for funeral.

After That next day they took a chit way and covered the whole troy too themselves. That's the way the troy has been defeated. On that case Achilles went their and take a risk to save his love. On that time juat a arrow has been pushed in his heel and Achilles pull down.
That's the main platform on which the movie #Troy being made and the defeat of it.

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Main Faces and their role

Directed by:
Wolfgang Petersen
Produced by:
Wolfgang Petersen
Diana Rathbun
Colin Wilson
Screenplay by
David Benioff
Based on:
by Homer
Brad Pitt
Eric Bana
Orlando Bloom
Diane Kruger
Brian Cox
Sean Bean
Brendan Gleeson
Peter O'Toole
Music by:
James Horner
Roger Pratt
Edited by:
Peter Honess
Warner Bros. Pictures
Helena Productions
Information Source

Main Cast

  • Brad Pitt as Achilles, Greece's greatest warrior
  • Eric Bana as Hector, the eldest Prince of Troy and commander of the Trojan armies
  • Orlando Bloom as Paris, Hector's younger brother
  • Diane Kruger as Helen, former Queen of Sparta who became a Princess of Troy
  • Brian Cox as Agamemnon, king of the united Greek city-states Information Source

Imdb Rating : 7.2/10

Movie URL : https://yts.lt/movie/troy-2004

Critic: AAA


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This is NOT a review! It's just a synopsis and copied list of characters.

@rana2423, you could make your review better by including sections like, your experience, pro/cons, suggestion/recommendation and conclusion. Also, consider working on your writing style to improve the readability of your review.

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