Creating our own reality

in #reality8 years ago

We can either create our own reality or allow someone else to create reality for you. Its as simple as that. Some people believe that life is difficult because of some douche bag elitists controlling politicking politicians, then they're allowing these goofy arrogant soft handed bitches to create reality for you. I automatically think, "Why is anyone concerned about what some idiot politician on a leash has to say?" I look at politics as just a corporate point of view, which is similar to a lazy ass greedy child than wants more than they bloody deserve, so they invent all kinds of stupid rules with penalties attached to them in order to profit and look important. Everyday these useless people try to control and create reality for us, and how many fall victim to this scandalous charade? We already know what to do and how to do it safely, but these politicians throw shit like climate change, taxation, cannabis legalization, TTP, Bill C-51 and all the other do what they say bullshit. I create my own reality, not these scumbags. In fact, these politicians are so stupid, that they do not realize that it is the people that create reality for them, and not the other way around.