The Mandela Effect - Is Our Reality Being Altered?

in #reality8 years ago


You’ve probably seen movies where people travel to the past and change something and that results in their whole reality being changed and when they get back to their own time, they find an entirely new world.

This idea of being able to change reality itself, in a large or even small ways, has been a very common subject in sci-fi movies, books and tv shows. There is something about this whole idea that is really fascinating for us, maybe because it would mean multiple chances to undo our mistakes. But, alas, this just isn’t possible.

Or is it? For some years now, many people have been claiming that the reality we are living in or at least many things about it, are being altered without anybody noticing it.

They say that thousands of people remember several things from a few decades ago that are totally changed now and have no traces of what they used to be. It’s like someone went into the past, and changed those things for some reason and we are only noticing now.

The Mandela Effect


In simple terms, the Mandela effect is when a large group of people remember things that were different (and have now changed without any trace) or things that didn’t even happen and they still have memories of it (somehow). According to believers however, the Mandela effect is the tiny changes that are being made to our reality.

The term was coined in 2010 by a blogger who noticed that thousands of people in the world had memories of Nelson Mandela dying in the 1980s in prison while in reality he died in 2013. Hence, the ‘Mandela’ effect.

In fact, this is a very popular example put forth by believers who all say that they had watched clips of his funeral on TV and had even learned of it in their schools! But when you fact check, it turns out, that he actually died in 2013, which led them to believe that reality had been somehow altered and they still had memories of the old reality.

If it was one person or a small group of related people, it could be said that they are simply lying but when completely unrelated people from all corners of the world have the same exact memory that didn’t even happen, it makes you ask some serious questions. In fact, there have been a ton of other examples which you can read about here.

Image Credits (This is a very popular example of the Mandela effect)

I am now going to tell you about some things that I remember which have now apparently changed. The first one is the famous phrase that Darth Vader says in the Star Wars movie which is, “Luke, I am you father.” Guess what? He actually says, “No, I am your father.” If it was just me, I would have thought that I misremembered it, but apparently millions of people have the same memory.

Next, is the assassination of President Kennedy. I remember watching many photos and videos of the assassination many years ago and I distinctly remember that there were only 4 people in the car. Today, I found out that there were actually 6!! And again, it’s not just me but thousands of other people have the same memory as well.

Similarly, the internet is filled with such examples, some of which, I could relate to. If you visit that link above, you might find some that you do too.

So, Is Someone Really Changing Our Reality?


Most probably not. Researchers have suggested a lot of explanations for the Mandela effect that have nothing to do with the domain of science fiction. They have suggested that it might just be false memories, cognitive dissonance, confirmation bias, misconceptions, misinformation that got accepted as actual information and then spread from there.

However, believers are really convinced that something is up and have explanations of their own which right now are all theories and speculations but cannot be discarded completely as it is quite difficult to disprove them as they have some connections with theoretical physics.

They say that it could be that we live in a Matrix type reality and that the programmers of this world are just changing a few things here and there. They also say that it could be because of alternate realities which collide from time to time causing these changes.

Some of them also say that it could have been the work of time travellers who changed something tiny in the past which had all these separated but visible differences in the world while our memories of them remain intact.


Maby those people just remembered wrong, it has happened toe me before

Yes, I believe that is more often the case than not.

My favorite example is the genie is callad kazaam with shaq....but I and many other remeber a different one called shazaam with sinbad.

I haven't seen any of the movies but I have heard many people talk about it.

An excellent piece, I love those theories that take our relationship with reality upside-down. This theory goes well with that one about our universe being a simulation.

These types are my favourites to talk about :)

There was a great show on coast to coast recently which gave the best overview of Mandella Effect i have heard so far.Check it out....

For some reason, the video is unavailable. hmmm fishy :P

Well the mandela effect was basically effective in south africa, nice write ma/sir i enjoyed this, im Josediccus

Interesting thought, I didn't know what that was. Kind of like the military-industrial-media complex making us believe all the wars have actually been positive and worthwhile. We haven't even "won" a war since WWII, and even then it was mostly the Russians who killed the vast majority of the Nazis. Selective memory and the reliance on myth.

Yep!! Selective memory and myths have surely got to do something with them.

Great post Saurav. Upvoted and following u as always. Please review my new post on meditation and provide your feedback if possible. I am sure u will not be dissapointed:) Regards Nainaz.

Thank you :)

Very interesting, but kinda scary

yeah, for sure!

The theories you explain in your posts are exceedingly, professional, yet intriguing. If that makes sense. So thank you!

Your post is very good, I will wait for the next post

Something must be true about this. I've been looking in to this with friends and there are things that we remember being different from what they are now. Especially the Forrest Gump movie. "life IS like a box of chocolates" not was...

Yeah, many things are too weird to explain away. Have had unexplained memories too!

Maybe it is the matrix... 😱

maybe some of the effect can be explained with our very own development - all of your experiences somewhat do sharpen our way to understand / comprehend words, notion, emotion etc. and yes maybe there is something like a timeline changing into a new narrative :-) great post - upvoted, resteemed and following for more! Cheers from Germany

Thanks for reading :)

That is a beautiful meditation! I love the suggestion to record the affirmations because I was wondering. How I could remember to say all of that

Ive heard this effect called out many times and I think it's a load of horse crap. It's more likely that we are playing a game of global telephone. The source information is coherent, in that it hasn't been modified but collectively people misinterpret the source information. As a result the wrong message gets translated and thus we have the Mandela effect. There are hardly any examples aside from stairways the Bernstein bears and Nelson Mandela himself. But to counter my own argument, it's more likely that those events have been purposely modified because they have caused significant turmoil in the future... Queue the eerie music!

Yeah, most of the time it is as you say. But some things are simply too weird to explain away by anything 'natural'. Yes, sure some people could have misremembered some things but when it happens with completely unrelated people with totally different lives and access to completely different media channels, one can't help but ask the question. insert eerie music here lol

There is no ring in the nose of cow of the La Vache Qui Rit brand.
I remember :)

hehe I have seen this brand for the first time ever, so I wouldn't know.

Never heard about this before. But my first thought was: Could it be an effect of attempts of information manipulations, like Subliminal stimuli?

I am not a fan of conspiracy theories, for sure, but it is not so hard to imagine situation, when someone is trying to influence even large groups of people with this. Could it be some totalitarian government or some corporation trying to sell something (I know, it does not sounds like conspiracy theory at all ;-).

The Mandela effect has more to do with the fabric of reality itself rather than governments trying to misinform people or sell somethings, etc. Not sure if it is real or not though.

It reminds me of ""Interstellar .

haha Interstellar touched on time travel a bit but they were not changing the past per say. The Mandela effect is something different.

I'll never get over the "missing" ending to We Are The Champions...
..."of the world!"
Forget memory, it just plain feels wrong that it's not there... like someone deleted the last few seconds of the audio.

Exactly!! Some things just don't make sense where memories aren't even important anymore. You give the perfect example. I have heard so many references to that song and each one had the 'of the world' bit at the end.

Did you ever the carpool karaoke bit with James Corden, George Clooney, Gewn Stefani, and Julia Roberts... they were all just waiting for it...

I got another one for you...
Ever heard of Svalbard? I heard about it once as a kid, when reading The Golden Compass. It sounded like cool place in the book, so like any kid that wants to visit a cool place they read about in a book, I went looking to see if it was actually real. Sadly, after extensive research in my local library (any finally asking my geography teacher), I discovered it was indeed a fictional place. I was heartbroken, but I learned a lot about the geography in that area and how an atlas works in the process, so not a total loss.

But wait! I start hearing about this effect and people start talking about geography... and then there's Svalbard! Funny thing, in this book, Svalbard is the place were people started finding windows to other dimensions. And by the second book, those windows seem to be all over the place.

Not that it means anything... And not many people talk about Svalbard in this context (may not even be an effect for anyone else)... I just find it an interesting synchronicity. This book could have been about anything... but instead it features dimensional windows in its world-building.

It's all very fascinating. ^_^

Yes, this one always freaks me out!! Literally everyone I know remembers the "of the world" part and it just doesn't exist? Scary!

I looked into this a while ago and I could not think what the purpose of a reality change would be by whatever intelligence that would have the means.But if we are being governed by a higher intelligence then are we just a social experiment to them? Like ufo's, if they exist are they the equivalent of a tangling ball of wool to a kitten, mesmerising and funny to watch.

Yeah, thinking about the purpose is a real head scratcher. I think, if we are governed by a higher intelligence than we simply do not have the mental capacity to comprehend their intentions.

"They say that it could be that we live in a Matrix type reality and that the programmers of this world are just changing a few things here and there. They also say that it could be because of alternate realities which collide from time to time causing these changes." uhh that ALIEN LIFE! I'm telling ya. LOL

Me I think Hillary and Bill did it. I remember when Hillary was a Republican. And really did she really were those god awful blue pumps to Bill's inaugural address?

So a few things may or may not have changed. Life is still here, we are still unharvested by Alien Beings, and Hillary is still alive and kicking. (humm, maybe we should care after all.) ;-}

This goes way beyond Hillary and Bill :P


Saw a different video; the "OLd Man Holding the Sign" -- is explained differently; as the "B and N" standing for "Barry Nelson" -- the first James Bond; ::

I have seen many videos like this. Many of them are I don't believe at all but some make me think.

since we've chatted about this, I've seen a few more videos; makes me wonder .... really wonder ....

whole different topic and not related IMO

We are made by particle. In quantum mechanics, the present past and the future it's combines and it depend on the observer.

Yes that's true.

If there truly is this "Mandela Effect"....I am hopeul it amplifies over the course of time to manifest itself by way of me winning the I am certain this is not something that will ever be! (....rather than simply changing two words from a 1978 movie I barely recall seeing !! HA)...

Yeah, to truly notice it, there needs to be a major change in history that literally everyone would remember in the world.

I've watched videos on this previously, I​ love the various theories. I think Time Travel altering reality is my favorite possibility. Might have to work it into a story sometime soon!

This opens up a lot of possibilities for stories :D

I'm definitely open to the possibility. I think some so-called examples of the Mandela Effect are down to faulty memory or misinformation, but others...who knows? There are certainly things (minor ones) that I staunchly remember being different in the past (for instance, I'm sure that Berenstein was BerenSTEIN with an 'E.' Is my memory wrong, or have there been some subtle changes to the particular path of reality that we're on?

It's certainly possible.

Yes, that's what I think as well.

Hmm Have I (and millions others) incorrectly remembered some of these things, or have they actually been changed?
My memories include:

  • Luke, I am your father.
  • Mirror mirror on the wall
  • Sinbad was a genie
  • ... of the world!
  • Sex In the City
  • my hot dog's last name is M E Y E R
  • Monopoly man with a monacle
  • Berenstein Bears
  • It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
  • Life is like a box of chocolates.
  • Interview With a Vampire
  • Hello, Clarice.

So, I obviously have been intrigued by chatter of the Mandela Effect.