Yeah, I've heard horror stories about HOAs dictating what a person can or can't do in their yard or with their house. I like the idea of keeping things classy, but I don't like the thought of only getting to choose from one of two shingles for my roof. If I want to do something else, I should be able to.
I think there will still be personal property, but it will be for the wealthy only. The taxes are so high already and increasing with no signs of slowing down. They're already taking so much money from homeowners that I don't know how most people are going to be able to keep a home. And it's already so bad that it's hard for most people to get a home.
It frustrates me every time there's a proposed tax increase on homeowners and all the renters vote it through, not realizing that they're going to have to pay higher rent, but they approve it.... and then complain about higher rent. Seriously, people, think things through a bit. Nothing is for free, and someone has to pay for everything.