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RE: Solar Panels to Become Mandatory in California

in #realestate7 years ago

I had heard this was happening. I can understand new home construction being mandatory but I fear it will be expanded and lawmakers will make ALL homes, apartments, etc have to upgrade to solar one day too.


it's just one step towards stronger regulation of resources - there is also some talk of making homeowners replace all their water pipes to 'low-flow' pipes to conserve water and also talk of limiting your daily usage of water. Makes me glad to have a creek in my's going to get very expensive for consumers not just in California, but everywhere - since cali is like the "canary in the cave" - it serves as a testing ground that the rest of the country eventually adapts to.

One of the bay area cities had watering restrictions in place during the drought...along with an app you could snap pictures and report (inform) on your neighbors!