I've been thinking a lot about books as a real education, too. I totally agree with your message on "if you haven't read a book for five years, start with something, pick a book and have a goal to get it read by a particular time". Excellent encouragement!
I recently have been re-reading some books that I've read before. I just re-read Tools Of Titans by Tim Ferriss, primarily to get all the book recommendations made by the people he interviews. I also got a some good exercise tips from one of the sections. Good stuff.
I'll be writing and publishing more about books. Your message is very similar to what I also share with people.
thanks for the comment! I wish our education system promoted self-learning, the joy of literature is stripped from too many of us at a young age. A love for stories, I believe is innate (its the reason kids love story time so much). The system just screws it up!
Re-reading is always a noble pursuit. Especially a dense and information-filled book like Tools of Titans. When you compile that list you should share it on steemit (and tag me in it to make sure i see it).
Looking forward to more book reviews from you in the near future!