Hey everyone! I've had an interest in philosophy - and more specifically Stoic philosophy - for several years now. My first exposure to Stoic philosophy was through the Tim Ferriss Podcast (he mentions it regularly and is a big proponent of it!).
As many of you know, I took a trip to California recently. Traveling isn't something that I do regularly (though I definitely want need to do it more often!) and I had a lot of different experiences and time to think while I was embarking on this "mini-journey".
One of the insights I had was that I ought to get back to reading, listening and thinking about Stoicism. There are many misconceptions about Stoicism and many people think that those who practice Stoicism are emotion-less drones who hate life. That's entirely untrue and - in my opinion - the reality is the exact opposite. As William Irvine will mention in the introduction of the book, Stoics are people who have
“realized that a life plagued with negative emotions—including anger, anxiety, fear, grief, and envy—will not be a good life."

Current Book & Quotes From: A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy by William Irvine
"What do you want out of life?"
The book begins with a seemingly ordinary question, but how much thought have you really given to your "grand goal in living?" William Irvine makes it clear that he's not just asking you to talk about your goals that are formed from your career, finances, or daily activities. He's asking about the bigger picture - what will you strive to achieve throughout your entire life, that you hold most dear?
I love the way that he rephrases the question, take a stab at this (note: it's also the QOTD, so don't forget to leave your answer in the comments!):
“In other words, of the things in life you might pursue, which is the thing you believe to be most valuable?”
What Stoicism is Really About:
As I mentioned earlier, there are a lot of misconceptions about Stoicism and William Irvine does a brilliant job of dispelling those criticisms while also providing a beginner's path to learning about Stoicism.
Something that I've been working on since learning about Stoicism is the practice of controlling my emotions. I'm confident that 99% of people in this world have a tough time controlling their emotions - especially when it comes to feeling negative emotions such as anger, fear, anxiety or grief.
I believe that it's important to feel and understand these emotions because if you don't know what it's like to feel sad, then you won't know what it's like to feel happy. Stoicism can give us the tools to not completely rid our lives of negative emotions, but rather, take control over how we feel about the things that happen to us and for us on a daily basis.
“They went on to develop techniques for preventing the onset of negative emotions and for extinguishing them when attempts at prevention failed. Even those readers who are leery of philosophical speculation should take an interest in these techniques. Who among us, after all, would not like to reduce the number of negative emotions experienced in daily living?”
Stoicism is Practical
In the introduction, Irvine also talks about philosophy departments at various schools and how the "practice" of philosophy has become less of a practice and more of a theoretical "in the clouds" type endeavor. Stoicism differs greatly because it gives us practical tools and techniques for living a better life.
I'd like to also note that "practicing Stoicism" can happen at so many different levels. Don't be turned off by the idea of practicing a philosophy - just take it 1 step at a time and learn the fundamentals. Knowing more about Stoicism won't hurt you and it won't affect your life (unless you want it to). Some people may want to be Stoic for 10 minutes a day - when something bad happens and they need to flip that switch. Some people may want to be Stoic when it comes to their diet and health. Some may want to just learn about it out of curiosity, but never put these tools into practice.
All of these approaches are ok and I think the world would just be a much better place if everyone was educated about these ideas for living a good life. Over the next week or so I'll be bringing you along as I read through this phenomenal book, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
Here's the Question of The Day, don't forget to post your answers in the comments!
What is your grand goal in living? - "Of the things in life you might pursue, which is the thing you believe to be most valuable?"
Thanks for reading! Don't forget to leave your thoughts below and I look forward to seeing you in the comments!
My goal in life is to become a teacher, this is not only accomplishes my long-term professional goal but a long-term personal goal as well; I want to provide for my family, and set an example for my children. To teach them that if they work hard and never give up they can accomplish anything. And I thanks to you because in this post you asking to the peoples for own goals and knowing about peoples mind thoughts and life style, that's really helped to the peoples think about it, Thanks for sharing with us to this interesting post.
In response to the question raised above...
To me, I would say that the things that matter most are God, family and community.
Emotional intelligence is key towards leading a successful life. Indeed, Stoicism is more than what people used to hold of it.
The answers from people to the above question would simply be a reflection of their Value-system.
My grand goal in living is just to be happy and happiness is intrinsic.
Those are very valuable things! What do you typically do on a regular basis to strive to better serve those things and deepen your relationship with them?
I also agree with happiness being intrinsic. I think to be truly happy, you must have a deep respect and gratitude for the things that you have in life like family, community, relationships, good health, etc.
Wow @khaleelkazi. I can see your mood has changed a lot. Not only to you return posting but also with a philosophical tone. I was always afraid of Stoics thinking they have no sense of humor. I need joy and love to live.
Have a great weekend.
Yeah I had a lot of time to think, read and listen to podcasts in my downtime while I was traveling and then returning home. It was a refreshing change of pace!
That huge misconception exists about Stoicism in general, I think because people hear "suppress emotions" and they jump to the conclusion of becoming some sort of "robot-like" version of yourself. Stoicism is a lot more about gratitude - appreciating what you already have - and also just a broader focus on the good emotions in life rather than the bad ones. I look forward to talking about it more as I make my way through this book!
Have a great weekend as well :)
Thank you. I'm in the mountains now enjoying fresh air. I will have more time to philosophy during the week
Sorry I’m coming back to this kind of late, I ended up out of town again for the holiday. Those mountains are beautiful, I hope you had a great time thinking up there!
I came down but I will go back again this weekend. I was afraid you left Steemit. I've been busy with teaching and family but always posting something. Can you see my discord message?
Welcome back dear khaleelkazi, and where were you busy man now a days, we really missing you at daily posts, well nice to see you again, and we really need you at this platform, thank you so much.
Haha thanks! I went out of town again and I missed your comment! I’m doing my best to get my world in order and get back to the daily postings!
Thanks for you
I hear Ferris talk about Stoicism a lot as well. Havent dug deep into it. I like the idea of thinking about goals beyond the typical (physical, financial, spiritual, relationships) but thinks such as legacy. That really would alter the type of goals and amount of energy required to achieve such life long desires.
well i have alot of goals in for living life but i especially focus on at my health. i want physically active being physically fit and being physically healthy and maintaining a healthy weight, eating nutritious foods to be physically able to do my daily routine activities having athletic ability. thats why i visiting at your blog for more tips and trick for my healthy life. thank you.
Thanks @khaleelkazi for this informative post about life I hope the book that you mentioned above will be better for everyone who willing to spend great life how many price will be of that book & welcome back to #steemit sir I need your support & your lovely posts.
Well welcome back from your trip to California I must say, maybe you need a massage as well.
I really don't know much about stoic philosophy, I've never heard of it, Im just a regular writer myself. but since it practically relates to the body and health and diet, I'd probably check it out.
Well I do have many life goals and the most important two are staying alive most importantly and then secondly finishing my degree
I can as well say stoicism, is the study of control of emotions at its least definition. I agree with you that 99% of people in the world can’t control their emotions which I’m part of them. Thanks for educating on stoicism, this will definitely change a life cause I’d pay more attention to stoicism
I need that tool and I’m gonna get it . Thanks for sharing, you’re much appreciated
Thanks for reading! Sorry I got to this comment late!
Stoicism is a fantastic way to think about life! I hope more people are as interested in it as you!
It is simple for me. My grandmother said to me choose what being a good person means to me and follow the path to being that person. Simple!
That is very simple! What does being a good person mean to you?
Being kind to humans, animals and the planet.
It sounds like a very useful practice, since you take it to various places in your life, I could mainly focus on the management of emotions, which are what I feel can change many things in your life, including your state of health, I must admit that I know nothing about the subject, I feel very ignorant and this gives me the incentive to learn more about it and if it is possible to put it into practice for my own good.
I believe that we are all already programmed for a specific mission and also give us the key tools to achieve them, in such a sense I pursue my spiritual growth, because I tend to be a lonely person and require that I meet with a better person, with much to give and teach, which is where I think I have my strength, great post thank you for sharing, I appreciate forgiving the mistakes in English, I only speak Spanish, use translator
great informative post
Thanks, what did you like about the post? Did you think about the QOTD?
wow.its too much informative post.thanks @khaleelkazi for sharing it.
Thanks for reading it! What did you think of the QOTD?
It is just so cool to come across posts that teach some things.
I had to go and check the meaning of Stoicism so I could understand your post and the message it carries.
To answer the question you posed towards the end of your post, My grand goal of living is to just be happy and fulfilled. I believe that being full of joy is valuable. Consciously channeling my mind towards positivity is something I have been working on after getting close to the brink of depression on matters that are not really important.
Oooo good post:)