A lot of people hate reading. The popular thing is to, "like to read articles." It is not that there is anything wrong with enjoying reading articles, but we only have one life to live. It is impossible in your one life to master everything, or experience everything. Furthermore, we wouldn't make progress as a species if we weren't able to write down and document our accumulated knowledge. When you read a book, you are placing a piece of the learned experience of another person into your mind. The more you do this, over time, the knowledge you build up pays you back with interest. You become wiser and more knowledgeable. This leads to a more fulfilled life and higher income potential.
I encourage anyone who is reading this and is not already reading a book, to pick up a book and start reading today!
Find something you like and just go for it!
thank you for your time and attention, see you in the comments
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I've been thinking a lot about books as a real education, too. I totally agree with your message on "if you haven't read a book for five years, start with something, pick a book and have a goal to get it read by a particular time". Excellent encouragement!
I recently have been re-reading some books that I've read before. I just re-read Tools Of Titans by Tim Ferriss, primarily to get all the book recommendations made by the people he interviews. I also got a some good exercise tips from one of the sections. Good stuff.
I'll be writing and publishing more about books. Your message is very similar to what I also share with people.
thanks for the comment! I wish our education system promoted self-learning, the joy of literature is stripped from too many of us at a young age. A love for stories, I believe is innate (its the reason kids love story time so much). The system just screws it up!
Re-reading is always a noble pursuit. Especially a dense and information-filled book like Tools of Titans. When you compile that list you should share it on steemit (and tag me in it to make sure i see it).
Looking forward to more book reviews from you in the near future!
nice to become your friend. We are walking in the same road, ad we should help each other.