Salam (peace)
I said in a post few days ago that I'm going to take 2018 reading challenge. And I started reading a bit more since that day... Well, I just finished a book and has 3 other books in my reading list (yeah, not so organized). It's another book about INFP personality type and as I said in that post, these are so accurate.
Book Review
It's so good and I give it 4 stars. I recommend it for all INFP people as it shows various famous people in real life who has the INFP personality and how they used them to their advantage. Similar to another book I read before.
The book is broken into 13 sections, each one is about famous person and each one describes how they used their Introversion, Intuition, Feeling and Perception in their life.
The people described are Princess Diana, Audery Hepburn, Kurt Cobain, William Shakespeare, Isabel Briggs Myers, Mary, Peter Jackson, Amy Tan, Helen Keller, Fiona Apple, Vincent Van Gogh and John Lennon... The book assumes that you at least know a bit about each one of them so it will help to have a Wikipedia page open if you're not savvy enough about the person.
I wished it was more in-depth with each one of them, and also I disagree with some of the analysis in this book though I'm not a so there's a good chance I'm the one who's wrong.
^ This review is also posted in
The best sections for me were Helen Keller (Totally inspiring woman, just read anything about her) and Briggs Myers... I also liked Peter Jackson the practical INFP and Shakespeare the imaginative one. All in All, a Good Read.
(Helen Keller image taken from Wikipedia)
What Are Your Thoughts?
This book probably won't be interesting unless if you're INFP or want to know more about this personality type. If you're interested in those famous people you might get more about them from a Wikipedia page.
If I had to choose, the other book I read before (INFP: 10 Case Studies On True Nature Of INFPs) is better than this one, because that book narrates the lives and thoughts as if they were fiction. Unlike this book where it inspects their lives objectively.
Sounds like a neat read @ahmadmanga. Thank you for the review! Although now I am wondering if I can blame this personality type for the mess Pater Jackson made of The Hobbit lol!
Maybe... because we make these mistakes all the time. We love the new, and we can't judge if the new is good or bad unless we see/create it first. Thanks for reading my post.
Hmmm... That makes a lot of sense actually. As for reading? It's always a pleasure!
Greetings from a fellow INFP. I haven't read this book, but I have studied the topic on and off for a few years.
Thanks for the books recommendations about INFP! I'm one too, so I'm interested in finding out more about the awesome people sharing these traits. Steem on :)
This is amazing! I never knew there were books about INFPs. It feels great to have the same MBTI type as John Lennon and Shakespeare. Are you Muslim? 'Cause I'm a Muslim INFP too!
Wow!! yup a Muslim INFP too... and yeah, it feels great to be like these famous people.