I may sound a bit odd when I tell I love taking picture of simple things that I think worth capturing. May it be the clouds, trees, roads or random things that I find a bit interesting. I am not a professional photographer nor good at taking pictures - but I want to share with you some pictures that will always be beautiful in my own eyes.
Green fields and the blue sky
I got this picture while I’m on my way back to Manila. I’m not sure if it’s part of Tarlac or Pampanga.
Angat Dam
Side walk Manila Bay
In simplicity I always find beauty. When we look too much into extravagant things and tend to neglect simple things that add beauty in our lives. Embrace and appreciate even the simpliest thing in your life because most of the time, it will occupy the biggest space in your heart. ❤️
if you can visit to my postwow amazing picture @tintinaquino