Rape is not a good experience at all, as it brings in lot and lots of bad and unhealthy memories.
Today i want to talk about the types of rape.
Acquaintance rape is one of the most common type of rape, it is the most requently occured type o rape (Date rape), yes date rape. This type of rape is carried out by persons who know the victim and vice versa, they all have things together. They could be school/class mate, collegues, neighbors, or other places.
Study shows that it is more likely to be raped by an individual you know more than an individual you do not know.
This rape occur by having sexuak intercourse with a person forcefully, against her/his will, either through threats, weapon or physical force. This type o rape always some with injuries, trauma, and so on.
This particular rape is mainly perpetruated by men on ladies, so the ladies let them havve their way so as not to get them injured.
This is a sexual intercouse with a minor, one who hasn't reached the age concent. Thid type o rape is increasing daily and it is becoming unbearable.
This is the rape authored by a group of people on a person. This is still rampant in schools and parties. This rape is usually accompanied by STD's most time.
There are more, but i will like to leave it at this point.
You can read my previous posts

Great research!
Thanks a lot for reading
Your very Welcome!