The Vehemence of Your Intensity = The Greatest Rap I've Seen Today

in #rap6 years ago

flame power.jpg

It is the passion in which you speak. It is the give a fuck in your voice. It is the very fire within your belly. It is the soure of your truth in the well of your well being to the depth of your core strength and stability. Fucking Solid.

You are Your Own Best Wheelhouse for you've been wheeling and dealing as the very leading you create as the leadership you bestow upon yourself. This is the self-mastery in crafting your own instruction without any prior instruction.

This is the out of respect and regard for the honor and integrity that lives inside your best dignity.

It is the fervor and zeal in which you gift and give to that which you do. This is the art of play. It is not a calculated....premeditated....preordained....scripted methodical...biblical scripture. No. It is not that at all.

What is It? The very "i" and "t" we speak of here: It is the vehemence of your intensity. The passion and fire that is eternal.

The You that has been hiding and fucking seeking enlightnement....not realizing how you take the whiz out of wisdom with a shit on the question for this holy baba booo beee maaa naaaaaa na ne pooopeee

Adults mostly become dull.....Unfortunately.....

This is a most tragic comedy of epic proportions.

Why is this so tragically epically ridiculously fucking wow you ask?

  • Human Stupidity masquerading around like some form of godly intelligence. It's lame as fuck. And there's way too fucking many culprits posing as made up copy unoriginal programs simple acting out programming.

  • Generations upon generations of really bad parenting and not knowing it was bad parenting.

  • Becoming like the parent despite not wanting to become like the parent. Thinking somehow you are special and or in any way better and not like that.

  • When you say, "you're not're not so fucking are it's incredbile. It's so obvious to everyone but you.

Where we're going has already been decided. The invitation is yours that you created for yourself a long long time ago. It's time to wake up and embrace the party. For the party is a a celebration of sorts.

A sore and sorry celebration of sorts. It's a fucking calamity we have here in terms of all the fucking terms.

I mean write a fucking term paper will you ...and make sure to include those other terms too from that other term paper. Fucking term term terminiate all the specialized terminology....hip hop...hip hop rhymes are bottomeless like dichotomous earth

I think i just gave Birth


Please Note:

This has been a live fresstyle play where many fucks were given in order to showcase an example of the real vehemence of your intensitiy. You got it in you to give - So Give her all you Got.

Got It.

Out of respect for the hip to the hop and making the play on the day for the sake of a good rake


this article is right on point as a rap artist i can tell you that the more emotion i hear in a voice
the more i can vibrate with what they are saying!

Thanks for the feedback - it was a real pleasure to spit in the moment - had the urge come up and just had to get to the keyboard!