it takes 8 minutes to get here once it leaves the sun, the photons bounce around inside the sun for a minimum of years, and at most 50 million years before the escape from the inner sun.... That means the photons you take in through your eye to see the world are typically centuries or millennia old, which means the universe knew you would view the photons you do that long ago before you even existed... as we know viewing a photon entangles it... It's a real trip, I know... :)
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quantum philosphy : a journey beyond the grandfather paradox

the counterweight to the numbers and self-fulfilling prophecy
if black holes gather information and no information ever gets lost then they must be the cosmic zipfiles of the ancients, waiting to be gathered at the very end
i'm a babby, not a trekkie needs a little mystery and magic
keep b5 alive :p
I Miss B5.... BTW, Where do you think my idea of cyberspace-time was molded from... Remember Thirdspace... IMO, Thirdspace was cyberspace-time and hyperspace is the boundary between it and space-time...
I just want to say thank you for the upvote.
but how do the photons know that we would see them if they haven't left the sun yet and took that 8 minute journey to earth? It's more than mind blowing, I feel sick haha
That's exactly the trippy part. We can setup elaborate tests and they have to prove it... So, as I said, my question is, did the universe know ahead of time I would observe or did I as the observer collapse the wave function that far back through time... Either way is amazing.... Or again, there is some other mechanism behind the scenes that we don't understand yet...