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RE: Write a post

in #rant7 years ago (edited)

Here! It's a couple of weeks old but it doesn't hurt to read if interested). Haven't seen him post much lately. He still comments on stuff, though. (If you see this, I hope you're doing great!?)@nathen007 wrote a rant-post about the "If you disagree with me, don't express your thoughts / I'm offended by anyone who disagrees with me" authors / generation once. (EDIT:

But yeah, I agree with your thoughts. If we don't express our thoughts, even if they're negative towards a post's subject, the comment section (and thus the whole "conversation") would either be a circle-jerking orgy of "yes dear good post great phapography upvote follower" or completely numb and empty. DISAGREEMENT IS SPICE TO A FOOD THAT TASTES OF NOTHING.

Another thing is, don't feel bad about replying to comments in days or even a week past. I get excited when anyone replies to a comment or post of mine even if it's the last day it's active (or how ever long one can comment).


Wow, this is a long comment. I'll just skip reading it and give it an upvote to pretend I'm interacting with you.

(No but I did read it. Don't worry. I'm just trying to make up funny replies in this state of mind)