Have a look at how this little cry baby whale bully has downvoted me into oblivion in the comments section (don't give me some BS excuse as to why it was ok - because its just bullshit. I have a right to call out someones bullshit on here just like anyone else in whatever way I deem necessary) to censor me exposing his own lies and misinformation. He just came in here and made up his own facts, and when asked to provide evidence, he just muted the other party like a typical deceiving scammer, who obviously has a conflict of interest here (most likely an alt of the curation group (there must be so many at this point). Are any of you s0-called "community leaders" going to flag his lies, based on the same bullshit philosophy you impose on others? I bet none of you will, because you are all a bunch of spineless hypocrites around here, who only want to associate with all the "big wallets". That's all this platform (and steemit) was all about. A bunch of whale circle-jerking bullshit artists, who steal from everyone else. That's all this place is. I giant scam by certain groups high up on the food chain, who are only trying to protect their self-interest and get "more power" (after stealing it from everone in the first place) by engaging in these "tactics"...and that is why its a shitcoin, and everyone is fleeing this shit hole.
I'm sure you will all protect them though with some hocus pocus BS philosophical bullshit that only serves their interests above everyone else.