Of course it is you retard. Do you think anyone else didn't already know this, or are you trying to turn yourself into some kind of genius now? LMAO, circle-jerkers who abuse their own customers while stealing their rewards, is now the new trend for 2021. The new and improved version! You are still a whale dick sucking circle-jerking retard hypocrite, so fuck off back to making your one meme shitposts and then lecturing others on what you consider to be "abusive or dangerous content with misinformation".
What, do you work for the retards over at twatter and fiecesbook now as well? You are a hive "fact-checker" all of a sudden! LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL. You people are so pathetic.
You fucking cunt-holes are all the same on here. Have you looked at the charts lately btw dumbfuck? Apparently steem has been outperforning this dump becuase of "entitled" ass-holes like you, who think you are superior to everyone else. All that bullshit about Justin Sun turning steem into a pro censrorship shit-hole hasn't quite worked out for you all (he din't nedd to, because you already did it, before he arrived there. But here you all are like the typical hypritical wankers, censoring peoples opinioins with your schoolyard bully tatcics. Go spread your cool aid message somewhere else, you bunch of thieves.
Won't be long before there is nobody left apart from your own circle-jerk retard whale dick sucking friends.
Oh wait, maybe that's the entire plan....no better way to completely own the pool to yourselves while proudly posting dick picks to each other.
Called himself a "detective"🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'm sure your sensitive buch of cirle-jerkers will continue to downvote everything into obvlivion, because that's just how you all roll COWARDS....😉😉😉😉😉