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RE: The most worthless college courses I personally took

in #rant6 years ago

The silliest class I can recall that I took was my algebra class back when I went to college for a bit. You might say to yourself, "Well, Deadspace, why is that a silly class?" Well, you turbo taintsniffer's, sit the fuck down and I'll tell you. Impatient fuckers. Anyways, this particular math class was one which was required for me to do for the degree I was interested in. I'm not the best at math, but hey, I figured fuck it I can learn this and if I have any problems the teacher can help me.

This should typically be pretty simple, 3/4th's of the class is online while 1/4th is in person. Easy, right? Oh, wait. It turns out that the fucking teacher for this class was basically a Hawaiian janitor who came into class to jerk off under the desk while his dead fish eyes beamed into his PC. I was very confused when I came in for class, only to see we were just going to be doing the same fucking work, except instead of being on our own PC's we had to use these shit school ones.

I said fuck it, and got to work. I quickly had a question and figured I'd go up to the teacher and see if this flowery mongoloid could take a second to stop milking his prostate and help me out. After I go up there and address this, I find out some wonderful information real god damn quick. This fucker isn't even a math teacher. He was an English teacher they outsourced from another part of the school to come in there and just make sure that we weren't having a mass orgy and beating each other over the head with cum covered coconuts. Yes, that's right. The school put together a math class with no fucking teacher, and no one to help you when you actually need it. Don't have the answer? Well, better hope Google has it for you!

I literally paid a few grand to have a glorified troglodyte with glasses to wipe his dick on the bottom of a table while I had to speedrun Algebra problems. Some real high octane shit right there. There was some other stuff like that going on, which is what led me to say fuck this and drop out of that shit school.


Damn. Did you sue the school or something? That is not acceptable.

Nah, that school is going down the drain without me trying to figure out a way to pay a lawyer to look into if I could have sued or not. Their drop out rate each year is growing and at the time when I left it was around 44 percent of students, IIRC. The reason they're outsourcing random people to the classes is because their funding is getting so low due to the drop outs and things being cut. That shit hole is doomed to die out within 10 years probably, and I'm fine with that. Perhaps the dilapidated remains can be a safe haven for ass sucking troglodytes and those weird people out there who like to watch Harley Quinn fart porn videos.

what an epic follow-up. I can honestly say that I rarely had problems with my professors behaving anything like this.