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RE: Happy INDEPENDENCE Day. And a bit of ranting.

in #rant8 years ago

It's good to think more deeply on customs that we take for granted. I love fireworks and BBQ as much as the next guy on this Independence Day commemoration, but I also am keenly aware that our founding fathers wanted more than just Representation without taxation. They wanted basic human rights to be recognized and protected by the governments that taxed them. They wanted the freedom to live their lives unmolested. Sadly, much of what our founding Fathers fought for has been lost. We are more "free" than many places in the world, but freedom isn't freedom if you don't have the right to say no. Try telling the IRS "No" and see what happens. Tell the local building inspector "No" and see what happens. Tell the police officer "No" and see what happens. Tell the Feds that you are expatriating and see how much they think they own you. I think one is never more a slave than when he believes himself to be free, but in reality is constrained in a very lovely and large cage.