I couldn't find a real image of where I'm from, which I found odd considering how much money we've given to NASA, but here's a CGI version (according to NASA themselves) ...
The kids on teh interwebs tell me this CGI image below is where I'm from and since I can't personally prove either one as being correct, I'll add their version too just to be different ...
Since you can't question "science" these days and everything in science is "settled", I guess we'll just have to believe what we're told and stfu, which is why I started listening to the damn kids on the intertubes in the first place. They're at least asking questions and willing to be wrong in an attempt to find out what is true. I'll take that over blindly following some authority figure any day.
So where am I from? I don't have a clue! But some people claim I'm from one of the two above. I don't really care, but both of their stories are interesting to consider. ;)
OH NO. Another has been infected. Smile, nod, and back away slowly...