When I look at my blog feed and the potential payouts I see rent, bills and food. Paid by seemingly magic money given by the community to me.
I read the concerns people have about steemit with some kind of fear and doubt.
Was that smart of you to go so all in here?
I think how much I need to get out to be at least break even.
I try to be part of the solution but I am also aware that I am part of the problem and I try to make this split to be an at least okish steemian.
I try to reward and support people I like. I try to be supportive of projects I like. I try to not abuse the system too much.
On the other hand I try to get support from others. I try to create an average $ on my posts were I can post 2 times a day and satisfy my needs.
To be honest I think I am doing ok. I self vote my posts and I post 2 to 3 times a day usually. The rest goes out to others.
Yes, I vote people who support me because guess what I need and want their support and I want them to support as well.
I know there are probably quite a lot now who hate this fact but I also vote for people who dont vote for me so don
t loose your shit. It is part social network afterall meaning use your network you build here.
As I see this experiment we are having here still as risky despite how much I believe in it and want it to succeed I want to earn a "risk premium".
Meaning I can save up enough if shit hits the fan I would not be broke in a month and have enough time to find something new.
I like this community a lot.
But often I am surprised by how successful the "steemit is shit" posts are.
Shouldn`t we be the first ones to defend it? Or am I to blue eyed here? We will see how we develop from here.
While SMT sounds great for the price of the Steem token it will do nothing for Steemit.
I don`t really like the UI we are having. The search function sucks and I am not sure when I read about communities the last time.
But on the other hand things like dtube, dlive dMania and dsound are just to good to ignore and this is "just" the community.
I feel Steemit is not sure were it wants to go and what it wants to be.
We are like a continent with thousands of small tribes with several warlords
We are enjoying the drama between the big boys on the trending pages.
Some get involved I like to stay out of it.
If I am honest and I don`t think I am the only on here, I would not be this engaged if money would not be involved. But it is.
This is why I am trying to get something out everyday and spend quite an amount of time here. Because I see it as a job, I want it as my job and at the same time I want to have fun with my work.
For me this means sometimes creating a meme, looking for some pictures to take while I am outside or writing about non sense like now.
Interesting .. Great post
The important thing is to work .. and who is working deserves
Well done
I think the key is to find a balance - Nobody can blame other for looking after themselves. It's the deepest human thrive to aim for you own benefits first.
The things is what comes after. If you work for the community, reward others, engage, etc., nobody will really blame you for looking after yourself too.
In the normal job world, everybody tries to earn the most he can as well. But you still have to work for something other than your own benefit as well. Otherwise you probably won't have a workplace in the first place ;)
Coming from medicine I can leave a quote which also applies here:
Hope I translated it right :P
Greets, Martin
To find that balance is an art I guess :-)
Good example with the workplace. I know you played poker as well and if you dont maximize your edge there you end up as a loosing player pretty fast.
I want to earn without screwing people over or sacrificing my earnings too much.
Here were so many ideas on what it is best for the platform crash together and what is ok and what not I find it sometimes hard to stay on my path.
I think you are a kind orca/Dolphin! You definitely care about the community and I definitely see you give a lot .
The thing some people have to realize though is that the actual value of Steem is created by people paying fiat money to invest in Steem. If it wasn't for these people Steem would have no value.
Now these peope as investors have to worry about the risk of this move and thus there has to be a focus on return as well, as you mention. Also why would people put in a lot of money here if they weren't expecting a return ? I don't think anyone would put in a lot of money into Steemit just by giving it away and being nice.
I did not know there is an orca status :-)
Yes, you are right. Steem has its value from the investors who are willing to pay fiat/btc for steem.
But I somehow feel I have a responsibility to the community. I guess that comes from all the support I get and also that one interact with others all the time.
There are useful Steemians, useless ones and the ones who are less the useless = harmful to the platform.
I want to be in the first 2.
I definitely hear what you are saying, and it's a double edged sword I guess, because those whales who are only focused on their individual gains will never see the Steem value reach its full potential value either
I may just be a redfish, I like plankton better, but having a great blogger like you in the #ssg community is great. Cant wait to see some more of your silver and gold posts....
And yes there is an Orca status....
You are right. I can only curate and comment on what I can and hope it helps make the good content stay. You are a very noble dolphin in all respects, I don't think anyone doubts that. Then just wait and see what comes of communities and the dapps being made here. Those are more interesting to me than SMT's but they could be interesting too. I powered up a bit more today too and became a baby dolphin. Still trying. I'm still glad to have met all the awesome people that I have here, yourself included yo! I have met a good amount of really cool people here.. and I expect to meet more still!
That is probably the coolest part that you meet so many people. While SMTs and the probably increasing $ price of the steem token will also have an positiv effect on us all ( at the end of the day we still need some fiat) I am looking more forward to the dapps and updates for the steemit platform.
How far are you away from the dolphin status btw? It is 5k SP right?
I think just about everyone is here for the money lol and I don't mean that in a bad way. We all need money to live and no one is exempt from that so if we can find a cool community of folks and make money then life is good! Even though I am still new I try to use what little power I have to the best of my ability. Every little bit counts and the more good people on here doing good things the better.
Exactly, and in some causes those monies are life changing, eg. people from countries when they have to live for 1$ daily. Isn't that better option for them for gaining control of their lives? :)
that is something I really like about steemit. While it might be hard at the start to get there and seemingly impossible when you get there you are pretty free and a pretty cool way for some extra income.
I like the fact that I can help people getting there if I feel the person earned it.
Yes you are right there.
Why would people jump through all the loops otherwise. While I dont really like the comparison between facebook and steemit as I see them as something else I think you cant deny most of us could post our stuff there or on reddit as the interfaces are still bette imo.
I want to earn. It is my job atm and I want to earn good, too. I dont want to throw people under the bus while doing so and I really like the fact that I can have an positive impact on others with my vote here.
I kinda feel the same way. Might as well have some fun.
I will have a non flaming beer later ;-)
If the fun should totally leave one day I will be gone
@flipster, well, i have heard many people who is totally relying on steemit as a full time job. I hope the community grow to the level were many people will take steemit as a full job
that would be cool. as it makes people really free to follow their passion find like minded people and maybe even make a living with something and sharing it which seemed to be impossible before.
You have said a lot of good things that made sense. Yes voting for people who don't vote for you is really a noble social gesture. I have been doing that a lot, but then no has reciprocated. It is a bit frustrating no doubt but with posts like yours, people like me do have hope on steemit. To be able to pay ones bills through the community is one thing i hope to achieve one day. God bless you sir.
I actually everyone should vote for content despite if the people vote for each other.
The start can be really slow and "painful" as people seem to oversee you. But give it some time and check back what you achieved in a year.
Thx for the nice comment happy if I can provide some motivation
I have to vote you as I see you are concerned not only of your future but of the whole community.
This platform is here to stay and grow up.
Keep up your good work!
We fly together or we go under togehter the community is the strongest part steemit has to offer I think
We will fly together!
Du sprichst mir gerade aus der Seele. Der Artikel könnte 1zu1 so von mir heute kommen, aber nun warst Du schneller. Bis auf einen Punkt: Wie Du 1-2 Artikel am Tag schaffst ist mir schleierhaft. Der Gedanke überfordert mich.
Lese Dein Zeug gerne, ist immer sehr erfrischend, toll das Du hier bist.
Das freut mich. :-)
Na ja manchmal ist es ein Bild oder ein Meme was ich poste.
Ich habe einige angefangen Artikel wo ich dann aufgehört habe dran zu schreiben die ich manchmal zu Ende bringe und eine Liste mit Ideen über was ich noch schreiben möchte.
So eine Liste habe ich mir nun auch angelegt. Oft ist es hiermit allerdings ähnlich wie mit Netflix, wenn ich mich zum fünften mal (beim zappen) gegen den Artikel entschieden habe, werde ich ihn wohl nicht mehr schreiben. Aber ich hab auch welche wieder ausgegraben, geschrieben und veröffentlicht.
"But often I am surprised by how successful the "steemit is shit" posts are."
I agree with you but we have to admit that with the growth of steemit we will see posts like this more and more. The thing is I don't even know if that is necessarily a bad thing. Someone needs to remember us sometimes that life is not always sunshine and rainbows.
I love steemit and also believe in the platform but we must always try to realise that in crypto and in life everything can happen and we have to be prepared. If everyone will scream "Steemit is the bomb, Steemit is amazing, OMG Steemit is Heaven" I think it will be just a huge circle jerk and this we cannot see the bad parts of it and we cannot try to fix them.
This is true and we got many eyes from within our community what goes wrong here.
But I saw more and more posts that everything is shit and people will leave and blah. More like a rant of shit then really critizing a certain part of steemit.
Yes. I guess the healthiest way is to completely disregard the post that are all FUD and nothing else and only care about those who actually make good points.
Yes most of the time when it comes from an established author on the other hand I want to know why he feels like this.
Interesting thoughts.
Thank you for your honest opinion.
I don't see Steemit as work, but nevertheless you could call it a job, because after all you earn money here.
As a form of side job I love the platform.
I enjoy the time which I spend here with the community and get paid at the same time.
Couldn't imagine something much better :)
I mostly enjoy my time here as well and love to be a part of the community here.
At the moment steemit is my main source of income so I treat it a bit more as a job while not loosing the fun
Good article, I have a only one question, would you like to guide?
How to attract Steemians for upvote with out getting help from whale, who get SBD for upvote?
Is genuine writer can grow up without help of these whales?
Mostly people's Upvote only that post who are higher ratios of upvote and even they don't know what have written the post......
Amazing! upvote just for earnings not for appreciation of original writers.
You shared good @flipstar
I am working on a post on "What I would do if today was my first day on steemit" kind of thing.
But there are many guides out there if you use the search function a bit.
The best "weapon" you got are genuine comments on the topic of the author in the niche you are the most interested in in my opinion.
Your opinion is really good.
Well said. Is it about the money? Yes. Anyone who says otherwise isn't being honest with themselves.
Is it only about the money? No. And that's an important distinction.
I don't feel the same for steemit is shit for all the posts I read.
Some of them are just to reap rewards, some of them share the truth and they are like that because there is frustration in it of people who liked steemit a lot.
They want it to improve. A lot of them have spent more than a year on this platform and they want this platform to be a long-term one.
The best thing we could do is to understand what everyone is doing wrong and not to do that if we want to help.
I have to admit I stay a lot in my feed where the shitposts are low and 2 tags.
I put a lot of money into this platform from my pocket to have a more meaningful vote. I feel I have some responisbility with that. But as I wrote I want to earn as well. Some of posts I could have probably deleted and not post here but I feel pressured by myself to make some kind of earning.
Is that good? No!
There are useful Steemians, useless ones and the ones who are less the useless = harmful to the platform.
I want to be in the first 2.
There is nothing wrong in wanting to earn money, even if you haven't put any money from your pockets.
This platform has changed the life of so many individuals including myself.
that is great. It changed mine as well and I hope this will go on for quite some time and will change way more lifes in the future.
If steemit is a job then this would be the best job I've ever had since I worked. The corporate world has lot of BS and I hate it. The good thing about steemit is we can exercise our freedom to express almost anything we want to express and at the same time, earn good amounts of profit.
Yes, I feel blessed to be able to earn here while sharing my thoughts.
'Perhaps life is just that... a dream and a fear'.
but life is still good
There should be a balance between giving and getting return. Many people invest money, time and effort. So, it's not wrong to expect rewards. At the same time, there is responsibility to give back to the community.
Thank you @flipstar for sharing your view!
A quality article ..
your choices are very good..
Thank you for shating ..
A meaningful post
You got a 40.43% upvote from @upmewhale courtesy of @flipstar!
You have said a lot of good things that made sense. Yes voting for people who don't vote for you is really a noble social gesture. I have been doing that a lot, but then no has reciprocated. It is a bit frustrating no doubt but with posts like yours, people like me do have hope on steemit. To be able to pay ones bills through the community is one thing i hope to achieve one day. God bless you sir.
You got a 39.68% upvote from @ipromote courtesy of @flipstar!
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Well that's what life is haha you just said the things from the heart :)
fabulous one . love to read it
You got a 6.89% upvote from @upmyvote courtesy of @flipstar!
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Amazing blog... really interesting... 👍
Nice post @flipstar. I think there are a good portion of us that join for the same reasons you did. We try to upvote good content regardless if they follow us or not. We try to keep things in more of a supportive role. The money is a good incentive, but most of us know it's not an overnight thing.
As for the people that are attracted to the 'steemit is shit' post. I think they're mainly upset they haven't made the money they expected in the time frame the expected. I read a post from someone the other day who has been on the platform for 10 days. He complained that he hasn't had a single post go over a $1. I've been here since December and I've only had 2 posts go over $1. Since they are not getting what their expectation is the only thing left t do is complain. Which in turn attracts more negative personalities.
I think the only thing that bothers me is the people that blatantly plagiarize their posts or just post a picture and they do get the rewards. I try to find good subject matter and plan it out. I just feel lost in the sea. Eventually as I get better, it will come.
My favorite thing though is as you mentioned. The people you get to interact with. I've met some amazing people so far and can't wait to get to know them better.
I try to think about paradigm shift which simply means that the money comes to me differently... in a decentralized way. I like to think of myself as a zealot blogging for the right to free speech and a different way of interlinking and connecting as a global community. I don't see ANY part of my life as "a job". Thought provoking post - good one.
Happy to see a (kind of) lol positive post. I came into this fully aware that it was going to be difficult. I am also treating it as a second job, spending hundreds of hours over the last month on this website. Having never written content before it took me a long time to even get the courage to start writing.
I promised myself that I would try my best for 1 year. My goal is to buy and earn a combined 1000 SP. Ive had some revelations over the last couple days. I spent pretty much all of yesterday reading all the negative posts about Steemit and how people don't think it will survive. We are all in this for the same reason. Potential money and a vision of the future where we are paid for our voice. Do we know if SMTs or Hivemind will make the price of Steem moon? No. Do we know if Steemit will become mainstream? No... Do we know if the marketcap for all cryptos will go up? No.
Passions run hot about Steemit and the success of this platform. We are not only investing our money, but our time. The longer that you are here the more doubt some people will have because of those two investments. Progress that has been made is hard to see, and the future seems too far away. Thats true about everything having to do with cryptos. We want it now...not years from now.
But in my life the only time I was successful in anything was when I was overly optimistic, so I have decided I am going to feel that way about Steemit. If I dont, i wont be able to continue at the rate I am now.
I don't think it's bad that you upvote your own posts, as long as you do still share your vote with others. It's all just about finding the right balance.
Steemit could use some improvement though, you're right that the UI is pretty bad currently.
Right now what makes Steemit great is the creative community. I keep coming back because I like interacting and supporting artists like yourself, but I'm not sold on it as long term solution for the reasons you stated.
IMO it will be the "MySpace" and EOS will be the "Facebook" of this genre of social media. But I do think learning the ins-and-outs of Steemit will be beneficial to the EOS site bc a lot if will probably translate. As far as the CEO of this place goes, allow me to quote a somewhat famous person:
"He’s a millionaire who should be a billionaire. You know why he’s not a billionaire? Because he surrounds himself with glad-handing, nonsensical, douchebag yes men who are going to tell him everything he wants to hear."
that wasnt nonsense. it was your sense. and i think by the look of this payout and upvotes...many people have a similar sense. cheers for sharing it.
We're just the same man, steeming randomly for a living. That is why I spend a lot of time everyday trying to get some supports too. Good luck mate!
My friend, you are telling your truth as you see it. That might change, might not. Yet I like you see this as experimental, and fun. I can't do obligatory work on here...it sucks when it slaps you with comparisons etc, of the whale wars and the skimmers of the supposed dwindling reward pooI. I had one post that went hot, I love another, yet I don't want to be a wannabe, just me.
I resoundingly say, your right, in speaking your mind. Thanks for the unpretentious
rant. Refreshing indeed.
Hi Flipstar
I don't think I have the best word to praise you for this article right , Well, I never actualy-thought of steemit as a thing I want to passionately do but lately i decided to quit my job and give a try on steemit to see if can get money to pay my tuition and rent. I started out with an aim of creating quality blogs on steemit, honestly when you count the money i get on steemit per month,its better than than my previous salary of the job, so i can tell i made a perfect dicision
Your post gives me enough confidence to start writing again and become rich on steemit since t's my current job. Each and every point you made makes so much sense to me because I have been struggling to get money for a living.
I will never stop telling my friends how good steemit is,!
This post has received a 21.32 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @flipstar.
The future of this community is based on quality content.
Those who are looking for quick and easy money will disappear.
I used to see it as a good platform for interacting and posting articles, which I otherwise would not have done since there was no incentive. But from the time SBD prices have increased, I see less and less votes by dolphins and whales. It has now become a tight knit circle of vote for vote things. Many minnows I know are not able to continue posting. After all, taking time out of your personal hectic schedules to get $1 upvotes and almost no interaction hurts a lot. If platforms like Utopian were not there, I think many would have abandoned the Steem blockchain by now.......
It's so true that Steemit complaint posts do so well. I've seen Steemit complaint posts do way better than people's usual content. And I saw oe person go from practically no support to doing extremely well because of a complaint post. I should watch what I say here. People will read this and think Oh I must go make a complaint post and make money cha ching! ;)
Hopefully some day we will know as much about this platform as you and learn to play with it (by this I don't mean abusing it) so we'll profit a bit from it too :)