What if....facebook would start paying users

in #rambling7 years ago


"Facebook sucks, because they dont pay me, that is why Steemit is much better"

or similar comments are not rare, especially under younger steemians.

This is a big what if but stay with me on that, what if Facebook would pay you similar to Steemit.com?

Would you still stay here on Steemit.com?

Would you go back to Facebook?

As Mark Zuckerberg is starting to think about cryptocurrencies, which is great btw, why would he not only copy one of the rising stars of the internet like our beloved Steemit.com?

While I think it is unlikely,as I think there will be its own coin or a major coin like Litecoin to buy some funny looking glasses for your best cow in FarmVille or special emojis to send to your friends, it is not impossible that value comes back to the users.

Would you stay? If yes, why? What makes Steemit special for you? Besides the possibility to earn. Most of us dont get censored on Facebook or YouTube, at least that was not the reason I have joined here and sticked to it.

I say Facebook is still very different to Steemit but I never used Facebook from a business perspective.

I never had a fan site or anything where I cared about getting likes and followers.

Here on Steemit you basicly start with your personal fan site and the quest for upvotes and followers begins.

I am not going to deny it, I came for the money also but stayed for the community as I was pretty stoked how positiv it is/was.

When you like a little behind the curtains you see that not everything is rainbows but I would say we are still doing well.



I think it is impossible for facebook to pay the user. If it work, many people will do a lot to capture the money and facebook cannot afford it or a very very low pay which is not attractive!

Then I think there might be big competition between steemit and facebook ,I think people who use fb would stay on it note than they already do

I personally think that the content of Steemit posts is more valuable, informative, uncensored and are more honest.
From the technical side are also indexed by Google.

I feel at home here. 🏡

Facebook, however, has a slightly different role. we will see what they do, but it will be big.

Bitcoin has already attracted the attention of the world so when Facebook will do the ICO, everyone will hear about it.

I think so, too.

FB and Steemit have some totally different roles for me

I think that this would not work out. Take Sola for example. They had a social media app with an existing community first and recently introduced their own coin. What happens now, is a fight of the "poor loyal users" vs. "the new rich crypto people". The current users simply don´t understand crypto and why suddenly new people have bigger influence, just because they bought in through Sola coin and are mainly there for influence, power and money. This fight will destroy the community in no time. Same with FB. Introducing a crypto coin will destabilize the current system and would be the beginning of the end for Facebook.

Yesterday i registered in Sola. I watched and liked cards. Then my action points was over. And i did not earn anything. Steem is unlimited for posting and commenting

Well, Steem actually is also limited and if you don´t have enough SP you won´t be able to do anything - it may not happen that fast though - but as I wrote, Sola is a total failure and I deleted the App after 2 days, when I saw, that their community is just at war with each other

I recently saw a war between whales on the Steemit. They considered other people's incomes is unfair, spoiled each other life. It was unpleasant to watch. But here, steemians read my posts and comments, follow me. I have a few friends in other networks

What if Facebook would just crash, burn and go away forever! ;-)


would not matter to me that much but would make it a bit harder to stay in contact with some friends so I hope it stays

I would stay here on Steemit. Facebook reminds me of a public bathroom, I don't like the energetic hygiene.


I'm not a big fan of Facebook the company, but as an owner of a small business I have to say it is excellent for finding new clients with their paid ads. However, I hope Steemit can increase and take away Facebook's monopoly of Social Media.

Concerning his decision I think Facebook's essence would be lost. Person would jxt fucus fully on the monetary aspect

That is probably true.

There would be a ton of bots etc

Please Upvote me plz plz Plzzzzzzz

There is always a replacement around the corner. You can always ask Orkut about it! 😋

Facebook paying their users? - I can't imagine! At the moment...

Aber der Markt wird sich langfristig durchsetzen und ich glaube nicht, daß das Modell Facebook auf Dauer tragfähig ist, wenn ähnliche Plattformen, die ihre Nutzer entlöhnen, einen gewissen Bekannheitsgrad erreicht haben werden.

Wenn vice jetzt Leute fürs Porno schauen bezahlt, wird das sicher so kommen wollen wenn sie konkurrenzfähig bleiben wollen....wahrscheinlich.

ok, ich sollte mal bei vice vorbeigucken!

was? 😳
wo muss ich mich anmelden?

I'd certainly stay with steemit, I have had had to study more, think faster, work better and socialize more with steemit, Facebook doesn't bring all these in a nutshell I'm addicted to steemit

So I am but tbh I dont know if it would be the same without the rewarding system of monetary reward and reputation. It is a bit like a video game.

We all stuck with Facebook for many years without monetary reward

Well if Facebook doesn't do anything soon they will be the Nokia of Social media. Things change fast and you better go with the flow. I would not be surprised if Mark is working on something as we speak. Would I be interested to invest in whatever they have in mind ? Probably not, but never say never

Imagine he would do an ICO. Would probably go crazy. I am not sure if I would invest in it but it would be great for cryptocurrencies in general.

I like the comparison the nokia of social media :-)

OMG ! All capable people will attack to system. Be ready for start to see retarted contents. oh Jesus.. Btw thanks for information/post

Got to get through this, if we want steem to moon I guess

yes exactly. But i dont think so fb will be much usefull . because many users and low earnings

I just don't really see it happening. I think it's too late for facebook to make these changes. Even if it did happen, I think I would still stay on steemit, because the community is always going to be better. I think a lot of people come here for the money but they stay for the community! Facebook will never have that...

I would stay, oo.

I am still using facebook though but in a total different way then steemit as I communicate with friends and family through it and one cant deny for that it is pretty handy

Yes, it's good for communication, because everyone is there. But that's the only reason I still have facebook.

Ich würde hier bleiben, gefällt mir besser als FB :-)

Ja, ich auch. Aber ich weiss gar nicht ob der Vergleich so gut ist da ich persönlich Facebook und Steemit ganz uneterschiedlich nutze.

Das stimmt, der Vergleich ist recht schwer, sind schon sehr unterschiedlich die beiden Communities :-)

A lot of my friends and family are on Facebook, it is what it is and as an amateur skateboarder, diversifying in social media whether they pay or not is useful for me. Steemit is an exciting new part of social media that is bringing the way of the future with it. So leaving them cause some other sites get with the program doesn't make sense to me. Stay with the pioneer and be a pioneer. With that said, as I started out. I like having diversity in the top social media sites, they all offer something different. Just as diversity in the top cryptocurrency coins would be a good idea too.

hahaha very good post

I’m wondering what crypto they will use, rumors are saying Litecoin unless they make there own 😫

With the huge number of people on facebook it is very unlikely that you would get noticed no matter how good your content is unless your content goes viral and the probability of that happening is diminishing every second. It is becoming very hard to keep up with facebook's changing algorithm and once you figure it out the amount of reach you get completely destroys your will to do more.
Am not going back to facebook anymore, the value steemit gives you for your time and efforts you put in for the community is just too good

Facebook Could turn this around for Steemit

Except of a very subjective (repelling) associations with Facebook, what steemit supports and facebook doesn't is the quality of contents (oh sure Facebook doesn't).
On facebook every vote is eseentially worth the same, thus you just need to hit the BIGGEST audience, no mention of quality - After all, Bill Gate's like on facebook is worth the same as mine.
Hence many people retreating to pop culture and pop topics.

Plus, there is no downvoting for posting crap. Controversial is good, because it brings voters. And votes can only be good or none.
To an extent same for youtube - where downvotes can be switched off by turning off the ability to comment and vote. At least on steemit there is a possibility of real criticism and you don't get paid unless someone sees some potential in you :)

That are some very good points.

They would need to change the current system quite a lot and I dont think they really want to do that, also.

We might see soon a crypto created by Facebook. OMG!

quite possible. We shall see.

@dragosroua just posted on this as well... poor zucky is all jealous that XRP ripped up the charts... and all he has is a FB full of aunties and grannies, boo-hoo (-:

Actually, I do not think that Facebook pays people for their publications, that's more than anything for people to make it easier to pay Facebook for publicity or things for the games. Bone In a nutshell to make Mark Zuckerberg richer

Not a fan of facebook here either but it is a good "people finder" and info collector for the powers that be. I don't use it that often but do at times. I think if facebook starts using crypto in payment as steemit does it can do nothing but help due to getting the armchair, salsa eating, sports fanatics and walking dead involved............... hopefully facebook chooses an existing coin like LTC and doesn't make it's own................

I definitely came for the dream of being rich, but stayed after I realized that Steemit is a hub full of very passionate and benevolent people (for the most part)

I like the thought of my upvote being able to make others day too!

That is true. I enjoy that, also

Harsh truth is that if facebook creates its own cryptocurrency, it won't be to benefit the users financially, it will be to benefit the company financially. Blockchain is the future and companies know it. However, decentralized blockchains are not favored by companies, they won't be able to benefit. The way facebook would use blockchain is the way ripple uses blockchain, it gets people to think they are benefiting themselves when in fact they are benefiting the banks. With Facebook it would probably only mean that users could send prepaid currency to eachother, which Facebook would monetize on, similar to ripple 60% facebook, 40% users.

Facebook will not start paying users when they get users fot free. Any form of user reward will only undermine their bottom line.

I don't like FB, and I'm never on there. The only reason i still have it is because of some groups I'm in from classes I have taken. People are wrong if they think FB is free. Those ads you see there, well they generated gross sales of approximately $1000 per user. Meaning each FB user spends $1k on stuff they would not have bought otherwise.

thats a lot....

I would stay here and the reason for it is what you said at the end. The community. On facebook there are too many keyboard warriors and "Bild-Zeitung Readers" 😉

I mean there is cool people as well but way to many idiots. If facebook would start to pay, it would end in a disaster.

as I never liked facebook before, so for me no reason to stay at facebook. Even they policy, that they selling my private data, make the biggest reason not to stay there, never mind what they will give

Dieser Aussage schließe ich mich an!!! ......"I am not going to deny it, I came for the money also but stayed for the community as I was pretty stoked how positiv it is/was."

it would still be based on views since they get paid by advertisers , and since FB manipulates what you see on your timeline ...

hy, zuerst wollte ich mal unbedingt anbringen das ich dein Footer Logo (ich hoffe das war richtig!) unheimlich gerne mag. Das habe ich mir jetzt schon ein paar mal gedacht. :)

Ich selbst bin mir nicht sicher ob man steemit mit fb vergleichen kann?
Für mich ist steemit ein sehr tolle Möglichkeit meine Themen und das Artikel verfassen zu finden bzw. zu probieren. Einen Blog zu starten und sich mit anderen sofort austauschen ist auf fb nur schwer möglich. Vielleicht aber auch weil fb bereits sehr weit verbreitet ist und es viele nutzen? Hier auf steemit hat man aktuell noch die chance das die eigenen artikel wirklich gelesen werden und die Menschen hier sind auch interessiert daran Neulinge zu unterstützen. Das macht steemit für mich besonders und anders zu fb.
Ich würde definitiv bleiben. :)
Meine Antwort ist jetzt leider doch auf deutsch ausgefallen, weil es für mich noch zu früh ist meine Gedanken auf englisch zu verfassen. Sorry. :)

vielen dank.

Das Lob sollte aber eigentlich an den Künster von fiverr gehen ;-)

Ich denke auch nicht, dass es ein guter Vergleich ist, da es für mich persönlich zumindest 2 ganz verschiede Sachen erfüllt.

Steemit ist mir auch ganz lieb, dass ich da halbwegs anonym bin, während ich auf Facebook alle persönlich kenne und manches so nicht teilen möchte, wie ich es hier kann.

Dann ein fettes Lob an den Künstler von fiverr. :)

Sehe ich wie du. Beide systeme haben ihre Vorzüge. :D

Please Upvote me plz plz Plzzzzzzz plz plz

Ich würde auch bei Steemit bleiben, da die Community hier einfach anders ist. Man kann es glaube auch nicht vergleichen. Die Beiträge finden hier mehr Anklang, die Interaktion ist höher. Auf Facebook kann ich allerdings auch aus geschäftlichen Gründen nicht verzichten. Da finden man einfach besser zukünftige Kunden und gewinnt auch leichter Kunden.

Ja das stimmt. Der vergleich hinkt etwas vor allem wenn man Facebook nur privat nutzt.

As they say, it's never going to happen. How do you think he made zillions? Once made, they don't want to lose it. Steemit is a totally different concept. I am on Facebook simply because under my pen name I could use it to sell the scarves I made. I have no idea how it works and turned off all the attributes such as ' we found friends for you' fortunately I don't need more friends as mine are long standing and very valuable people. I still make new friends, young and old and Facebook for some is a lifeline, not for me. Steemit is the place to be, especially if you're in it for the long term, as I suspect, like me, you are. Following you for more insights. Happy New Year!

I also like steemit over facebook.

I’d stay here for sure, as steemit has yet to display any desire to take advantage of me. I don’t assume it’s all honesty and roses but track record is important. We KNOW that facebooks intentions are never pure.

Also the community rocks here, especially in the discord’s. I’d stay here even if Facebook paid and here didn’t...thought I’d probably use Facebook just to spam some $$$

recently i stoped to use facebook i love steemit becouse i'm not wasting time if i stay on steemit i learn something and i earn also

Btw i Think Facebook Will not pay the users :| sadly :) cuz Mark Sucks

Keep It Up ! @flipstar

would be staying for sure ;-)