Don’t be surprised when you see them. Don’t mock them. Who are those?
Some call them the Ahlu Ramadan (Those who worship ALLAH only in the month of Ramadan and they don’t want to miss any reward from it.) Don’t mock them.
You will see them in your various Masjid, please kindly move closer to them and be generous towards them, because it means a lot. They may be in front of the Saff (Front row) in the masjid than the regular people. Don’t chase them away and do accommodate.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) emphasized on accommodating your brothers. Don’t make them run away from you. Don’t make them feel inferior, guide them right with the wisdom and knowledge you have concerning the act of worship they are doing, When you see that the way they are doing their Ibadaat is wrong or they are transgressing which will lead to bid’ah (Innovation), caution them with gentility, don’t be aggressive.
Make constructive criticism about what they are doing that is against the teaching and practices of the Sunnah, don’t allow them lose the benefit of the blessed month.
Check on them always and make them understand that Islam isn’t only about worshiping in the month of Ramadan. Islam encompasses everyday acts of worship and worshiping ALLAH goes on till death calls. Make this acts a continuous one with Ikhlas and always make Dua for those in this category, for ALLAH to grant them better understanding of the Deen.
May ALLAH accept our Siyam and forgive us our shortcomings in the month of Ramadan. May the peace of ALLAH be upon noble soul of Prophet Muhammad, his households, his companions and the generality of Muslims who follow his path.
As-Salaamu alaykum wa rahmatuLLah
@mahmoudsardauna Mocking to others is bad habbit. Allah is the one only lord, whom the hearts ... Shame on those that mock so much