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RE: True rainbow belongs to God

in #rainbow7 years ago (edited)

In such a case I'm a total liar and only frightening people. But why I would do that? Wasting my own time for something that has no meaning. No friend, there is God, Bible is true, Jesus is real and alive, waiting for His children to repent before He comes back. For really stubborn people there are these warnings available regardless what they believe.


Not lying, mislead. Is it god, allah, ganesh.... Before that. It could have been zeus, osiris, thor... the druids prayed to the trees, the indians to the land. Were all of their gods false and yet yours exists? And if god does exist and your praying to the wrong one, will that not make the true god angry?

Yeah, I know what you mean. There was/is always bunch of false (fabricated) gods. Today people usually don't worship golden calf but some still worship gold. It's still false worship. And yes, it makes God sad and angry. And young generation don't even worship gold, they rather worship technology, science and sex. And of course many worship paper money and some of even worship crypto-concurrency. Worship of anything except God is sin. You definitely need to find true God because only He is mighty enough to save you. Things and money cannot, false gods cannot. You should not just cancel your search because there are many possible so-called gods. That would be like to cancel search for a cure just because there are many possible compounds.