I used to post every day, now I manage to post once every few months or so. Also, @whatsup is a friend. And commenting is different from making a post.
Not to mention I specifically said that I do want to engage regularly here; I just find it hard to find the motivation to do so.
Stop trying to be smart since you clearly aren't, ty.
I'm not trying to be smart.
You questioned whatsup's
And I supported the statement by pointing out that you, although you can't find motivation to post, are still active on Steem.
Ich wollte hier keinen Streit oder so lostreten, sollte nur etwas witzig sein und nicht schlau wirken, wobei ich auch nicht erkennen kann, wo ich versucht habe schlau zu wirken.
Posted using Partiko Android
I'm not active on Steemit. Also, I'm not German.
Well, to me you seem pretty active.
Sorry, assumed that because of your name.
Posted using Partiko Android
A few posts and a couple of comments per month. Super active lol. I just hate people like you who play the dumb "WELL YOU'RE HERE, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CRITICIZE!" card. It's tired, and a big reason why a lot of have pretty much left.
Though the biggest reason, obviously, is the fact that the money isn't there to motivate one to work hard on content anymore.
Where did I say that you don't have the right to criticize? I hate those people too, they suck.
Posted using Partiko Android