Don't ever sign a contract with a bank, you'll get ripped off. You just proven that you are not good at reading the fine print. Read again the whole post, down to the very finely printed last phrases.
Btw @whatsup, would you please enlighten me as to how do you change the font size in a Steemit post? I've tried using HTML markup to no avail and I don't know how to do it with MD. Have you simply used the tag perhaps?
You quit today and be back tomorrow.
I am still around relaxing taking a step at a time.
Steems is not to get rich scheme.
It also not enough to pay for the internet bill.
Don't take it too serious.
Quitters never prosper, unless they are quitting smoking.
Or a toxic relationship.
You have
!To view or trade
go to't ever sign a contract with a bank, you'll get ripped off. You just proven that you are not good at reading the fine print. Read again the whole post, down to the very finely printed last phrases.
Btw @whatsup, would you please enlighten me as to how do you change the font size in a Steemit post? I've tried using HTML markup to no avail and I don't know how to do it with MD. Have you simply used the tag perhaps?
I use which has an easy interface option. lol. :)
You quit today and be back tomorrow.
I am still around relaxing taking a step at a time.
Steems is not to get rich scheme.
It also not enough to pay for the internet bill.
Don't take it too serious.
< sub > Your text < /sub > Minus the spaces.
Little text
Such drama, you've earned a DRAMA!
To view or trade
go to, pretty unlikely. I don't know if I can quit now, it seems impossible.