Shows coming, shows going - that is the way of the SteemRadio waves.
An old stalwart of MSP is taking a break, a new all natural show has just started up.
Having discovered only 100 active steemians in the UK, I'm going all Promo-Steem in my show this week.
And then there's Whaleshares. I will be adding in their shows from next week. But what should I call these listings then?
And a big thank you to DSound for their continued support.
Changes at MSP Waves
Sad to hear that, after over a year of broadcasting, the Ma1ne & Sneeky Show has switched off the mic and hung up the headphones on MSP Waves, at least for the time being.
You can read the full details here...
Spice4Life show to Wednesdays in the slot after the Utopian Open Source Radio Show.On the schedule change front @hope777 has now moved her
The Friday 8pm - 10pm UTC slot on MSP is now being occupied by the Bring Your Own Choon show with @onemedia, @d-vine and @darrenclaxton.
dApps of Steem discussion forum. Full details in this post...This Saturday @aggroed is running a special
MSP Waves currently has slots available for new shows. Hosting a show on MSP is a great way to get known on the platform. If you have an idea for a show talk to the station managers @globocop or @r0nd0n. Or feel free to message me if you would like an initial chat.
What's New : The Natural Selection Live Chat Show
If you are into natural medicine you will want to tune in to the new Natural Selection Live Chat Show that has recently started.
It is hosted by @metametheus and @riverflows every other Saturday at 11pm UTC in the Natural Medicine Discord server ( https://discord.gg/Aw2puH ) and on Vimm.TV.
The next show is on Saturday 10 November.
You can read more about the show here...
You can listen to the last show with guest @ofsedgeandsalt on YouTube...
What's New : Whaleshares
I am sure most people will have spotted the launch of Whaleshares a few weeks back.
Whaleshares is based on the steem model but with a number of significant differences.
There is considerable crossover between steem and Whaleshares in terms of users.
There have been a number of Whaleshares related Discord shows in the past that have been included in these listings.
These Whaleshares shows are now being revamped and reorganised to cater for the growing number of Whaleshares users.
People involved in these shows include @freedomexists, @nikflossus, @krazykrista, @breezin, @seyiodus, @stevenmosoes, @steempowerpics and @chuckyfucky.
I need to confirm all the show details and then I will start to include them in the listings from next week.
That does present me with one dilemma though. These listings are titled SteemRadio...
Any suggestions for a new all encompassing title?
Pennsif's Random Radio - UK Steem Virtual Meetup - Thursday, 8pm - 11pm UTC

Much to most people's surprise my recent research has revealed that there are only around 100 active steemians in the UK. That pans out at just a bit over one per million population.
The UK is not alone. Similar figures are being found for other countries.
Clearly, if steem is to survive and thrive, there is work to be done.
To get the ball rolling I am using my show on Thursday to host a virtual meetup of steemians in the UK.
We will be discussing the current situation, kicking around ideas, and seeing if we can come up with a plan of action to make steem great in Britain.
UK steemians already signed up to come along to the show include @charitycurator, @c0ff33a, @cryptocurator, @mikefromtheuk, @scalextrix, @shanibeer and @steevc.
The show is open for anyone from anywhere to listen in and contribute ideas.
If anyone would like me to facilitate a similar virtual meetup for their own country I would be happy to help.
In case anyone missed last week's fascinating show on Film & Steem with @akbarrafs, @ashtv, @basilmarples, @brian-rhodes, @ericvancewalton, @hilladigahackles, @juliakponsford, @lifesacircus and @zaxan the recording is available...
If you know of any other relevant shows that I haven't included please do put the details in a comment below or DM me on Discord @pennsif#9921 . Also please let me know of any changes to the shows already listed
The times for the shows are all shown in Coordinated Universal Time UTC/GMT - which is currently UK time. There are numerous sites on the web for converting UTC to your local time. This one looks particularly useful worldtimebuddy.com
SteemRadio : schedule of shows for week beginning 29 October 2018
Day | Time (UTC) | Station | Show |
Mon 29 Oct | 12am - 1am | MSP Waves | Steemit Musicians with @isaria |
Mon 29 Oct | 1am - 3am | MSP Waves | Minnow Mayor’s Town Hall with @aggroed |
Mon 29 Oct | 5pm - 6pm | Rambling Radio | Creatives Coffee Chat with @artemisnorth & @shadowspub |
Mon 29 Oct | 7pm - 9pm | Clinic FM | Love Matters with @Klynic |
Mon 29 Oct | 8pm - 9pm | Buddy Up | Drop In The Ocean with @penderis & @calumam |
Mon 29 Oct | 8pm - 10pm | MSP Waves | Flew Shot with @movement19 |
Mon 29 Oct | 9pm - 11pm | You Got Snekked | You Got Snekked Monday Madness Curation Show with @poeticsnake & @thebugiq |
Mon 29 Oct | 10pm - 12am | MSP Waves | Sounds of the Underground with @furius |
Tue 30 Oct | 12am - 3am | MSP Waves | Freezepeach Radio with @r0nd0n |
Tue 30 Oct | 2am - 3am | Green House Radio Online | Curation Show with @bluntsmasha, @jonyoudyer & @a1-shroom-spores |
Tue 30 Oct | 11am - 1pm | Steemit Music Association | Radio Spaced with @tom-orrow |
Tue 30 Oct | 6pm - 7pm | Rambling Radio | Curation Corner with @artemisnorth & @shadowspub |
Tue 30 Oct | 6pm - 8pm | MSP Waves | Hacking Mental Performance with @WipGirl |
Tue 30 Oct | 7pm - 9pm | Steemit Music Association | Know What I Mean with @termitemusic and @onemedia |
Tue 30 Oct | 8pm - 10pm | MSP Waves | The Music and Money Show @ScaredyCatGuide |
Tue 30 Oct | 10pm - 12am | MSP Waves | WhatRUat with @BuckyDurddle & @doghaus |
Tue 30 Oct | 11pm - 1am | Green House Radio Online | SMASH!! with @asonintrigue |
Tue 30 Oct | 11pm - 2am | Steemit Music Association | Viscosity #DnB with @movement19 |
Wed 31 Oct | 12am - 2am | InformationWar | The Decentralized News Hour @gregorypatrick |
Wed 31 Oct | 12am - 2am | MSP Waves | /dev/null with @jrswab |
Wed 31 Oct | 1.30am - ? | Vimm.TV | The Steeming Pile with @johnspalding |
Wed 31 Oct | 6pm - ? | Rambling Radio | Hungry Hump Day with @crazybgadventure |
Wed 31 Oct | 6pm - 8pm | MSP Waves | Utopian Open Source Radio Show with @jedigeiss & @techslut |
Wed 31 Oct | 7pm - 9pm | Clinic FM | Wacky Wednesday & Contest with @ElizabethScarlet |
Wed 31 Oct | 8pm - 10pm | MSP Waves | Spice4Life with @hope777 |
Wed 31 Oct | 9pm - 10pm | Steemit Music Association | BMC with @d-vine & @inthenow |
Wed 31 Oct | 11pm - midnight | R-E-D Radio | The Raw Edition with @eaglespirit & @enginewitty |
Wed 31 Oct | 11pm - 2am | Steemit Music Association | The Roadblock with @movement19 |
Wed 31 Oct | 11.30pm - 12.30am | ContestKings | The Steem Monsters Show with @coruscate & @littlescribe |
Thu 01 Nov | 12am - 2am | MSP Waves | The Dancing Dreamers with DJ Damashii |
Thu 01 Nov | 2am - 4am | MSP Waves | Songwriter Shop Talk with @meno |
Thu 01 Nov | 3pm - 5pm | Rambling Radio | Pimp Your Post Thursday with @shadowspub |
Thu 01 Nov | 6pm - 8pm | MSP Waves | The Mix with @WipGirl |
Thu 01 Nov | 7pm - 9pm | Clinic FM | ThrowbackThursday & Curation with @estherlove1 |
Thu 01 Nov | 8pm - 11pm | MSP Waves | Random Radio with @pennsif |
Thu 01 Nov | 11pm - 1am | Rambling Radio | Pimp Your Post Thursday with @shadowspub |
Thu 01 Nov | 7.20pm - 1am | Green House Radio Online | #CHRONICandCOFFEE with @fracasgrimm |
Fri 02 Nov | Midnight - 2am | InformationWar | The Decentralized News Hour @gregorypatrick |
Fri 02 Nov | 1am - 3am | MSP Waves | Full Force Thursday with @crimsonclad |
Fri 02 Nov | 2pm - ? | Vimm.TV | Morning Coins with @johnspalding & @crollo3 |
Fri 02 Nov | 3pm - 4pm | Rambling Radio | Barbarella with @ravijojla & @anutu |
Fri 02 Nov | 6pm - 7pm | Rambling Radio | Words With Witty with @enginewitty |
Fri 02 Nov | 6pm - 8pm | MSP Waves | Spotlight On The Artist with @d-vine, @darrenclaxton & @onemedia |
Fri 02 Nov | 7pm - 8pm | Rambling Radio | Barbarella with @ravijojla & @anutu |
Fri 02 Nov | 7pm - 9pm | Clinic FM | Club Night & Sports with @joeycrack |
Fri 02 Nov | 8pm - 10pm | Green House Radio Online | The Resistance with @gregorypatrick |
Fri 02 Nov | 9pm - 10pm | R-E-D Radio | The Informal Witness with @eaglespirit & @enginewitty |
Fri 02 Nov | 10pm - midnight | MSP Waves | Hangin' with WHO with @movement19 |
Fri 02 Nov | 10pm - midnight | Steemit Poets United | Poets United : Friday Poetic Live Talk Show with @angelveselinov, @madevi & @trumanity |
Fri 02 Nov | 11pm - 1am | SteemStar | The Playhouse with @carrieallen & @chrisroberts |
Sat 03 Nov | 12am - 3am | MSP Waves | The Chaos Show with @globocop |
Sat 03 Nov | 3am - 5am | MSP Waves | Voices from the Mountains @VFMRADIO with @lpfaust |
Sat 03 Nov | 3pm - 5pm | MSP Waves | dApps of Steem Forum with @aggroed |
Sat 03 Nov | 5pm - 7pm | MSP Waves | Meadows & Makers with @makinstuff & @jackdub |
Sat 03 Nov | 7pm - 9pm | Clinic FM | Purpose-Backed Saturdays with @Mike4Christ |
Sat 03 Nov | 7pm - 9pm | MSP Waves | Steemwaves Saturday with @crimsonclad |
Sat 03 Nov | 9pm - 11pm | MSP Waves | Frequency Waves 432Hz with @globocop |
Sat 03 Nov | 11pm - 1am | MSP Waves | No Bull with @gregorypatrick |
Sun 04 Nov | 1am - 2am | MSP Waves | Minnow University with Shane @swelker101 |
Sun 04 Nov | 1am - 3am | InformationWar | The Decentralized News Hour @gregorypatrick |
Sun 04 Nov | 2am - 3am | MSP Waves | The Peace Academy with @isaria & @aggroed |
Sun 04 Nov | 4am - 6am | MSP Waves | Coffee and Philosophy with @Clayboyn |
Sun 04 Nov | 2pm - 3.15pm | Vimm.TV | Teh Tarik Sessions with @zord189 |
Sun 04 Nov | 5pm - 7pm | MSP Waves | God Waves with @globocop |
Sun 04 Nov | 7pm - 9pm | Clinic FM | Sunday Sauce & Staples with @Annieben |
Sun 04 Nov | 8pm - 10pm | Wafrica Discord | WAFRO Party Show with @mediahousent |
Sun 04 Nov | 9pm - 11pm | MSP Waves | From the Ground Up Lazy Sundays @ftgu |
Sun 04 Nov | 11pm - 12am | MSP Waves | Steemit Creative with @swelker101 & @isaria |
Pennsif's Sustainability Curation Digest for MSP - week ending 28 October 2018
The United Kingdom of Steem : almost 100 steemians - Steem UK Virtual Meetup
Seeking the tribe - where are all the active steemians in Britain?
Use Case Radio : Film and Steem - Thursday 25 October 2018 [recording]
A Dollar A Day : meet the project founders : Genesis Anacay Aala (Gini) of Creative Street in the Philippines
A Dollar A Day charitable giving project : September 2018 - summary of donations received & given out - another $500 donated

My radio show is supported by DSound
[ header graphic by @pennsif // other graphics from DSound and pixabay.com ]
Nice idea 😊 @peekbit
thank you so much for doing this Penn!!
You are welcome.
Fabulous that you udated this listing again! What a great service you are providing! 💙
It takes some time, but interesting to keep up to date with what is going on.
MSP Waves radio show host.
Editor of the weekly listing of steem radio shows, podcasts & open space broadcast.
Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.
Thank you for this awesome resource
It is fun putting it together. Hopefully it will help grow audiences for all shows.
Hello, @pennsif. Thanks for the mentioning. I will get back to you on Altruistic shows for steemit/whaleshares as well as other shows onn waleshares.
The theme can be steemit/whaleshares radio or maybe blockchain platforms radio which can also accommodate other platforms activities.
But it's all up to you.
Thanks for that. I usually aim to do the posts on Sunday mornings so if you can get the info to me by then that will be ideal.
Best to send to me on Discord Pennsif#9921.
MSP Waves radio show host.
Editor of the weekly listing of steem radio shows, podcasts & open space broadcast.
Founder of the A Dollar A Day charitable giving project.
THANK YOU from Green House Radio Online! Much RESPECT.
Thanks good sir! We had @thesteemingpile last night. This week on morning coins #optherium - Global Finance Infrastructure (finding out what that actually means, lol).
Hi John, if you have any particular guests next week that you would like featured in next week's edition of this post just let me know by Sunday.
Thank you @pennsif - On Next weeks pile we will be covering the US midterm elections. We have people that run the spectrum of political thought on our show so we are going to cover the national election results and bullshit about politics.
No secured guests yet, but anyone who reads this is welcome to jump on and chat with us about politics. We'll be doing our "preemptive strikes" this weekend where we search for articles and people that relate to the topic (Politics/Midterm Elections) and see who shows up.
We will have another special episode coming up on Sat Nov 17th featuring the Digibyte Community so I'll be sure to send you that info as well.
Thanks again for helping get the word out about our show. I know that @thesteemingpile is on a little late for you, but I'd welcome a chance to do a video chat/broadcast with you sometime. You know where to find me ;)
Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Our purpose is to encourage posts discussing Information War, Propaganda, Disinformation and other false narratives. We currently have over 7,500 Steem Power and 20+ people following the curation trail to support our mission.
Join our discord and chat with 250+ fellow Informationwar Activists.
Join our brand new reddit! and start sharing your Steemit posts directly to The_IW, via the share button on your Steemit post!!!
Connect with fellow Informationwar writers in our Roll Call! InformationWar - Leadership/Contributing Writers/Supporters: Roll Call
Ways you can help the @informationwar
i'm around most thursday nights, i'd love to be on again, maybe i'll drop in the channel, must set some kind of reminder.
Nice. Someone to also follow is @vesperx ....Great Halloween Mix Here: https://steemit.com/dsound/@vesperx/20181027t225733616z-dj-vesper-x-presents-a-trap-halloween-2018