
I like cats. They are generally all around very cool and awesome, @catfacts!

All cats love fish.

Unlike other cats, lions have a tuft of hair at the end of their tails.

grrrrrrr..... @catfacts being such a kitty-catty cat... not gonna chase after her though, I'll just wait 'til she comes to me! :D

Or, it might be a bug. :D Right @catfacts??

Cats have about 130,000 hairs per square inch (20,155 hairs per square centimeter).

Must be a node acting up, then.

silly kitty @catfacts! lol

guess she's still "playing" hard-to-get!

she is a she, right? I wouldn't want to be accused of misgendering her and causing irreparable harm to her poor psyche! :D lol

This is the most shitty bot out there... Spamming with info yeah, is it cool to post 3 comments in 3 minutes=? Plus leaving 15+ comments at total? I love cats, but if I ever get enough SP, this kitty is going into -rep state 4 sure!

Take care:))

People, just like cats, are subject to fits of irrational behavior and occasional tyrannical whims. Despite this, people make loving pets and most cats find them well worth the trouble to keep around.

There are more than 500 million domestic cats in the world, with approximately 40 recognized breeds.