Is Racism real ?

in #racism7 years ago

I never understood racism,
Why would anyone hate someone because of the color of there skin?
It`s not like before we came to the earth we had a choice of the race we would be born in,maybe those who are racist did umm,but for the rest of us who did not have a choice,it seem stupid,and being racist to others is just a way to cope with the struggles of life,but putting down someone because of there race so you can feel better about yourself is,well awful.

why is it awful to be racist ,being racist is the cowards way out of dealing with his or her life, so let find someone to hate and make there life awful,let`s take our problems and issues we have in life and past it onto someone else by treating them like less than human and we can walk around feeling Superior,Little do racist people know, you are making that person stronger in life because they have to deal with there issues in life and now yours.

We where not born racist,when we where kids we all got along and loved each other

So what change in us from the time we where kids to adult,where did our love and kindness go for each other ?
The answer might be closer than you think
what attribute can we take from our childhood to rekindle that pure and innocent love we had for each other

Look for the best in people not the worst

Some of the kindest people you will meet in your life ,is not in your race, but in the the human race