Hello everyone! In today's post I wanted to give my personal opinion on a subject that has caused a lot of controversy in the last months: racism and sexism.
In many parts of the world it has become normal to catalog people because of their skin color, their sexual situation, the money they have or do not have, the area where they live, the clothes they wear, the tattoos they have, which, personally, I consider as the most pathetic and empty action that exists, and is because a person can not be qualified according to their physical characteristics, characteristics that one does not choose e the time to reach the world, instead of spending time wondering and lamenting "why I was born with this skin color, why I was born with this sexual tendency ..." you must use that time to realize all the virtues you have as a human being, money is not happiness, not at all , in the world there are millionaire people who are not happy, happiness is found sharing with people who love you for who you are and not what you have, happiness is to fight for what you want, happiness is to look at the sky and laugh out loud r to be alive, for the blessing that is to live, for the blessing that is to be able to sleep in a bed and to eat at a table when there are millions of people in the world who, despite having no water to drink, smile at the world.
Anyone who crosses that path between you and your happiness deserves nothing, because everyone in this world deserves the blessing of life and be happy.
Because no matter what color of skin you have, how much money or how many houses by the sea you enjoy, if you like men or women, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL JUST THE WAY YOU ARE, so go, run, scream, laugh, cry, but more important than everything I BE HAPPY, because the moment you know what it is to be truly happy, there will be nothing in this life that can bring you down again.
We are all equal, we are all human beings, discrimination, racism and sexism must disappear from this world.
Until the next Post!