Seeking refuge in Germany while still fighting the struggles of the country he left behind

in #racism7 years ago (edited)

His name is Abode and he’s been in Europe 2 years and a few months, and has already encountered the hatred from those who believe they are superior to the people of color.

From being spit on and physically abused from the public, he has had to endure many problems with the police and city officials. Those who were meant to protect him from such cases, but once again the system fails to provide equal rights to the people in need.. The people of color.

Racism ceases to exist in a realm where people now feel like they have the freedom to express such hate and aggression towards refugees, blacks, latinos, and muslims…

In this document you can see the powers of Donald Trump and the alt-right movement take the minds of the youth of Germany and the joy they get in committing such racial hate.

Mohammed Youssef “Abode” Targi, an Lybian asylum seeker has had many problems with Nazi’s and the police. In Germany, there are many who don’t want refugees there and have nothing but pure disgust for them. The powers of Trump with his obvious hate for muslims and immigrants.

His trials and tribulations are documented and the link is down below.


I live here in Germany.
It's a shame what have happened here in the last yers.
I'm from Bavaria, here it was a lot less intense than in the eastern parts of Germany.

For a week i was helping out in a shelter and had the opportunity to talk with one refugee. It was super intresting but frightening.
He was from afghanistan. He fought in the military until his family was murdered and he couldnt go home because he was threatened to be killed then. So he fled.
While speaking with him i noticed he was extremely scared. He had nothing to do because he wasnt allowed to work, he didnt know if he get deported back to afghanistan at any time, so he didnt try to learn german on his own. He constantly repeated "They will deport me back", he was like paniking.

I dont know what has happened to him. It is likely he was deported sadly.
At some point in this so called crisis (i could throw out everytime i have heard this) our government try to relax the situation by declaring more countries "save" countries.
Yep they finally decided afghanistan is a "safe" country.
what a BAD joke.
I was totally pissed hearing this shit.

Thats is just one example. It really was a mess man.
I wish all the best this christmas for the refugees of the world :)

Nice post thanks.

Caramba hermano da tristeza que exista gente sin ese sentido que da la vida para apreciar a otra sin distingo de color, raza o religión. Espero que tanto él como muchos otros logren alcanzar La Paz necesaria para la vida...

asi es la vida de alugnos compaii

His name is Abode and he's looking for a home... I watched the video and in the clips shown, he seems to be easily provoked which only plays into the hands of the people that want him out.

He needs to think smart to keep himself away from such situations to preserve a brighter future.

I totally agree with you as a person of color I know all about racism never experienced much of it when traveling abroad (maybe because of my tax bracket ) but locally in the US I live it everyday. People will say and do the meanest things to make you act out of character and do something that will give them a reason to judge you or label you with a negative stigma. As long as he stays positive help will naturally come his way.

Upvoted, followed, and resteemed -- thanks! I will take advantage of this service at some point, thanks for making it. (Although another 200 or so and I won't qualify, which is also pretty neat! :) )

I like that your "welcome bot" welcomed yourself on this post. :)

He tries to be smart get rid of such a situation it is my suggestion to abode interesting post

He is abode, but he is hated because of the color, all human being should be treated in the equal way, no racism...

It's really an awesome post.
Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for sharing. I am from germany and this year after the election in Germany i was very very shocked. Nobody is illegal!! We are all the same. Better times will come

so sad storry
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Remember it was EU/Obama/Clinton that invaded Libya and created this terrible situation.

A sad reallity