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RE: Have I experienced racism?

in #racism8 years ago (edited)

I have already asked those things. Actually thought it our very far. I don't think most other people have.

Sure there was slavery, there was racism (go back far enough and there was white slavery, still is in some places, and there was racism white on white with Irish, just like Rwanda was black on black fairly recently). The racism was keeping the black people held down even when the racism was supposed to be illegal.

The idea was to create scholarships, schools, and shows so that they couldn't be stopped by the racist people who were keeping them down before.

That is typically how it starts. With good intentions.

Yet the end result of giving ANYONE special treatment no matter how good the intention is that over time that GROUP (doesn't have to be just skin color) will be receiving special treatment. You cannot define it any other way. If they get it and others do not then it is SPECIAL. This is not equality. Now the thing about equality is that the same opportunities should be available for anyone to attempt to seize on an equal foot. They may choose not to seize those opportunities.

Doing these actions promotes racism. It is emotional, sympathy, empathy, and reasons of this nature that make people believe these special treatments are a good thing.

We (all of us) should not be seeking special treatment. We should be seeking equal treatment.

We must also understand that despite any goals for equality there will be assholes who gain influence who are still racists (or other form of bigotry). When they are caught doing such actions they should be held accountable. It should not be a case of suddenly making laws that apply to everyone to try to stop someone from acting like that person again. This is criminalizing everyone for the actions of someone rather than holding that person accountable. It is also special treatment.

As long as people like you believe it is required then I wouldn't expect to see racism ever go away. It'll just shift around as to which group it is politically correct to bash, and which group it is not. Basically racism and bigotry alive and well.

If you are not white and you bash white people. You are a racist.
If you are white and you bash non-whites. You are a racist.

There is no dancing around that.