Racial Purity and/or Racial Respect (?) Your Comment Welcome.

in #race7 years ago (edited)

"Islam is the broom of Israel ..." (quote from below linked video) and Merkel's Neoliberal open boarders Communism is, "IsRaLam" (a term used by me when I published this post at an account outside steemit).

In my view, Trump must also accede to the Zionist system (because it is what it is) but in such a way as to not overly compromise the political theatre or "aesthetics".

My guess is the Racist Supremacy Jew World Order intends to Rule the world as an Orwellian Fascist-Communist State openly or covertly from Jerusalem.

Nevertheless, I place my bet on the true ethic of, "The Aryan Ideal" ultimately trumping "The Divide & Steal".

In my suspicion, every Western political administration no matter what the aesthetics may be, is a ZOG (zionist occupied government) and effectively represents nothing more than a variable of Zionism which is a Huge mind fucking Swindle. It took me decades to figure this out so go ahead. Call me, SLOW. Punk!

It begs the question. Can I (and I speak only for myself here) be a credible opposition? My honest answer is, no. I can't. I'm inculcated. I am partly dependant on The [666-DevilBeast-VirtualHost-Parasite] System. IF I were a better man. A more fully Real-ised Man. Then, perhaps I wouldn't be but the truth of my circumstances is, I am.

I serve two masters both my Spiritual Intelligence or God and because I must attend to my physical and earthly needs, Myself or Caesar.

This being the case, the best I can hope to achieve outside of my own personal quickening and spiritual and intellectual enlightenment is an improvement upon contemporary manifestations of the Zionist system whereby worse variables are improved or replaced with better variables. The objective being of course to bring a more authentic altruism to less authentic/disingenuous altruism and thereby improve the lot of the human in the system. Meanwhile I would not deny anyone who feels they can replace Zionism with something better the right to try. All power to you!

I'm a Goyim who might identify as an international (world citizen) national socialist or a nice or nasty (depending on my humanity in the moment) nazi (if the term hadn't been concocted by special interests specifically for the purpose of propaganda to demonise/misrepresent) so instead simply identify as a̶n̶ ̶i̶n̶d̶e̶p̶e̶n̶d̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶a̶r̶t̶i̶s̶t̶... nazi biker.

But just so you know. I said all the above and a whole lot more TODAY (i.e. when this post was first published somewhere else and some time ago) while riding my little scooter replete with articulate and precise explanations on every point including a discussion of what the true "ethic" of The Aryan Ideal constitutes (as opposed to its perverted misrepresentations), the Spiritual (Buddhism) significance of the Swastika incl. Born to be Happy (for spiritual treatment of physical sickness, mental acuity, contemplation of the sublime and more) and of course Born to Work ethic.

To the wind I discussed the affectations of a Neoliberal Cultural Marxism, Riding Nippon Fast in the Middle of The Road to negotiate either Left or Right as Necessity dictates while Comprehending respect for the Stability and Stoicism of a balanced, unaffected, undramatic, earthly serenity. To transcend (or have oneself ON as the case may be) staged performance or awkward presentations while all the while suspecting one is being monitored by a paulo-post future satellite system or Candid Camera or similar.

The sanity, of choosing not to concede or capitulate The Aryan Ideal in the context of the Zionist system but rather to bring its authentic and very ethical humanity to said system with a view to championing the human plight and condition. To be inspired by the human worth in regard to work ethic and human spirit of those occupied in the struggle for life and the struggle in defence of human nobility.

The sanity of being purposely focused upon reconciling nihilisms such as the discrepancies between subsistence level farming or survival of peasant families in outback SE Asia, China, Russia, USA, Australia etc with the grand larceny and overblown remuneration packages of Trilateral Commission CEO's and their ilk in the Zionist system.

While I'm 100% fine with anyone who chooses to be Racially Pure I concede The Jew with the help of their "... dumb Goyim" allies (incl. my forebears) won WW2. This being the case, contemporary Western so-called Democracies are multicultural societies. I've learned in the context of my own life, how to lose. So I accept it is what it is and hope to move forward.

My new (personal) Racial policy is, Racial Respect. As I say, if you choose to maintain the racial integrity of your people that's fine. If you are or choose to be inter-racial that's your personal/mutual prerogative and will not be persecuted by me. Period.

Know this. No matter what your Racial Mix or ethnicity the worth of a person resides in the quality of their human soul and purity of intellectual spirit. It is your soul and spirit that will resonate to either look to the best or not in others and this is why Racial Respect or even simply Respect per se rather than Racial Purity is relevant/prevalent to contemporary cultural circumstances.

Besides, in my view, for most developed societies in the Western world it's logistically and strategically untenable to try to undo all that has been done. It is best to simply focus on defending your personal human right to self-determination.

The Golden rule of Racial Respect is of course, to learn to respect your own Race or Racial Mix first and foremost for you will be unable - no matter what politically correct jargon you employ either disingenuously or with best/genuine intentions - to respect another unless (or at the least to the same degree as) you respect yourself.

I urge all racial types to learn to respect themselves. This involves knowing or discovering your people and identifying deficits, liabilities and shortcomings that are easily exploitable by parasite interests while also identifying assets and then making a worthy effort to live in your personal attributes. This is how you will also learn to respect the rights of others ... to not trample all over you and yours.

Truth. Justice. Peace ... a position not a capitulation.

My opening quote is taken from this video which is a worthwhile watch.

Further discussion on the subject of Racial Purity/Respect is available at the below link. Be sure to read the Description under the video and the video's comments section.
