Enjoy Some Pink Flower Photography/Disfruta de la fotografía de flores rosadas

in #r2cornell2 years ago


Author: @r2cornell

Enjoy Some Pink Flower Photography/Disfruta de la fotografía de flores rosadas

I cannot believe a month has passed since I published a post on Hive. Much has taken place since. I had a couple of challenging days due to grieving the loss of my wife. At the end of May, it was the 37th anniversary of our first meeting. It hit me much harder than I ever imagined. From there, I had my eye surgery and, 2 weeks later, the second eye. My vision in the right eye is perfect. The left eye is not quite as good due to larger floaters secondary to an injury to the left eye from coughing when I had Covid. Overall I am pleased. I still need reading glasses, but I was using them before surgery. I run three computer screens, and the print is too small for the older ones to see without reading glasses.

No puedo creer que haya pasado un mes desde que publiqué un post sobre Hive. Han pasado muchas cosas desde entonces. Tuve un par de días difíciles debido al duelo por la pérdida de mi esposa. A finales de mayo se cumplieron 37 años de nuestro primer encuentro. Me afectó mucho más de lo que imaginaba. A partir de ahí, me operaron del ojo y, 2 semanas después, del segundo ojo. Mi visión en el ojo derecho es perfecta. El ojo izquierdo no es tan bueno debido a unas moscas volantes más grandes causadas por una lesión en el ojo izquierdo al toser cuando tomaba Covid. En general, estoy satisfecho. Sigo necesitando gafas de lectura, pero ya las utilizaba antes de la operación. Tengo tres pantallas de ordenador y la letra es demasiado pequeña en los monitores antiguos para verla sin gafas de lectura.

I had hoped I would be moving into semi-retirement by now and then full retirement toward the end of the year into 2024. That does not look like it will happen as quickly as I had hoped. I now have extra help in caring for the two disabled ladies, but it is not enough. I am ready to move into retirement. I will keep planning in hopes that it will come to fruition sooner than later.

Esperaba pasar ya a la jubilación parcial y luego a la jubilación total hacia finales de año, en 2024. No parece que vaya a ser tan rápido como esperaba. Ahora tengo ayuda extra para cuidar de las dos señoras discapacitadas, pero no es suficiente. Estoy preparada para jubilarme. Seguiré planificando con la esperanza de que se haga realidad cuanto antes.

I have taken the time and have begun taking more photos of flowers. I will do so to build up a portfolio for blogging when I can get the time, especially when I retire. Today I have an excellent selection of photographs to share with you. I was not paying attention as I was editing these photos and preparing them for use in this post, but the theme is definitely pink.

He sacado tiempo y he empezado a hacer más fotos de flores. Lo haré con el fin de crear una cartera para publicar en blogs cuando tenga tiempo, sobre todo cuando me jubile. Hoy tengo una excelente selección de fotografías para compartir con vosotros. No estaba prestando atención mientras editaba estas fotos y las preparaba para utilizarlas en este post, pero el tema es definitivamente el rosa.

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My cover photo is one of my houseplants that I have had for many years. It is a pink African Violet. This view is a very lovely macro snap. Below this paragraph are two other photos, providing a slightly different look, of the same African Violet.

Mi foto de portada es una de mis plantas de interior que tengo desde hace muchos años. Es una "Violeta africana" de color rosa. Esta vista es una instantánea macro muy bonita. Debajo de este párrafo hay otras dos fotos, que ofrecen un aspecto ligeramente diferente, de la misma violeta africana.



The following three photographs are of one of my peonies. I have several varieties growing, and they bloom at different times. They are a perfect late spring flower.

Las tres fotografías siguientes corresponden a una de mis peonías. Tengo varias variedades y florecen en distintas épocas. Son una flor perfecta para el final de la primavera.




This next flower is a Dianthus plant I grew for my wife in a container. This variety is a hardy perennial. I have had it growing for three years. Carnations are in the Dianthus family. My wife loved both the carnation and the regular Dianthus. The smell is lovely. The flowers are small (the size of my thumbnail), especially compared to the carnations. Since taking this photograph, there are many blooms. I will try and get a photograph to share in the future.

La siguiente flor es una planta de Dianthus que cultivé para mi mujer en una maceta. Esta variedad es una planta perenne resistente. Llevo tres años cultivándola. Los claveles pertenecen a la familia de las Dianthus. A mi mujer le encantan tanto el clavel como el dianthus. El olor es encantador. Las flores son pequeñas (del tamaño de la uña de mi pulgar), sobre todo en comparación con los claveles. Desde que tomé esta fotografía, hay muchas flores. Intentaré tomar una fotografía para compartirla en el futuro.


My final photograph for this publication is a bloom from my daughter's Hawthorne tree.

Mi última fotografía para esta publicación es una flor del árbol Hawthorne de mi hija.


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I use a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for most photographs except where noted.

Estoy usando una Canon EOS Rebel T5 para la mayoría de las fotografías, excepto donde se indique.

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Sorry about your wife. However, I must acknowledge that your mention of those 3 loving decades (almost four) seems very beautiful and inspiring to me; because people don't love like that anymore.

Your pictures are beautiful. I'm imagining now that you live in a paradise. Do you have a big garden?

I am taking now a Masterclass of gardening. I'd love to have someday my own garden, next to a humble adobe house.

Thank you very much.

My garden is not as large as it used to be, but I maintain a flower garden and a small patch for a vegetable garden. I have been switching over to container gardening and build elevated garden beds to grow both vegetables and flowers. I also have an indoor room where I grow under lights, mostly during the cold winter months.

When I retire I will have the time to build more elevated grow beds and a few other experimental garden beds.

Growing plants under lights is one of the things I want to learn, because for the moment I have to live in a very enclosed space. I dream about turning even the most dull spaces into something more "human", now that we're building the most cyberpunk societies 😑

Have you published any post about your indoor gardening system?

I did a number of years ago. I currently only have few plants growing in my plant room. I plan to expand it this fall into winter. Winter months is when I crave fresh greens. Right now I have most of my plants growing in containers outside and in a small greenhouse. I will start taking photographs of what I am growing, and then when fall/winter arrives I will get more photos. I know I have some photographs from a few years ago that I took during the winter but then I stopped posting for awhile. I will try and find some.

Pink Rose Photography is a captivating art form that focuses on capturing the delicate beauty and charm of pink roses through the lens of a camera. You have just done that.

I have the most problem capturing a good photo of pink flowers. The light and shadows have to be just right for them to look good. I was pleased with my effort this time.

These are really some beautiful flowers I must confess ☺️☺️🥰

Thank you


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Espero que pueda cumplir sus metas con respecto a la jubilación y así tener más tiempo para acompañarnos a nosotros aquí en #Hive además continúe guardando sus fotografías para después compartirlas en futuras publicaciones

Gracias. Sigo pensando en hacer una excursión de un día a un par de jardines botánicos para pasar unas horas sacando todas las fotos que pueda. Suelo ir con mi hija, pero este año julio puede ser difícil para ella. Si es así, haré el viaje yo mismo. Me gustaría ir tanto en julio (a finales de mes) como a principios de otoño.

No hemos podido ir los dos últimos años debido al Covid, a los efectos posteriores del Covid para mí y a la salud de mi mujer.

Too bad your left eye isn't quite as good as your right eye. I hope you have a solution.
The pink flowers transmit a lot of tenderness. I like all the flowers that you have shared with us in this post, especially the Dianthus, I fell in love with it.

Thank you. my eye doctor told me today that both eyes are good. The left one has a "floater" which does interfere with vision, but not greatly.

and what is a floater? can't be removed it?

Floaters are caused by something happening in the vitreous (inner eye) which cast shadows on your retina. The shadow moves around, thus the name floaters. Some come from age, but mine was caused by an injury to the inner eye from the violent coughing when I had Covid. The shadow if severe enough seems to interfere with vision. My right eye also has one, but it seldom causes a problem.

I have heard surgery is possible but it is very delecate.

oh then it's better to leave it like that.

Very sorry to hear of your wife's passing from this world I have been following you since you were working on the above statement but I left this platform for some time and now seven months. Done now started working again. I can understand that when someone passes away from this world, a person is living his life only in his memories. All these flowers looks so beautiful and amazing. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you very much. Welcome back to the platform. I am slowly getting back to it after about a two year absence for personal posts.

Sorry to hear about the passing away of your wife, that must be very hard and I pray her soul continues to rest in peace.

I saw the message about the surgery on Discord and am happy you are getting better... The flowers are beautiful, pink is not one of my favourite buy when it has to do with flowers, they are just irresistible

Thank you. Yes pink flowers can be very beautiful.

Don't worry your left eye will be functional soon like right eye. Floral photography in Pink colour is so eye-pleasing and amazing. Its a girls favourite colour.

Thank you. I have a new pink rose I planted in the spring. It is now setting buds. I am looking forward to see the flowers.

So sorry about your wife may her soul keeps resting in peace and may you never lose anyone again
It's can be so had to get back one our fit when we lose someone we love but am glad you are getting back on your fit

Nice flower shot down there I love pink flowers 🌺
It is my favorite flower as well

Thank you very much. I am adjusting to my new life. I am very busy, so I have not felt loneliness like I expected.

Sometimes I have difficulty getting clear photos of pink flowers, but since I regained all my sight over the last couple of months the camera has been kinder to me.

That called for celebration as you prepare towards your retirement, because most people you started the work together are no more but God has see you through, you see you need to celebrate this retirement, 🤣😂 nice collection of flowers

Thank you

my greatest condolences Mr @r2cornell I accompany you in your pain sometimes life gives us a 360 degree turn that we just have to overcome and learn in second. By your health of your eyes with all faith will heal perfectly, The photos of your content this great and that spectacular pink flower a big greeting Mr @r2cornell from #VENEZUELA

Thank you very much

Namaste 🙏 @r2cornell Sir , So sorry about your wife may her soul keep resting in peace , I admire your passion for helping hand 👏. I always love to visit your post and happy to see beautiful flowers... !PIZZA

Thank you very much.

The flowers are really very beautiful, their delicate color soothes. Get well, everything will be fine.

Thank you

Such a beautiful collection of flowers. Your love for your wife is really appreciable. we are humans and death is the truth of our life. we all have to die one day. The only thing we can do for our lost loved ones is pray. WE should remember them in our prayers.

Thank you very much. Each year I would buy flowers to plant to surprise my wife. Others I planted she had chosen. So now I spend time with the flowers daily thinking and talking to her. She wanted her ashes from her cremation to be planted under a rose bush, so I planted two new ones to place her ashes. It is a beautiful way to spend time with her.

It hit me much harder than I ever imagined

I can understand that unfathomable pain and deafening silence.......Life and emotions so strongly embedded that we can not really get over something, particularly the dearly and loved ones...however hard we try.

I now have extra help in caring for the two disabled ladies, but it is not enough.

You are doing a lot Sir. So much at this age. Take care Sir.

They are a perfect late spring flower.

That particular shade is simply amazing.

Finally, take care of your health, Sir. I wish you a happy and proper retirement.



Thank you very much



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