Peach flowers
I've been spending a lot of time reading about this.
To present the entrance.
But do you know one thing?
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Just tell you that they are beautiful.
That the oriental countries venerate them.
They give love and longevity.
They call them roses without thorn.
And they only lasted four days in the tree.
I hope you like its color, delicacy and beauty.
There are many legends around him.
All with great advice.
For me they fill my eyes.
They fill my senses.
Even in its transformation.
It is beautiful, silent and elegant.
Original content by Original content by @txatxy
Nice i love it
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Saludos, las fotografías quedaron sencillamente maravillosa, te felicito.
Son realmente hermosas y delicadas las flores del árbol de durazno, en un principio creí que eran flores del árbol de Cerezo o Sakura como lo llaman los japoneses. Feliz y bendecido día.
hola guapa
son del melocotonero están aquí en mi camino al trabajo solo uno en una huerta pero estaba precioso
feliz dia guapa