Surah 54 (all verses) – reading and exposition – The Quran- Audiobook

in #quran-reading7 years ago

This recording contains surah 54 of the Quran [AL- QAMAR or THE MOON] with exposition.

CHAPTER 54 (all verses: reading and exposition)

  1. First plain text reading (start-6.10)
  2. Exposition of content (6.10-51.35)
  3. Second plain text reading (51.35-end)

Translation: The Qur'an: A Complete Revelation.
Read and expounded upon by Sam Gerrans.


THE QUR'AN: A COMPLETE REVELATION by Sam Gerrans on sale in hardback!








In the name of God: the Almighty, the Merciful.
The Hour will draw nigh
And the moon will be rent asunder.
But if they see a proof they turn away and say: Persistent sorcery
And they reject and follow their vain desires.
But every matter is settled.
And there has come to them among reports
That wherein is a deterrence:
Far-reaching wisdom.
But the warnings avail not
So turn thou from them.
The day the caller calls to a thing beyond experience
Their eyes humbled
They will come forth from the graves like scattered locusts
Hastening towards the caller.
Those who spurn guidance while claiming virtue will say: This is a difficult day.
The people of Nūḥ rejected before them:
They rejected our servant and said: One possessed.
And he was driven away.
And he called to his lord: I am defeated so help thou.
Then opened we the gates of the sky with pouring water
And caused the earth to gush forth in springs.
And the waters met for a determined purpose.
And we carried him upon that of boards and nails
That sailed before our eyes as a reward for him who was rejected.
And we have left it as a proof
So is there any who will remember?
And how were my punishment and my warnings?
And we have made the Qur’an easy for remembrance
So is there any who will remember?
ʿĀd rejected.
Then how were my punishment and my warnings?
We sent upon them a violent wind in a day of enduring calamity
Removing men like roots of uprooted date-palms.
Then how were my punishment and my warnings?
And we have made the Qur’an easy for remembrance
So is there any who will remember?
Thamūd repudiated the warnings.
And they said: Is it a lone mortal from among us we are to follow?
Then should we be in error and insanity.
Has the remembrance been given to him from among us?
The truth is: he is an insolent teller of lies.
They will come to know on the morrow who is the insolent teller of lies.
We are sending the she-camel as a means of denial for them
So wait thou for them and be thou patient.
And inform thou them that the water is a division between them:
Each drink is in turn.
Then they called their companion and he took over and did brutally slaughter.
Then how were my punishment and my warnings?
We sent upon them one blast and they became like the dry stalks of the fence-maker.
And we have made the Qur’an easy for remembrance
So is there any who will remember?
The people of Lūṭ repudiated the warnings.
We sent upon them a hurricane
Save the house of Lūṭ:
We delivered them at dawn
Through grace from us.
Thus do we reward him who is grateful.
And he had warned them of our might
But they disputed the warnings.
And they had sought to lure him away from his guests
So we blinded their eyes:
Taste my punishment and my warnings!
And an abiding punishment befell them in the early morning:
Taste my punishment and my warnings!
And we have made the Qur’an easy for remembrance
So is there any who will remember?
And warnings came to the house of Firʿawn.
They repudiated our proofs every one.
And we seized them with a seizing of one mighty, omnipotent.
Are your atheists better than those?
If you have immunity in the written records:
Or if they say: United we stand
The host will be defeated and turn and flee:
The truth is: the Hour is their appointment
And the Hour is more calamitous and more bitter.
The evildoers are in error and insanity.
The day they are dragged into the fire upon their faces:
Taste the touch of burning!
We created everything in measure
And our command is only one:
In the twinkling of an eye[...]
And we have destroyed your like
So is there any who will remember?
And everything they did is in the written records.
And everything small and great thing is written down.
Those of prudent fear will be among gardens and rivers
In a seat of truth before an omnipotent sovereign.

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