Quotizm - Challenge round 1! Winners Announcement!

in #quotizm7 years ago

Hey Steemians,

Challenge round 1! Thank you everyone for participating! It was really difficult to choose the winners…We got many amazing entries for #Quotizm -


...and the winners are…

  1. My special reward 7 STEEM DOLLARS goes to @lemareg and I invite you to the next Quotism round as a jury or a participant, as you wish. Please contact me via Discord - @peliken

  2. 5 STEEM DOLLARS goes to @g00dwin for the largest number of works 7 pictures!

  3. Several prizes from our jury @teneresa and @happyksu go to the following participants:

Screenshot_3.jpg4.- 2 STEEM DOLLARS go to @sandrapatricia !! - was chosen by a random program

During the week there may be some surprises for the participants. Stay tuned!

And many thanks again for the help and support
@tkdesign, @happyksu, @annapoguliaeva, @teneresa, @cattleya, @serkorkin

Thank you very much for your participation!
The next round will take place on Monday, 16 July.
Will you wait for it?


Congratulations to all participants and winners! Hope to see more entries from you!

Thank you so much!! 😊

Greetings! It's really good work!

Thank you so much!!! I'm very pleasure!-)

Thanks for participating! I will wait for the next round)

Thank you heaps. The one that won was my favourite as well.

Thank you! I invite you to the second round)

I will certainly give it a go. I had a lot of fun.

Thank you! Yours was awesome as well! I wish I'm pro at origami like you :D

If I asked you the same question about becoming an art pro such as yourself I'm sure the answer would be similar. Care and practice and finding parts of the artform you like and want to share. The sperm whale was only the second model by Robert L Lang that I have successfully folded. The first being an octopus.
Your whale entry was wonderful.

Thanks! I'm happy to participate!

Thank you very much for the reward and the challenge.

You Rock!!

Hello, round two has started, welcome!

Justamente el que me gusto gano.. felicidades.

Thanks a lot @peliken , I'll wait for the next round.

Heya, I was just thinking of you and your fun posts. Is everything alright?

Hello, all OK. Thanks) today will be a post with a new round

Glad to hear everything is okay. No pressure, take time if you need it.