
Nice place for holidays

@xemurai life and death are not in our control, but we can make our life worthful and meaningful by helping others to achieve their dreams:)

All we need my friend :) :)

@xemurai Very Deep Meaning Quote. I can understand the meaning as I am collecting quotes for 2 years and Have a blog on it ( Will try to provide some good quotes to this amazing community. Keep it up mate.

word up!

Nice quote. However, i would say that after you have kids the only fear you may have is what they will do after that, and who is going to look after them.

quote didn't matched with pic but nice quote😂😂

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"

Nice photo, a great place to spend a holiday greet

best place to spending time with family.

Yes Sure Why not ... Every Word is Correct Means

Nice quotes it really motivate.

Good Capture and quote

Nice quote!