Good Quotes, Chapter 9

in #quotes7 years ago

"The world may disagree with the Church, but the world knows very definitely with what it is disagreeing. In the future as in the past, the Church will be intolerant about the sanctity of marriage, for what God has joined together no man shall put asunder; she will be intolerant about her creed, and be ready to die for it, for she fears not those who kill the body, but rather those who have the power to cast body and soul into hell." Archbishop Fulton Sheen

“One of the greatest deceptions of today is the belief that leisure and money are the two essentials of happiness. The sad fact of life is that there are no more frustrated people on the face of the earth than those who have nothing to do and those who have too much money for their own good. Work never killed anybody, but worry has.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Peace of Soul)

“ACCORDING to most philosophers, God in making the world enslaved it. According to Christianity, in making it, He set it free. God had written, not so much a poem, but rather a play; a play he had planned as perfect, but which had necessarily been left to human actors and stage-managers, who had since made a great mess of it.” ~G.K. Chesterton: "Orthodoxy," Chap. V.

Chabad-Lubavitch: For the Jew, this means the 613 commandments. For the non-Jew -- i.e. all “descendants of Noah” -- it means the basic program of ethical monotheism built on seven commandments, the universal moral code called “The Seven Laws for the Descendants of Noah.”

"A spirit of license makes a man refuse to commit himself to any standards. The right time is the way he sets his watch. The yardstick has the number of inches that he wills it to have. Liberty becomes license, and unbounded license leads to unbounded tyranny. When society reaches this stage, and there is no standard of right and wrong outside of the individual himself, then the individual is defenseless against the onslaught of cruder and more violent men who proclaim their own subjective sense of values. Once my idea of morality is just as good as your idea of morality, then the morality that is going to prevail is the morality that is stronger." Archbishop Fulton Sheen (On Being Human)

“I have described as a ‘magician’s bargain’ that process whereby man surrenders object after object, and finally himself, to Nature in return for power. And I meant what I said. The fact that the scientist has succeeded where the magician failed has put such a wide contrast between them in popular thought that the real story of the birth of Science is misunderstood. You will even find people who write about the sixteenth century as if Magic were a medieval survival and Science the new thing that came in to sweep it away. Those who have studied the period know better.
There was very little magic in the Middle Ages: the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries are the high noon of magic. The serious magical endeavour and the serious scientific endeavour are twins: one was sickly and died, the other strong and throve. But they were twins. They were born of the same impulse. I allow that some (certainly not all) of the early scientists were actuated by a pure love of knowledge. But if we consider the temper of that age as a whole we can discern the impulse of which I speak.
There is something which unites magic and applied science while separating both from the wisdom of earlier ages. For the wise men of old the cardinal problem had been how to conform the soul to reality, and the solution had been knowledge, self-discipline, and virtue. For magic and applied science alike the problem is how to subdue reality to the wishes of men: the solution is a technique; and both, in the practice of this technique, are ready to do things hitherto regarded as disgusting and impious—such as digging up and mutilating the dead.”
– C.S.Lewis (The Abolition of Man)

Philosopher Peter Kreeft calls this “the single most illuminating three sentences I have ever read about our civilization.” He writes:
Technology is more like magic than like science.
If you are surprised at this statement, you do not understand the essence of technology. Heidegger does: it is the fulfillment of the Nietzschean “will to power” as the new summum bonum, greatest good, or meaning and end of life.
To see this point, imagine an experiment. Children are often given boxes to sort things in, and the observer can tell much about the children’s minds by how they classify things. For instance, if a child is told to put a baseball, a basketball, a baseball bat, and a basketball net into two boxes, the “structuralist” or “static” child will put the two balls in one box and the two other items, which are not spheres, in the other box; the “functionalist” child will put the baseball and the bat in one box, and the basketball and its hoop in the other.
Now suppose you are asked to classify four things—

  1. religion
  2. science
  3. magic
  4. technology
    —and put them into two categories. Nearly everyone would classify science and technology together, and religion and magic together. There is a point to this classification: science and technology are limited to the empirically verifiable and the scientific method; religion and magic are not.
    But there is a deeper classification, and Lewis uses it. Science and religion both aim at conforming the mind to objective truth, objective reality (science conforms our mind to the nature of the universe, and religion conforms our mind to the mind of God and our will to the will of God).
    Magic and technology, on the other hand, try to conform objective reality to the human will. That is why they both arose at the same time—not the Middle Ages but the Renaissance, not the Age of God but the Age of Man. Both are Faustian, Promethean. The difference is, of course, that technology works while magic doesn’t (usually). But their end, their goal, the purpose behind them, the human values and desires and state of soul that set them in motion, are the same.

2 Corinthians 4:4 New Living Translation (NLT)
Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don’t understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God.

‘Both Christ and Dracula deal with blood and eternal life. Vampirism is, as Renfield makes clear, the antithesis of Christianity. Whereas Christ shed His blood so that his followers can have eternal life; Dracula sheds his followers’ blood so that he can have eternal life. Dracula is a reworking of Christianity according to the canons of Social Darwinism. The monster is simply the inversion of Christianity that was taking place throughout Europe as once again the Enlightenment got implemented through one of its pseudo-scientific ideologies’ E Michael Jones, ‘Monsters from the Id’

Poverty is a peril and a disgrace only to those who want to be rich. Archbishop Fulton Sheen

“The way we judge others is very often the judgment we pronounce on ourselves. Every dramatist, scriptwriter, novelist, and essayist who attacks the moral law has already lived against it in his own life. These men may not know it, but in their writings they are penning their own autobiography.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Guide to Contentment)

“It is God you are looking for. Your unhappiness is not due to your want of a fortune, or high position, or fame, or sufficient vitamins; it is due not to a want of something outside you, but to a want of something inside you. You cannot satisfy a soul with husks! If the sun could speak, it would say that it was happy when shining; if a pencil could speak, it would say that it was happy when writing – for these were the purposes for which they were made. No wonder everything short of God disappoints you.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (You)

“We ought to treat our mind exactly how we treat our stomach. We don’t put garbage into our stomach, so we have pure food laws; but our stomach is not as important as our mind.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen

THE real objection to modernism is simply that it is a form of snobbishness. It is an attempt to crush a rational opponent not by reason, but by some mystery of superiority, by hinting that one is specially up to date or particularly "in the know." ~G.K. Chesterton: "The Case for the Ephemeral." (All Things Considered)

As long as abortion is promoted, women will be demoted.

"The basic reason why moderns disbelieve in hell is because they really disbelieve in freedom and responsibility. To believe in hell is to assert that the consequences of good and bad acts are not indifferent." Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Preface to Religion)

John 16:20
Truly, truly, I tell you, you will weep and wail while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy.
A woman has pain in childbirth because her time has come; but when she brings forth her child, she forgets her anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world.
So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.…
In that day you will no longer ask Me anything. Truly, truly, I tell you, whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give you.
Until now you have not asked for anything in My name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.

“The less we think we are, the more good we do…reducing themselves to zero they leave room for infinity, whereas those who think themselves infinite, God leaves with their little zero.”Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Seven Capital Sins)

How many of us who protest against the destruction of churches and synagogues abroad ever go into a church or synagogue? What is the use of the world overthrowing a Hitler or a Stalin if it keeps the spirit that breeds them? To oppose a nation justly as the enemy of God we must believe in God. We may not smash its idols and keep our own.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Whence Comes Wars)

"IF our faith had been a mere fad of the fading empire, fad would have followed fad in the twilight, and if the civilization ever re-emerged (and many such have never re-emerged) it would have been under some new barbaric flag. But the Christian Church was the last life of the old society and was also the first life of the new. She took the people who were forgetting how to make an arch and she taught them to invent the Gothic arch. In a word, the most absurd thing that could be said of the Church is the thing we have all heard said of it. How can we say that the Church wishes to bring us back into the Dark Ages? The Church was the only thing that ever brought us out of them." ~G.K. Chesterton: "Orthodoxy," Chap. IX

1 Corinthians 11:14
Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering.

"How can we continue to be free unless we keep the traditions, the grounds, and the roots upon which freedom is founded? We could not call our soul our own unless God exists. Why, we would not even have a soul! Democracy has within itself no inherent guarantee of freedom; these guarantees are from without. That is why I say our Declaration of Dependence on God is the condition of a Declaration of Independence of Dictatorship." Archbishop Fulton Sheen

"THE great lords will refuse the English peasant his three acres and a cow on advanced grounds, if they cannot refuse it longer on reactionary grounds. They will deny him the three acres on grounds of State Ownership. They will forbid him the cow on grounds of humanitarianism." ~G.K. Chesterton: "What's Wrong with the World," Part One, Chap. IX-History of Hudge and Gudge.

"Trump Derangement Syndrome" is a thing.

“The deepest happiness is found in those who suffer for Jesus Christ.”
“You cannot separate suffering and Joy.”
— Fr. John Hardon

"WHEN the old Liberals removed the gags from all the heresies, their idea was that religious and philosophical discoveries might thus be made. Their view was that cosmic truth was so important that every one ought to bear independent testimony. The modern idea is that cosmic truth is so unimportant that it cannot matter what any one says. The former freed inquiry as men loose a noble hound; the latter frees inquiry as men fling back into the sea a fish unfit for eating. Never has there been so little discussion about the nature of men as now, when, for the first time, any one can discuss it." ~G.K. Chesterton: "Heretics," Chap. I

“Obedience does not mean the execution of orders that are given by a drill sergeant. It springs, rather, from the love of an order and love of Him who gave it.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (The World’s First Love)

“THE modern newspaper proprietor is much more progressive than the NATION supposes; in fact he is a product of the progress the NATION supports. He is generally an uneducated man; but for all that he is an outcome of modern education. Most outcomes of modern education are uneducated men. Our education is uneducation; its whole tendency is to unteach people the traditions of their fathers.” ~G.K. Chesterton: "On Newspaper Proprietors."

“At least three times a day, deny yourself some legitimate pleasure…for the love of God. These little ‘deaths’ are so many rehearsals for the final death. Dying is a masterpiece, and to do it well, we must die daily: ‘If any man would come after me, let him…take up his cross daily’ (Luke 9:23)” Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Wartime Prayer Book)

“The Trinity is the answer to the questions of Plato. If there is only one God, what does He think about? He thinks an eternal thought, or about His Eternal Son. If there is only one God, whom does He love? He loves His Son, and that mutual love is the Holy Spirit. I firmly believe that the great philosopher was fumbling about for the mystery of the Trinity, for his great mind seemed in some small way to suspect that an infinite being must have relations of thought and love, and that God cannot be conceived without thought and love. But it was not until the word became Incarnate that man knew the secret of those relations and the inner life of God.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (The Divine Romance)

“One in essence, distinction of persons, such is the mystery of the Trinity, such is the inner life of God. The three angles of a triangle do not make three triangles but one; as the heat, power, and light of the sun do not make three suns but one; as water, air, and steam are all manifestations of the one substance; as the form, color, and perfume of the rose do not make three roses, but one; as our soul, our intellect, and our will do not make three substances, but one; as one times one times one times one does not equal three, but one, so too in some much more mysterious way, there are three Persons in God and yet only one God.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (The Divine Romance)

Laugh Tracks are a form of mind control.

Piltdown Man Hoax: "it has become clear to the point of unanimity among scientists that Teilhard offered nothing serious in the way of an alternative to orthodoxy; the ideas that were peculiarly his were confused, and the rest was just bombastic redescription of orthodoxy."

Atmospheric lensing/refraction happens because of the curve of the earth. All lenses/optics are based on the fact that lenses are either concave or convex to some degree - that is exactly how the refraction is caused. It is why complete 'flat' glass (such as a window) doesn't really refract light to any degree - which is why you see a relatively truthful view through it. No magnification/ no shrinking, no false movement of the subject object.

This is the result of excessive educational time piled on top of insufficient IQ.

“The paradox of fashion is that everybody is trying at the same time to be like and to be unlike everyone else. The higher classes need not necessarily be aristocratic or noble or wealthy; they can simply be the creators of a new style.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Life is Worth Living)

"THEREFORE dost thou hear that as often as sacrifice is offered, the Lord’s death, the Lord’s resurrection, the Lord’s ascension and the remission of sins is signified, and dost thou not take this bread of life daily? He who has a wound needs a medicine. The wound is that we are under sin; the medicine is the heavenly and venerable sacrament." ~St. Ambrose of Milan (333-397 A.D.): "Treatise on the Sacraments," 5, 4, 25.

Morality is the only thing that protects weak people against the strong who want to impose their will on them. E Michael Jones.

“The evil in the world must not make me doubt the existence of God. There could be no evil if there were no God. Before there can be a hole in a uniform, there must be a uniform; before there is death, there must be life; before there is error, there must be truth; before there is a crime, there must be liberty and law; before there is a war, there must be peace; before there is a devil, there must be a God, rebellion against whom made the devil.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Wartime Prayer Book)

"The ethics of the Middle Ages were at one with the ethics of the New Testament on this important point; that they understood the idea of the Pharisee. The saint without humility is the devil [...] the devil is a saint without humility. He is austere as any anchorite; he is as intellectual as any doctor or theologian; he is as refined as any lady abbess; he is as sexless as any virgin martyr. The one difference between him and them is that he is an egoist; an austere, refined, intellectual, virgin egoist." ~G.K. Chesterton: "Daily News", February 3, 1906.

The future was so much cooler in the past.

During November 1941, when Rosemary Kennedy was 23, doctors told Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. that a new neurosurgical procedure, lobotomy, would help calm her mood swings and stop her occasional violent outbursts.[14][15] (About 80 lobotomies, 80% on women, had been performed in the United States by the time.) He decided that his daughter should have the lobotomy performed; however, he did not inform his wife Rose of this until after the procedure was completed.[13] Rosemary was strapped to the operating table.[16] James W. Watts, who carried out the procedure with Walter Freeman of Wingdale Psychological and Correctional Facility, described what happened next (as narrated by Ronald Kessler):
"We went through the top of the head, I think she was awake. She had a mild tranquilizer. I made a surgical incision in the brain through the skull. It was near the front. It was on both sides. We just made a small incision, no more than an inch." The instrument Dr. Watts used looked like a butter knife. He swung it up and down to cut brain tissue. "We put an instrument inside", he said. As Dr. Watts cut, Dr. Freeman put questions to Rosemary. For example, he asked her to recite the Lord's Prayer or sing "God Bless America" or count backwards..... "We made an estimate on how far to cut based on how she responded." ..... When she began to become incoherent, they stopped.[17]
After the lobotomy, it quickly became apparent that the procedure was not successful. Kennedy's mental capacity diminished to that of a two-year-old child. She could not walk or speak intelligibly and was incontinent.[18]

"IN one sense, to do him justice, this melancholy materialist is the most disinterested of men. The mystic is one who will serve something invisible for his own reasons. The materialist is one who will serve anything visible for no reason." ~G.K. Chesterton: "On Flocking."

"Many a modern preacher is far less concerned with preaching Christ and Him crucified than he is with his popularity with his congregation. A want of intellectual backbone makes him straddle the ox of truth and the ass of nonsense. Bending the knee to the mob rather than God would probably make them scruple at ever playing the role of John the Baptist before a modern Herod. The acids of modernity are eating away the fossils of orthodoxy" Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen (Old Errors and New Labels)

The acids of modernity are eating away the fossils of orthodoxy

"ANY amount of nonsense has been talked about the need of novelty, and in that sense there is nothing particularly meritorious about being modern. A man who seriously describes his creed as Modernism might just as well invent a creed called Mondayism, meaning that he puts special faith in the fancies that occurred to him on Monday; or a creed called Morningism, meaning that he believed in the thoughts that occurred to him in the morning but not in the afternoon." ~G.K. Chesterton: "The Common Man."

“Those who hate religion are seeking religion; those who wrongly condemn are still seeking justice; those who overthrow order are seeking a new order; even those who blaspheme are adoring their own gods – but still adoring.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (The Rainbow of Sorrow)

The spread of Gnosticism in Gaul led Irenaeus to make a careful study of its tenets, not an easy matter since each Gnostic teacher was inclined to introduce subtleties of his own. He was, Tertullian tells us, "a curious explorer of all kinds of learning," and the task interested him. His treatise "Against the Heresies," in five books, sets forth fully the doctrines of the main dissident sects of the day and then contrasts them with the words of Scripture and the teachings of the Apostles, as preserved not only in sacred writings but by oral tradition in the churches which the Apostles founded.

“Peter thought, if He was the Son of God, why should He suffer? Satan on the mount of temptation tempted Him from His cross by promising popularity through giving bread, working scientific marvels, or becoming a dictator. Satan did not confess the Divinity of Christ, since he prefaced each temptation with an ‘if’ thou art the Son of God. To the credit of Peter, he did confess Divinity. But along with this difference, there was this likeness: both Peter and satan tempted Christ from His Cross and therefore from redemption. Not to redeem was satan’s mind; to have the crown without the Cross was satan’s spirit. But, it was also Peter’s. Therefore, Our Lord called him satan." Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Life of Christ)

"Spiritual authority is not a dam to the river of thought, it is merely a levee which prevents thought from becoming riotous and destroying the countryside of sanity." Archbishop Fulton Sheen

“Catholics prefer the unchangeable truth that man has an unchangeable head; but we do not care a snap of our fingers what kind of hat he wears; he can change that to suit the fashions; but for the life of us, we cannot understand the world that wants to change its God because it discovers a new astronomy.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Communism and the Conscience of the West)

"In religious contexts, a meek person is described as someone who does not fight back and accepts or swallows any form of suffering. Such a person would also be patient and ready to accept the authority of another without any opposition."

The second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence is at the same time a Declaration of Dependence, for it states that our rights have come to us from God, and therefore are "unalienable." If our rights come to us from God, as, rays come from the sun, does it not follow that only on condition that we preserve our dependence on God will we preserve our independence from tyranny? Archbishop Fulton Sheen (The Christian Order and Education)

"If the world hate you, know ye, that it hath hated me before you. If you had been of the world, the world would love its own: but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. Remember my word that I said to you: The servant is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you: if they have kept my word, they will keep yours also." John 15:18-20

“And to the Cross He went, crucified by the liberty of a decaying democracy which is indifferent to truth…Calvary on that day is the picture of the modern world. The crisis of that day, as that of our own day, is the crisis of liberty. As Christ was crucified on Good Friday by false liberty, so is man crucified today. Liberalism and capitalism which were indifferent to morality and truth did not give us liberty but only the right to be individually selfish. Freedom is not the right to do whatever we please; neither is it the right to do what we must; it is the moral right to do what we ought.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen

This is probably the most talkative age in the history of the world-not only because we have more mechanical devices to diffuse our talking but also because we have little inside our minds that did not come from the world outside our minds. There are few listeners, although Saint Paul tells us that “faith comes from hearing.” If the bodies of most of us were fed as little as the mind, they would soon starve to death. Hyperactivity and love of noise and chatter characterize our age, as a compensation for the profound distrust human beings have of themselves.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Lift Up Your Heart)

"CONSIDER therefore the Bread and the Wine not as bare elements, for they are, according to the Lord's declaration, the Body and Blood of Christ; for even though sense suggests this to you, yet let faith establish you. Judge not the matter from the taste, but from faith be fully assured without misgiving, that the Body and Blood of Christ have been vouchsafed to you."
~St. Cyril of Jerusalem (c. 313 – 386 AD): "Catechetical Discourses," (On the Mysteries. IV.), 22, 6.

“Love tends to become like the one loved; in fact, it even wishes to become one with the one loved. God loved unworthy man. He willed to become one with him, and that was the Incarnation.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (The Divine Romance)

"THE modern philosopher had told me again and again that I was in the right place, and I had still felt depressed even in acquiescence. But I had heard that I was in the WRONG place, and my soul sang for joy, like a bird in spring. The knowledge found out and illuminated forgotten chambers in the dark house of infancy. I knew now why grass had always seemed to me as queer as the green beard of a giant, and why I could feel homesick at home." ~G.K. Chesterton: "Orthodoxy," Ch. V.

“Neither theological knowledge nor social action alone is enough to keep us in love with Christ unless both are preceded by a personal encounter with Him. Theological insights are gained not only from between two covers of a book, but from two bent knees before an altar. The Holy Hour becomes like an oxygen tank to revive the breath of the Holy Spirit in the midst of the foul and fetid atmosphere of the world.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Miles Mathis: Bertrand Russell said in 1930 that the desire to foist order upon chaos was born of fear: "The desire to make an intelligible system out of it [the world] is an outcome of fear, in fact a kind of agoraphobia or fear of open places."
That was one of the themes of the 20th century, so fundamental and so central that it is now a kind of truism. But like everything else in that century, it was inverted. Not only is it not a truism, it is false. In fact, it is the denial of the world as intelligible that is born of fear: the fear that you cannot make sense of it no matter what you do. It is this fear, combined with the desire to deny the past, that defined all the great movements of the 20th century—Dada, Futurism, Existentialism, Postmodernism, quantum uncertainty, Relativity.
I will argue that more than anything else, the manifestoes of the 20th century intellectuals, artists, and scientists were a refusal to compete, born of this fear of action. Contrary to what we are told, this refusal to compete was not based on the horrors of the past. Nor was it based on the horrors of the first world war, since both the idea and the attitude predated the war. It was based on the incredible achievements of those that had come before, and especially of those artists, scientists and intellectuals of the last generations of the 19th century, whom the youth of the 20th century had (what they perceived as) the misfortune to follow on the historical stage.
They told us that the easel painting, the novel, the poem, and deterministic science (mechanics) were all dead. Why? Mainly so that they wouldn't be expected to deliver a painting, novel, poem, or science better than or as good as the ones that had come before. Instead of simply admit this, as any weak but honest person might, they did what the weak and dishonest commonly do: they created a tortured logic to make achievement look like selfishness, courage look like fear, and reason look irrational. They then tried to pass off their own achievements —which can be seen to be inferior by any person with eyes—as somehow superior.

Miles Mathis: You see, by the modern and current interpretation, Nietzsche proclaimed that God is Dead in order to subvert all the old hierarchies. He is seen as a sort of pre-Futurist or pre-Dadaist, rejoicing in all revolutions for their own sake, no matter their form or outcome. But this is to misread Nietzsche. Nietzsche was not sad to see Christianity fall, it is true, but Nietzsche believed strongly in the “natural” hierarchies of strength, health, intelligence, and so on. He had no desire to see a classless society or to promote any sort of egalitarianism. He would have had no interest in a “democratized” art or science or philosophy. He believed in the brutal honesty of nature, where inequality, not equality, is the rule. And like Nature herself, Nietzsche had no pity for weakness.
But all this was turned on its head at the turn of the century, as various nouveau-intellectuals used Nietzsche to promote their manifestoes. They saw this time of great change as their chance to subvert all the old hierarchies, not just the hierarchies of the Church or the State. It wasn't just the gods or the kings they wished to dethrone, it was anyone and everyone who had done anything in the past, good or bad—and especially good. It was the desire to erase history, so that they didn't have to compete with it any longer. They weren't mainly progressives who wanted to get rid of corrupt governments or popes or institutions. What turned out to be a majority of them were more interested in getting rid of the Newtons and Michelangelos and Leonardos of history. As it turned out, these intellectuals were more oppressed by Newton and Michelangelo than they were by fake kings or popes. That should tell you who you were dealing with right there.

A psychological state arising from suppressed feelings of envy and hatred that cannot be acted upon, frequently resulting in some form of self-abasement.

The practice, or an instance, of expressing opinions on something which one knows only superficially or has little real understanding of.

Miles Mathis: At the same time that the new intellectuals were smashing the old idols, they were setting up new idols in their place. Top physicists became the new gods, and the rank-and-file physicists and science readers were idolators par excellence, never questioning the dogma from above. The more superstition and paradox and idolatry it contained, the more they liked it. The less rigor it contained the more they liked it. But whereas the old pre-20th century dogma was at least rich and poetic, the new dogma was bare and prosaic. Whereas the old dogma at least told a good story, the new dogma told no story or a poor story. Whereas the old dogma was a clever and complex myth, giving meaning, the new dogma was a tattered and transparent lie, denying meaning. The small and pinched thinkers of the 20th century replaced large and beautiful idols with small ugly idols, to no real purpose. If all is but a conversation, as Bohr maintained, why not have a bright and varied conversation, full of meaning and content and bold creativity, rather than a dreary and one-dimensional conversation, empty and warning off future creativity?

“Apart from an outside supernatural assistance society goes from bad to worse until deterioration is universal. Not evolution but devolution is the law of man without God. With all of our boasted mechanical civilization a day might come when our modern towers of Babel would be as forgotten as the first, when Americans would cease to exist as a race as the Babylonians and Medes have ceased to exist, when Washington would be a contested locality like the capital of the Aztec civilization, and when the Constitution of the United States would be the hopeless search of the world’s archaeologists.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (The Prodigal World)

"Homosexuality is the driving force behind the Leather Bar Catholicism that Voris is promoting at Real Catholic TV." - E Michael Jones

Miles Mathis: They want to divert you into these problems, since once you get in you can waste years of your life with nothing to show for it. They keep all the stupid people talking about sports and movie stars, but they know they can't interest you in that shit, so they have to come up with something more cerebral for you. It used to be manufactured Biblical or literary problems that diverted the intelligentsia, like how many angels danced on the head of a pin or how many hexameters Virgil could write without spilling a trochee. Now it is whether an imaginary astronaut will pass the event horizon of the black hole and get burned up or stretched to death. Armchair philosophy posing as science, in other words.
But why would they want you wasting all your braincells on this stuff? Because if you are reading and discussing black holes, the edge of the universe, 11-dimensional math, or the origins of consciousness, you aren't getting in their way. They have then successfully diverted you into sciolism. This is what all their “science” magazines are about. Those magazines no longer contain a jot of real science. Instead, they are written from various government cubicles to misdirect you into manufactured problems and controversies. While you are out beating their phantom bushes, they are free to do what they like in science, art, and government.