Good Quotes, Chapter 14

in #quotes7 years ago

"Adam’s brother, Ryan, four years older and now a tax accountant in New York, used to joke about how close Peter and Adam were." If so, why do no pictures of Ryan and Adam together exist? Solomon says he saw boxes of photos in Peter's house, so why not publish one, to put this to rest? I'll tell you why: there is no Adam. Pictures of Adam are actually old retouched pictures of Ryan. Which gives Ryan's “joke” a new punchline. That's how close Adam and Ryan were: they were the same person. That's why Adam was said to be carrying Ryan's ID and why they first thought the shooter was Ryan. Adam had no ID, because he is not a real person. -- Miles Mathis

We now know that Sandy Hook was fake, Aurora was fake, LAX was fake, the Boston Marathon was fake, and on and on. It looks to me like the government simply budgets for three mass tragedies a month, to keep DHS and TSA expenditures properly inflated. And it looks like some faction of CIA or military is sick of it, and is purposely blowing their cover. That is why it is so easy for researchers like me to compile information. Just as CIA is blowing the cover of NSA via the inflatable doll they call Snowden, some faction of Intelligence is blowing the cover of DHS in this Sandy Hook event. -- Miles Mathis

Remember, when DHS was founded in late 2002 and began faking these events, it had to use a mainstream press that had already been controlled by CIA back to 1947. In fact, military intelligence had been controlling the media back to at least the 1840's, as I have shown in previous papers. So DHS was basically borrowing CIA's primary tool. The thing is, CIA had a long history of faking events, and therefore had some amount of pride in both its track record and in its tool. So when DHS came in and started faking these events like a bunch of amateurs, it naturally pissed off CIA. It is like when you loan a shovel to your neighbor next door, and he returns it with dirt and rust all over it, and a cracked handle. CIA is concerned that DHS is permanently breaking the tool, so that no one can use it anymore. Once the public becomes suspicious of the media, it is useless as propaganda, you see.
Now, CIA could have loaned their expertise to DHS, and in some instances we must assume they have done that. But in other instances, CIA didn't approve of DHS's events, and left them to coordinate things alone. Since DHS is relatively new at this game, they bungled these events badly. Sandy Hook is just one of these events. Because CIA didn't approve of these events to start with, and because CIA is angry that its primary tool is being sullied, DHS is now in serious trouble. If we add to that the fact that DHS has tried to co-opt some of the sexiest domestic duties of the CIA—doing to CIA what CIA did to FBI back in the 1970's—we have the grounds for a serious turf war.
You have to understand that when DHS was created in 2002, there was actually no room for it in the architecture. The Intelligence community was already overfull, with more agents than there was useful work. Intelligence was already doing a slew of things that didn't really need to be done in the 1990's. As with the Military, its main job was just spending money. But the Cheney/Rumsfeld cabal wanted part of that pie, so they used 911 to finance a huge expansion. They pushed their way into the Intelligence apparatus and almost immediately began trying to take control of it. They took over INS, ICE, FEMA, and the Coast Guard, and created TSA. Although they felt immediate resistance from existing Intelligence, especially CIA, it wasn't until DHS began taking over NSA that CIA felt really threatened.
I beg you to notice that all the agencies reported to be buying ridiculous amounts of ammunition, including hollow point ammunition, are sub-agencies of DHS. From this, we may assume that even the IRS is being taken over by DHS. That would naturally concern CIA as well. This indicates that DHS is not feeling threatened by you or me, they are feeling threatened by push-back from CIA. -- Miles Mathis

These rich people and their scientists have not had the power to do real science. They have only been capable of vast amounts of fake science. All their money and power have bought them nothing real.
The only power you can buy is the power to destroy. You can buy bombs and poison and you can hire murderers. But you cannot buy the ability to create.
You will say they can give money to charity, and through those charities they can heal people and save lives. But again, all that is an illusion created by wealthy people. Just as it was possible for me to create art and do science with almost no money, you can heal people and save people's lives with almost no money as well. Healing and saving don't require money, they require ability. They require healers and savers, not rich people.
Even when they appear to be supporting the arts, they are only supporting fake new arts which have displaced the real arts of the past. The same can be said of new science, which isn't really science. It is only a simulacrum of science, propped up to steal money from the treasury to further enrich the rich. -- Miles Mathis

If you want to govern people, you have to keep them on the path you have chosen for them. That is how the governors understand government. You may think government is about keeping people employed and building highways and educating children, but it isn't. It is about “governing” them. Moving them around at will. Think of a governess. She keeps the kids out of trouble and molds them into the sort of adults her employer or her society requires. Same thing with the governors. They keep you from troubling them and mold you into someone who can make them richer. That is what our society requires, and very little else.
With that goal in mind, the last thing the governors want is “enlightened” people or “self-actualized” people. Those people might make money for themselves, think for themselves, and govern themselves. People like that make very poor clients. People like that are just trouble. So the governors have to head them off. Since people take many different paths, the governors have to place their blockers and tacklers everywhere. They have to have blockers for smart people and dumb people, lazy people and ambitious people, caring people and uncaring people, progressive people and conservative people, men and women, young and old. And they have to have blockers and tacklers up and down the field, on the fifty-yard line as well as on the five-yard line. If you get past one line of tacklers, they have to have another line ready for you. -- Miles Mathis

No matter how deep down the rabbit hole you have climbed, they have to have some bearded caterpillar waiting for you to give you bad advice in solemn tones, recommending you eat the wrong cake or try the wrong door. -- Miles Mathis

No matter how high up the mountain you climb, they have to have some guru on a goat-ledge positioned there to shunt you off on the wrong path.
Once you pass the halfway point on the mountain, the gurus get more clever. You already know a lot by that time, so they have to take that into account. They have to lead the lesson by re-teaching you a lot you already know. This makes you trust them. One of their greatest tricks is unmasking gurus on lower levels, although those gurus are really their colleagues. They say, “Oh, by the way, you know that the gurus at level 42, 43, and 44 are working for the man, right? They were trying to keep you from climbing up to this level, because they are jealous of the view I have from here. Beautiful, isn't it?” Guru 45 then subtly suggests his view is superior to views from even higher, and that you have no need to climb up further. He has to say that in just the right way, though, at the right speed, with the right inflections, or you remember that guru 44 just told you pretty much the same thing. -- Miles Mathis

I don't really think a gun is going to even my chances against the government. But this is exactly what the pro-gun side seems to be arguing. And it seems to be what the audience is hearing, since the audience is going out and buying guns like they are about to be discontinued.
None of this is necessary, neither the arming of the citizenry nor the militarizing of the police force.
Neither side is ever telling you the truth, because they are both trying to make a buck off of you. The gun control people are trying to get more taxes for “Homeland Security,” while the gun advocates are hoping to sell you a gun.
Did you know that Smith&Wesson was bought out in a hostile takeover in 2001, and that the government was involved? Remember, 2001 was also year one of DHS. Coincidence? Did you know that the $200 million company was bought for $15 million, and that this rock-bottom price was due to fire-arm regulation by President Clinton? Did you know that after an initial plunge due to the Clinton regulation, their sales have since skyrocketed? Just a coincidence, right? Did you know that the buyer of Smith&Wesson was a start-up company named Saf-T-Hammer? We are told it was a maker of gun locks, but it wasn't. It was a start-up company with no history of making anything.
The billionaire investors are making money off you both ways: they tax you for Homeland Security, which scares you into buying guns, and the money you spend on guns also goes to them. -- Miles Mathis

Socialism was dressed from the beginning to look like a fairer sister of Democracy/Republicanism, but it was actually a crone in poor make-up. It was purposely created to break down immediately into fascism, the way plastic is now made to break down when exposed to light.
I am all in favor of trade unions and worker-owned companies; but at the same time I would not like to see a co-op of Walmart, McDonald's, and USPS employees running the country. While the system we have doesn't put the best people at the top, Marxism wouldn't either. -- Miles Mathis

Like Chomsky, LaRouche was instructed to admit to a large percentage of US and British crimes, to appeal to progressives and good researchers who had already discovered them. And also like Chomsky, LaRouche was there to prevent deeper truths from being discovered.
Ironically, perhaps, LaRouche was—in most ways—positioned further up the mountain than Chomsky. LaRouche could admit to 911 where Chomsky couldn't. LaRouche could talk about outre crimes that wouldn't appeal to Chomsky's audience. And they were instructed to blow a very different smoke regarding Kennedy. While Chomsky pretended to be above the whole discussion, LaRouche was instructed to tell a new variant of the Oliver Stone story, intellectualizing it with the Yalta system and a new player, Mortimer Bloomfield.
LaRouche's entire biography is a contradiction, since we are being sold the idea that he was attacking the mainstream leaders viciously, while at the same time taking meetings with them. -- Miles Mathis

The billionaires love a manufactured world of fear and chaos, because fear and chaos keep all markets brisk. In a world of love and satisfaction, all sales would plummet.
This is why we saw George Bush telling people to go out and buy stuff after 911. They found that they had overplayed that one by a tad, and that people were so shocked they had stopped buying. You want to scare people just enough to make them buy stuff to decorate the bunker, but not enough to send them down into it. They learned their lesson there, and they keep the security level at a constant bright orange now, instead of blinking red. At orange, most people will be at Walmart every other day stocking up on toilet paper, baking soda, and camouflage pants; at red they will have pad-locked the shutters, armed the booby traps, and lit the candles. -- Miles Mathis

Some have said that Kaczynski was a patsy, or that he was mind-controlled. No. He was a CIA actor. All these connections to MKULTRA aren't indication of brainwashing, they are indication Ted was an operative, all the way back to 1959. He was recruited at Harvard, just as Terence McKenna was recruited at Berkeley. These weren't mainly brainwashing programs, they were CIA recruitment programs. The people in them weren't volunteers or guinea pigs, they were just raw CIA recruits being put through their early paces.
We are told the New York Times and Washington Post agreed to publish his 35,000 word manifesto in order to avoid more bloodshed, but no one should have believed that. They clearly published it as part of the psy-op. It was one of the most important facets of the event. It was their best opportunity to blackwash leftists since the Manson/Tate event. -- Miles Mathis

From 1947 to 1952, CIA began its fullcourt takeover of the press, engulfing the literary magazines and the publishing houses as well as the major newspapers. -- Miles Mathis

What is the sign of perfect propaganda? Its invisibility! The American system of propaganda, though not terribly subtle in hindsight, was infinitely subtle compared to Nazi or Russian propaganda. It has been so successful it has required very little violent coercion. The staging has fooled almost everyone, and most Americans over the past 60 years have actually believed they were living in a free, democratic, and fair society. Only since 911 have the lights begin to flicker, the audience becoming suspicious of the Great Oz behind the curtain. Before that, the audience was drinking in the show with ever greater abandon.
Without 911 and all the ridiculous failed psy-ops since then, I would never have looked twice at the Unabomber or anything else, and neither would anyone else. I (probably) would have remained in my 1990's intellectual cocoon, right where they wanted me, and so would you. -- Miles Mathis

You can't successfully blackwash any idea in the mainstream media anymore, because that would require the audience being able to have two ideas in their heads at once, and being able to link them. As in “Unabomber—environmentalism. Unabomber bad, environmentalism bad.” Most Americans were already on too many pharmaceuticals by 1995 to achieve that syllogism. They only got this far in: “Unabomber—environmentalism. Unabomber baaaad, uh, doh, where was I? Oh yeah, mmmm, bacon!” -- Miles Mathis

Satanism works as perfect cover for Intelligence, since most researchers love to be diverted into it: it is much sexier than the truth. -- Miles Mathis

England repealed the 1736 Witchcraft Act in 1951. Why would they do that? You will say it is because the Act had been in mothballs for centuries, but that isn't true. There were two convictions under the Act in 1944 and another witch was threatened with prosecution in 1950. They tell you that spiritualists pushed for repeal, but the real reason the Act was repealed was to allow Intelligence to expand its faux-occult events without fear of interference from Parliament or Scotland Yard. This is precisely the time that US and British Intelligence were expanding enormously, and Gardner used the repeal to immediately found covens and publish books promoting witchcraft. His first book, High Magic's Aid, came out in 1949, so it actually preceded the repeal of the Witchcraft Act. It is very likely his publisher and MI6 were much more active in the repeal than any spiritualists. -- Miles Mathis

We are taught that the President is the Commander-in-Chief, but of course that is hogwash. The President is just a puppet in a suit. Much more powerful people actually run the country, and they use Intelligence to oversee the military. That has been true for many decades. -- Miles Mathis

The Process Church wasn't a Satanist organization, it was just another silly front for Intelligence, like Scientology, Esalen, Findhorn, OTO, Wicca, and a hundred others. -- Miles Mathis

We have seen Intelligence running many events in the past decade to slander the Amish, though it is difficult to see how the Amish are a great threat to the US Government. Apparently, those who run this country can't take any tiny opposition, no matter how passive. The blackwash of organic farming is easier to read, since we may assume that opposition was purchased directly by Monsanto. It is sort of like product placement, but in reverse. -- Miles Mathis

Just as the Son of Sam and Unabomber products were signals of a government desperate to manufacture fear by any means possible, so are many Hollywood movies and TV shows—as well as your nightly news. It appears that Intelligence has brainwashed even itself, to the point that its scriptwriters can't see when they are giving themselves away in plain sight. -- Miles Mathis

All the government ops of the past decades have been anti-sex. They are keeping men and women apart, to create trauma, to prevent free gratification, to sell more products, and for population control. That's not the MO of Satan or Lucifer or of any of the pagan gods. The people destroying your world aren't Christians, Satanists or pagans. They have no connection to any gods of the Earth or Sky, good or bad. They are just shallow psychopaths, organisms whose innate functions have badly misfired. This is why Nature will be forced to wipe them out. -- Miles Mathis

Bill Gates' paternal grandfather was a top banker in Lincoln, Nebraska. What this indicates to me is that the roots of the Gates' wealth comes from banking, not computers. In other words, Bill Gates would be obscenely wealthy even if computers had never been invented. -- Miles Mathis

In my educated opinion, it means that the Gates Foundation, Bill Gates, and Microsoft itself are all fronts for the Matrix. Like Apple Computers and Steve Jobs, they don't exist like we think. Microsoft would appear to be another big government entity, like Google, with a person from the families simply chosen to front it. Gates is sold to us as a genius of some sort, but I have never seen the least evidence of that. He comes across as a big dope who can barely follow the Teleprompter or the earpiece. He is marginally more presentable than George Bush or Donald Trump, but that isn't saying much. He has all the charisma of a tunafish sandwich left out in the rain. Which indicates he wasn't chosen for his personal qualities. He was chosen because he had to be chosen. He is a child of the richest families and demanded his “due”.
These kids want to be famous, and Daddy can't say no. The only question is, will they become famous in art, cinema, politics, sports or the media? Cinema and sports were out, and you couldn't sell Gates as an artist. That left the outer reaches of the media, where Gates could be installed as a sometimes speaker and important person, without anyone ever catching on. Installing him as the front for Microsoft was a coup for his handlers, since it made that company look private: not connected to the military/industrial/spy complex. And scrubbing his genealogy hid the fact the company was closely tied to the usual families. It also allowed for the creation of the Gates Foundation, by which they could channel money to Africa, Israel, or anywhere else in the world, under the cover of a charitable foundation. But there is nothing charitable about it. It was always just a clever form of money laundering, and you can be sure every dollar spent is an investment with a huge guaranteed return and no tax. Same as all other charitable foundations. -- Miles Mathis

"A conspiracy of a very few millionaires"
"THE point about the Press is that it is not what it is called. It is not the "popular Press." It is not the public Press. It is not an organ of public opinion. It is a conspiracy of a very few millionaires, all sufficiently similar in type to agree on the limits of what this great nation (to which we belong) may know about itself and its friends and enemies. The ring is not quite complete; there are old-fashioned and honest papers: but it is sufficiently near to completion to produce on the ordinary purchaser of news the practical effects of a corner and a monopoly. He receives all his political information and all his political marching orders from what is by this time a sort of half-conscious secret society, with very few members, but a great deal of money."
~G.K. Chesterton: 'The Tyranny of Bad Journalism.' (Utopia of Usurers and Other Essays) Originally published: 1917

The easily offended are easily manipulated.

I recently re-watched The Exorcist as part of ongoing research, and I saw many signs of the same thing. I now read the movie as a crude opportunity for Jewish writers, cast and crew to do lewd things to the cross, the Virgin Mary, the crucifix, and priests. Some have said the movie makes Christ look powerful, since the exorcism was ultimately successful. But I remind you the priests failed. They both died at the end, the Devil taking the soul of one of them. Christianity is very firmly blackwashed in the film, on many levels. That was the point of the book and film.
As for Kingsman, the church fight scene was clearly an analogue, precursor/postcursor, and clue to the many mass shootings we have seen in churches in the past decade, including the highly promoted one in Charleston (with Dylann Storm Roof) and the very recent one in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Although all these events are fiction, the point of them is to blackwash Christianity. They also hope to scare you away from church, making you afraid you may be the next victim of a madman. If the governors had their way, you would only be allowed to leave the house for work and shopping. They don't want you making any social or sexual ties: they want you to have no outlets for your emotions and frustrations except shopping, drugs, and mass media. This maximizes all their profits. -- Miles Mathis

Some of the most famous paintings in the major museums are fakes right now, but none of these experts seems to care. All they care is that they get paid and that their careers continue on.
You should trust nothing you read about auction house prices or records. The art market is one of the most corrupt markets in existence, and honesty and reality have no role there.
As for these absurd prices, they simply make them up. At Bloomberg, the page on the Leonardo sale has some loudmouth quacking woman asking why the prices paid for paintings continues to rise, despite the collapsing financial state of the world, but of course she leads you directly away from the right answer. That being that those involved in major money laundering—including all the world's governments—need to launder larger sums of money. They are involved in ever larger thefts and cons, so they need fronts for those cons. It is more convenient to have one big-ticket item for such a front rather than several.
That fraud is faking both paintings and sales to create an entirely fake market. That fake market is then used as a front for even more massive frauds, including laundering money from huge international thefts from national treasuries worldwide. We now know the billionaires are stealing from treasuries directly in the form of various banking scandals, including LIBOR, TARP, PPIP and so on and so on. Many bank and savings and loan collapses have been faked over the decades to facilitate treasury dips in the form of needless “bailouts”, paid for by taxpayers. These aren't bailouts, they are just grand thefts in broad daylight. Well, these fake art sales are simply used to launder some of the billions of dollars stolen in these various cons.
The buyer is really the seller and the seller is really the buyer: not of the painting but of some hidden commodity.
You will say that if he bought them himself, he didn't really profit, but that is true only in a limited sense. He didn't profit from that particular auction, which was a total fake. But he profited by increasing the value of his “chits”. As I showed in my previous paper on money laundering, these paintings are used a markers in other deals, and if your markers increase in value, it is like money in the bank, you see. -- Miles Mathis

The laws don't apply to these people, since their relatives own the congresses, courts, police, and military. -- Miles Mathis

Since the “government” is just other wealthy people, we basically see the billionaires feuding and trying to steal from one another. We have nothing left to steal, so they now have to steal from one another. -- Miles Mathis

These leaks are normally controlled leaks, leaked by Intelligence itself. Although they may contain some good information and seem damaging to top people, more likely is that they are a further form of misdirection. -- Miles Mathis

No word on why the major banks involved haven't been put in receivership, liquidated, and their owners and controllers jailed. -- Miles Mathis

A major clue to what is going on with the “leak” is found in the section at Wikipedia on “people named” in the leak. Included is the Prime Minister of Iceland, which should throw up a red flag. This Gunnlaugsson had been the lead voice when Iceland refused to pay £2.3 billion in compensation when it threw the bankers out and nationalized the banks beginning in 2008. Some bankers were even arrested. So it is curious to find this guy named in this new banking scandal. The fact that he is near the top of the list and is one of the few people mentioned by name on the main page at Wikipedia tells me the Panama Papers leak is actually controlled by the big bankers themselves. They are using it to get back at Gunnlaugsson and others. It is so obvious.
Also notice that almost no one from the UK, US, France, or Germany is named. In fact, not one person is listed under Germany. One minor person is listed from the US. In France, only people like Le Pen and Strauss-Kahn are listed. Except for Strauss-Kahn, almost no Jews are on the list from any countries. This is the opposite of what you should expect, given the Jewish preoccupation with banking and finance. The list should be heavy with obvious Jewish (and obvious-to-us crypto-Jewish) names. It should be a list of 300,000 Levys, Kohens, Steinbergs, Isaacs, Jonases, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Meyers, Liebermans, Fishls, Pollacks, Stuarts, Marxes, Stanleys, Morgans, Taylors, and so on. This is all the indication you should need that the list is fake, upside down, and drawn up by the very people who should be prosecuted in these scandals. -- Miles Mathis

Well, we saw in the HSBC case that major firstworld governments appear to be cracking down on the banks in some ways, making it harder for them to avoid taxes and launder money. So the banks are looking for new methods, or new ways to tweak or expand old methods. That is what this art market business is about, including the fake sale of this fake Leonardo. They need to get the prices for these fake works even higher, so that they can launder money more efficiently with fewer artworks. -- Miles Mathis

They are conditioning you to live in a humorless, joyless world where the bad people are more interesting and the good people always die violently. -- Miles Mathis

The world is now completely upside-down, so much so that if the mainstream is telling you it is day, you can bet all your money on it being night. -- Miles Mathis

Remember in Fletch, when Chase's character goes in disguise and introduces himself as Harry S. Truman, Gordon Liddy, or Igor Stravinsky? Fletch didn't think much of the intelligence of those he was talking to, and the writers at Langley feel the same way about you. They know you will miss almost all references, so they are free to joke around at your expense. -- Miles Mathis

The mainstream media plants our daily talking points, and most people don't have enough of an independent mental life to go another way. -- Miles Mathis

Noguchi was involved in faking the autopsies of Tate, Janis Joplin, Robert Kennedy, William Holden, Natalie Wood, and John Belushi. Kornblum also worked on the autopsies of Belushi, Wood, and Holden, as well as Carpenter, Truman Capote, and Warren Oates. So just finding Karen's name on this list should indicate to you her death was probably faked. Noguchi's previous deputy coroner Donald Angus Stuart had been fired and arrested for practicing without a license, faking his medical degree, and perjury. Noguchi was relieved of his position as medical examiner for gross misconduct and replaced by Kornblum in 1982. In 1990 Kornblum resigned under similar circumstances of misconduct and intrigue, and even Wikipedia admits dumped corpses and doublebilling. Given what is admitted, it is amazing Kornblum dodged prosecution and a jail term, and I assume he did so only due to his Intel connections. He was just doing his job, you see. -- Miles Mathis

Wilhelm Schmidt wrote a book, a huge book (it just warms my heart to see someone writing a book that's about six times bigger than the books I write) and it was about the source of the idea of God. And it's about all of this research he was doing, anthropological research in various cultures, and what he discovered was that basically the more primitive the culture the more Monotheistic it was! Polytheism is a later form of decadence, and India is probably the classic example of that kind of decadence. But he said that invariably anthropological research was wrecked by Darwinism, because Darwinism is the exact opposite paradigm. In other words there's always progress with Darwinism, and the evidence that Schmidt found throughout the world is that decadence is the rule. It's not progress, its decadence! The more primitive people all had a belief in Monotheism and a heavily moral understanding of the universe and it all got displaced by decadence. In other words the theological term for decadence is Polytheism. -- E Michael Jones

The Illuminati program was basically the whole Jesuit idea of examination of conscience turned upside down. So if you're a Jesuit, you go to the priest and you examine your conscience. You come up with your sins, the priest gives you absolution and he says, "Go and sin no more". The psychiatrist on the other hand, because he's part of the Illuminati, uses this as a form of control. So you go to this psychiatrist, you tell him your sins and he says "It's okay if you want to do that if you make a big contribution to the Psychoanalytic Society", which is exactly what Sigmund Freud did with Horace Frink the American psychologist, a medical doctor. -- E Michael Jones

“Both capitalism and socialism are opposite sins against property. Capitalism emphasizes private rights to property without any social responsibility to the common good; socialism emphasizes the social use of property, to the forgetfulness of personal rights. The true solution is one in which the rights to property are personal, but the responsibility is social. A man is free on the inside because he can call his soul his own; he is free on the outside because he can call his property his own.” Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Crisis in History)

“The way to win friends and influence people is not to flatter them, but to be selfless. The greatest happiness in life comes not from having, but from giving. From the Christian point of view the true master is the servant.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Love One Another)

“He who has long been under the rod of God becomes God’s possession. The consolation Our Lord gives is not always to cool our fevered brow or heal our broken limb, but to give us a vision of His purposes, so that we hasten to use every pain to save souls, to repair our own sins and those of others. Oh! That we could die in pairs: husband and wife, lover and beloved, widow and only son, friend and friend. But we die singly that at death we might, by our free choice, be paired with Christ, as the thief on the right: ‘This day, thou shalt be with Me in Paradise.’” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Lenten & Easter Inspirations)

Intelligence had two big upswings in the 20th century, one being in 1946 and the other being in about 1976, post Watergate. As I showed in my paper on that, the success of Watergate simply told Intelligence the sky was the limit. They could do anything and get away with it. Well, the drug companies were also in a period of exponential growth, and it looks like they paid some wing of Intel to keep that growth coming. The largest growth has been in antidepressants and similar drugs, and to sell anti-depressants you need depressed people, right? If they don't exist, you can create them. That is what has happened.
Music has been one prong of the attack, but two others are the news and Hollywood. Every day you are assaulted with a pile of depressing news and tragic events, most of them faked. And Hollywood is the frosting on this depressing cake, reselling the events in the news as well as making up some of their own.
And the reason for all this fake tragedy? Selling you things. Not just anti-depressants, but almost everything else you buy with your “disposable” income. I have had friends go into expensive therapy and begin taking expensive drugs due to events like Sandy Hook or 911. And in the old days, people did the same thing due to the death of Karen Carpenter or John Lennon. My first lover wore a black armband for weeks after Lennon supposedly died. It affected her for months, possibly years. Of course it wasn't just a single event: it was a pile of manufactured events, all faux-tragic, all manufactured to depress and confuse. -- Miles Mathis

Spending time with insane people leads to insanity, and being alone is just a smart fallback position. -- Miles Mathis

Things are decided by the suits, and if the suits think the project is over, it is over. Odds are they pulled the plug, using a faked death to maximize final sales and screw with everyone's heads. -- Miles Mathis

We have always assumed that alternate theories would be frowned upon or discouraged, and yet we have never seen much real effort at suppression. In fact, in most cases, the dissemination of alternate theories would seem to be abetted by the mainstream, not suppressed. You should ask yourself if the alternate theories and theorists might be selling the main lines of the desired story just as fully as the standard theory. For the powers that be, it may not matter whether you believe there was one shooter or many, or even whether you believe that the CIA or FBI was involved. The only thing that is critical is that you believe Kennedy was assassinated that day, and the alternate theories sell that fact with even more emphasis and gusto than the Warren Commission. As it turns out, the alternate theories make a much greater hero out of Kennedy than the standard theory, and it may be that this is a welcome side-effect to the real conspirators.
The first desideratum of those controlling both stories is that you, the public, be kept monumentally confused, so that you can never ask the proper questions. This end is achieved by having many competing theories. In this way, the Warren Commission was only the official fake story. But the other fake stories are just as important in the long-running effort to make it seem that there is no right answer. The storytellers are quite satisfied to have an ever growing mass of speculation and opinion, which almost inevitably must overwhelm all investigators. The more diversions that are created, the less likely it is that anyone will discover the real clues. -- Miles Mathis

As Sherlock Holmes told us, it is dangerous to have a theory before you have the facts. -- Miles Mathis

The wounds don’t match Zapruder or the theory as it is. In that case, why not have the real corpse instead of a phony? The phony corpse does not solve any problem. In fact, as part of either the standard theory or the alternate theory, the phony corpse has no logical place. A stand-in corpse doesn’t sell any part of the Warren commission’s findings and it doesn’t make sense in a cover-up either. In a cover-up, you switch the perpetrators, not the corpse. In a cover-up, switching the corpse would cause more problems, not fewer, and that is what we see.
No, the only reason you would need a body-double corpse is if you don’t have a real corpse. Those who argue that the corpse is not Kennedy never ask the correct question. The correct question is not, “Where is Kennedy’s corpse?” If the Zapruder film is fake and the corpse is fake, then we have no evidence that Kennedy was killed at all. All we have is a bunch of eye-witness testimony that a guy in a car who looked like Kennedy appeared to be wounded, and a bunch of ear witness testimony of shots fired. That is not proof of anything. We have already seen that Oswald faked being hit (a second too early), with no blood, but because it was done on camera, with the world watching, we think we have a billion witnesses. Yes, we have a billion witnesses to a guy falling down after a shot is heard. We have witnesses to nothing. Likewise, with Kennedy. We have witnesses to absolutely nothing. It may have been the murder of a President, the murder of a body double, or a complete act. Without the President’s body, the correct question is, where is the President? Where is he hiding? That is the correct question. That has been the correct question for decades. And no one has ever asked it. -- Miles Mathis

And then there is the very real possibility that no one is telling the truth except those who know nothing. -- Miles Mathis

The world needs reminding that the burden of proof is on the side of the government here. They are the ones that are trying to sell a story. That story is that JFK was assassinated in Dallas. That story should be very easy to prove beyond any doubt. All we need is a body. Well, I have shown that we don’t have a body. They didn’t want to give us that. -- Miles Mathis

The question of tampering or faking of films is interesting, but it is not crucial. The central fact of all the films is that, taken as a whole, they don’t provide continuity. The entire motorcade could have stopped just before Dealey Plaza for cold drinks and a bathroom break, and we would have no knowledge of that. You will say there would have been testimony to such a thing. But you should say, there might have been testimony to such a thing. If anyone had thought it was important enough to mention, and if that anyone had not been suppressed, then yes, we would know of it by testimony. Otherwise, we would not know of it. There are many things we do not know of from that day, and adding one more thing to that list is hardly revolutionary.
Suppose that, just before Dealey Plaza, the Kennedys did run into a department store really fast, surrounded by the Secret Service, and then ran out again, only a minute later. The crowd would think it was a bathroom break and think nothing of it. After a murder, who thinks to mention something like that? How could it be pertinent? If anyone does mention it, it is shrugged off as inconsequential.
You will say, we have no evidence that it did happen. And I respond, we have no evidence that it did not happen. Because of the strange video evidence that has come down to us, the possibility is wide open. That is all I need. I don’t need to prove anything. All I need to show is that we have no reliable evidence that the Kennedys are in the car in Dealey Plaza.
The government is claiming something, not me. The government has some minimum burden of proof, not me. You and I are like the jurors, not the lawyers. We should be presented with real evidence, not expected to present it. Our primary job is to falsify claims, not make them. The government claims that Kennedy was killed, and it offers us as evidence the Bethesda photos and the films from Dallas. I only need to show that the government’s evidence proves nothing. I am not called upon to prove an alternate theory; on the contrary, the government is called upon to show proof the President was killed. It has not done that. Because of the lack of continuity in the films, and the lack of positive ID in Dealey Plaza, we have proof of nothing. The evidence only appears to point to a murder of Kennedy. But, logically, it absolutely fails to do so.
We don’t have to prove it was or was not Kennedy or that it was or was not a bullet or that it was one shooter or twenty shooters. All these things are beyond proof or disproof, given the evidence we have. The bottom line is that we have no evidence—that would hold up in court—that Kennedy or anyone else was killed that day. In fact, that is precisely why Oswald had to appear to be killed. The government couldn’t risk taking him to trial and giving him an attorney. They not only had no evidence against him, they had no evidence that the President was dead. Any good attorney would have found the gigantic holes that I have just found, and any honest jury would have had to dismiss for lack of a body.
Given that, the correct question is not, “Where is Kennedy’s body?” or “Who killed Kennedy and why?” The correct question is, “Why did Kennedy fake his own death?” The lack of a body, the cover up, the tampering with evidence, the incredible amount of inconsistency, the lies told on all sides by everyone, the misdirection and misinformation, the continued misdirection and misinformation after 44 years, all point to a death that was quite simply faked. Neither the standard theory nor the alternate theory fit the facts or the evidence. Both accept the assassination without any proof or requiring any proof. Why? What kind of investigators accept a murder with no body? What kind of alternate investigators are “brave and honest” enough to propose that fake corpses were used, but never see that this means there is no real corpse? Why do alternate theorists rush to the initial conclusion—that Kennedy was assassinated—just as fast as the single-bullet people? -- Miles Mathis

The whole motorcade was like a Hollywood movie. Yes, they were shooting a movie that day. In fact, they were shooting several. They hired multiple “amateur” cameramen to film their one-day movie, and a host of extras. Everyone there that day, including Zapruder and Bell and all the rest, were extras in the movie. In that sense, they were all conspirators. But, remember, they were not conspirators to a murder, which makes it somewhat easier to understand. It made it so much easier for all these people to lie, since there was never any blood on anyone’s hands that day. They were not lying about the assassination of a President; no, they were only lying about a President “going underground for his own safety.” They were protecting their beloved Commander-in-Chief. -- Miles Mathis

One rather obvious clue is that Johnson did not run for re-election in 1968. We are told he was shagged out from dealing with the press about the Vietnam War. But that is what it is to be President. Johnson had been dealing with that his whole life. If he hated the Kennedys so much, as we are told by the alternate theorists, why would he practically give the nomination to Bobby? The illogical ones will say it is because he knew Bobby was going to be assassinated, too. But that would imply that he was giving the Presidency to Nixon. Also unlikely, I hope you admit. As long as we continue to accept the official story, Johnson’s decision not to run remains an insoluble mystery. It doesn’t make sense.
But it does make sense if Johnson was only a puppet. Johnson quit because he was tired of being the front man. In the beginning he thought it would be great to live in the White House and be called President Johnson. But being a puppet loses it charm quickly, no matter where you get to live. When you have an underground King, the title of President loses much of its prestige. Johnson could easily have faked his death like the rest and lived his life out on his ranch in central Texas.
Yes, I said King. If we have no evidence that JFK was killed, we must assume he was not killed. If he was not killed then he remained President. But once you take the Presidency underground, you are not required to stop being President, ever. At that point, the voting is for the puppet President, not the King. The Camelot comparisons take on a whole new meaning in that case, do they not? -- Miles Mathis

All these insiders are guilty of lying, but not of lying about a murder. They are not covering up a murder. They are covering up the disappearance of someone who chose to disappear. A much smaller crime, if a crime at all. -- Miles Mathis

Did FDR overthrow the Federal Reserve and turn the entire government on its head? No, he continued the policies before him, with only subtle changes. He looked for the earliest possible entry into every war, as had his predecessors, Republican or Democrat, and even used tricks to enter them (see Pearl Harbor). -- Miles Mathis

We pretend that Eisenhower was warning Kennedy of the military-industrial complex with his famous speech, but that has been misread just like Kennedy’s speech. Eisenhower was not warning Kennedy or anyone else, he was misdirecting. The bankers happened to need some misdirection in 1960, with Kennedy coming in, and they preferred that your eyes be on the Pentagon rather than on Wall Street or the Federal Reserve. He also needed to keep your eyes off the CIA. Why say “military industrial complex” when CIA is much shorter? The CIA had already taken over the US Government in the 1950's, and Eisenhower was fully aware of it. So that is how Eisenhower’s quote should be read. We still get that kind of misdirection all the time. The Pentagon is perfectly willing to play the part of the decoy, since that is one of its central roles. It is just a tool of power, but most people forget that. It isn't the military that is the danger, it is the people that are controlling the military that are the danger. -- Miles Mathis

The letter from James McCord to Richard Helms, revealed in Watergate hearings, says, "Nixon and his boys pushed us to the brink but they're backing away now and the danger has passed. Every tree in the forest in the last ten years would have fallen and the earth scorched."
No one has ever been able to make sense of that letter. What you should notice is the “ten years” part of that quote. This letter was written in 1973, so ten years would take us back to 1963. Again, Nixon and his boys were threatening to squeal about the faked assassination, which would indeed have scorched the earth. We can only imagine that the CIA either threatened Nixon with a real gun, or convinced him this would bring down the whole Republic—relying on his patriotism. I suspect the former. -- Miles Mathis

Ask yourself why Nixon would tape himself, leaving such obvious evidence. The answer: he didn't. Nixon wasn't taping himself. He was being taped by the Kennedys, as a precaution. Nixon was being monitored from above just as you are monitored from above at your workplace. Do we know of any previous Presidents who had a complete set of tapes of their private conversations? Don't you think it is odd that Nixon would provide us with evidence of his own wrong-doings? Again, he was being monitored by the shadow government, and the tapes were meant to be a form of coercion. That is the only logical explanation for the existence of the tapes. -- Miles Mathis

Most people fail to study what Bobby did in 1964. If anyone thinks about it all, they tend to assume that he was scared to death, and kept quiet from fear. That is an illogical assumption to make, since a man living in fear would not have immediately run for Senator in 1964, and President in 1968. Bobby was not afraid of anything, and never acted like he was for a moment. And yet he took no interest in the Warren Commission or any of the investigations. Since he was Attorney General at the time, this is doubly and triply strange, if you believe the standard or alternate models. A man who was capable of speaking out on civil rights, a man who was capable of planning covert operations, a man who was capable of running for President, should have been capable of taking an interest in his brother’s murder. It is obvious that he had a pulpit to do so like no else has ever had. The ovation given him at the 1964 Convention was proof of that, if he needed it. But I don’t think he needed it. He had nothing to say, and the reason he had nothing to say is that Jack was still alive. How do you investigate the murder of man who is still alive? How do you quibble with a Warren Commission that was set up to blow fairy dust? You don’t. You just dodge the issue, and that is precisely what Bobby did. -- Miles Mathis

Since 1963, the Democrats and Republicans have taken turns, almost like clockwork, pretending to run the country. -- Miles Mathis

Many were surprised that the Democrats did little or nothing to get rid of the computers, after the computers stole two Presidential elections from them in 2000 and 2004. But the Democrats had no interest in getting rid of the computers or any other election stealing devices, 1) because the elections were rigged with the knowledge and connivance of the Democrats to start with —it wasn't their turn; 2) the Democrats looked forward to using the election stealing devices in 2008, which they did. -- Miles Mathis

The National Security Act had been put into place in 1947, near the end of Truman's first term. This was passed specifically to ensure Truman's re-election, by installing a secret government headed by the newly created NSC and CIA, but with other secret committees beneath these. The National Security Act was sold as a postwar re-shuffling and consolidation and streamlining of the various military departments, but that was just the frosting. More importantly, the Act provided for the creation of real government agencies, funded by real tax dollars, so that the underground government could tap the treasury in a semi-legal fashion. The underground government could use federal tax dollars directly to steal elections, fight secret foreign wars, and run all sorts of clandestine operations both foreign and domestic. They have been doing it ever since, as we now know from the various Watergate and Iran-Contra scandals that have surfaced over the decades. -- Miles Mathis

June 13 is St. Anthony's day. St. Anthony is the saint of lost people. -- Miles Mathis

Joseph Kennedy had been involved with the Mob for decades, and at some point he saw that with enough power, he could take over the entire US scene. But he saw that he could only do that with the resources of the federal government. He needed both the CIA and FBI as allies in this takeover, as well as the Justice Department and—if the need should arise—the military itself. Once he had sons as President and head of Justice, he was in a position to move, and he did move. The complete takeover of the Mob began in earnest in 1960, with the support of FBI and CIA. But by 1963 the war was at its most heated moment, and the Mob was doing its best to strike back at the Kennedys. This is precisely why the CIA and FBI tried so hard to implicate the mob in the years after the fake event. There was real evidence the Mob was trying to get JFK, so it was easy to leak that evidence. But the Mob never got close. The faked assassination was used to fool the Mob, to frame the Mob, and to get John out of the line of sight until the war was won. -- Miles Mathis

Various billionaires had been trying to create a shadow government for many decades, with only varying degrees of success. Only Joseph Kennedy was successful. He had already installed his first son Joe as titular head of this shadow government behind Truman, but in the late 40's and 50's the Kennedys were still warring with other powerful families for control of this shadow government.
Alliances were made that I won't go into in this paper, allowing the Kennedys to solidify control from 1945 to 1960, when JFK and RFK were installed in top visible positions. At that time Joseph, Sr. felt secure enough in his position and alliances to accelerate the takeover of the Mob. Within a decade all the Mob business had been absorbed by the allied billionaire families. This led to the further enrichment of those families, the accompanying fattening and expansion of the banks, and the similar expansion of CIA, for the same reasons. In the 1970's, these families used this expansion to utterly overwhelm Congress, putting it into permanent emeritus status. The courts were swamped in the same way, and by 1980 these allied families had completed their takeover not only of all lucrative business, but all government. All decisions were made by shadow governors, some of which were Kennedys, some of which were not. -- Miles Mathis

There is no intelligentsia, so “purging the intelligentsia” is no longer necessary. -- Miles Mathis

You will never again hear news of any real event. -- Miles Mathis

So, as usual, the mainstream offers us a second story if we don't like the first one. If we don't like suicide, they give us murder, as we saw with Kurt Cobain and Marilyn Monroe and so on. Or, as with the Lincoln story, if you don't like the murdered-by-Booth theory, they give you several other conspiracies to choose from. -- Miles Mathis

Intelligence has always greeted these scions of the first families with open arms, no matter their IQ or ability. If they are too stupid to do the difficult work, they will be assigned some sexy project nonetheless, just one that requires less skill. -- Miles Mathis

If you don't know, the London papers admitted in 2013 that Jack the Ripper was manufactured by Thomas Bulling in 1888, a journalist who worked for the Central News Agency. He was paid to supply crime stories to the newspapers. The Central News Agency was sort of like our Associated Press, except that, according to Paul Begg, “it developed a reputation amongst newsmen for underhand practices and stories of dubious veracity." No, wait, that is exactly like our Associated Press. -- Miles Mathis

Facebook is of course a DARPA creation, used for direct and easy intel gathering. -- Miles Mathis

As with the Tate event, we may assume the Feds had infiltrated the police, the newspapers, and all the other institutions involved, and that they were in control of the story. Therefore, if we want to point the finger, we should point it first at the Feds, and only later at the locals. The locals were either fooled or coerced, and in either case they would have some excuse. -- Miles Mathis

By 1968, all police departments, like all city newspapers, had been swallowed by the Intelligence squid. The CIA has since admitted that about the media (see the Senate Church hearings), but it was just as true of local police. They could and did plant agents wherever they wished, and most PD's were happy to give them access. Those PD's that weren't happy were ordered to get happy about it, which they did. -- Miles Mathis

All the Rothschilds, by whatever spelling, are related to the Rothschild bankers. How do I know? Because the Rothschild name was made up by the bankers, and didn't exist until then. It means “red shield”, and was chosen by the Jewish bankers in Germany for several reasons, only one of which was to make them seem more German. It is like if you renamed your family Bobafett, because you thought of yourselves as great bounty hunters. Since no one else has a last name of Bobafett, we can be sure that any Bobafetts in the future will be related to you. -- Miles Mathis

Tons of research has been done on the Feds' control of the drug market, including—perhaps most famously—Gary Webb's investigation at the San Jose Mercury News. See his book Dark Alliance, which fully investigates the Fed's control in both Los Angeles and San Francisco. -- Miles Mathis

As we now know, Jim Morrison's dad was the Navy Admiral at the infamous Gulf of Tonkin incident, a false flag used to escalate the Vietnam War. -- Miles Mathis

They want to scare everyone straight. They want the ladies to go to the malls to buy things, sure, but they want them to go straight home, looking at no one, and shivering in their pumps. Also curious is how similar this quote looks to Islamic sharia code, where women are kept off the streets “for their own good.” You will say that conflicts with the whole empowerment of women code we have also seen pushed since the 1960's. Yes, but the conflict is also purposeful. At the same time they are empowering women, they are scaring them senseless with mass murders and serial killers and a thousand other things. Of course this sets up an internal tension that women have to deal with somehow, and most of the deal with it by having a series of breakdowns. Some of them have a few big breakdowns, and some have little breakdowns every week or every day. This causes them to buy a raft of things they don't need, from junkfood to unnecessary clothing to medical and psychological care to new age treatments to drugs. Of course this also applies to men, but men mostly breakdown from having to deal with these women. -- Miles Mathis

The same people that were pushing the hippies into new lab drugs were also pushing the hippies into the Aquarian/Zodiac/Astrology program of self-absorption and political inaction. -- Miles Mathis

I recommend you watch the movie The Village, by M. Night Shyamalan. In it, the town elders concoct a gruesome and detailed series of events to scare the young people from wanting to go into the forest. It is all for their own good, since the “world is a dangerous place.” This is precisely what our own community elders were doing with these faked murders. Or, originally this was the intent. Later they began to use faked events to control us in other ways, but up until the mid 1960's, I believe the elders often had good intent. I no longer believe that. -- Miles Mathis

These mutilated corpses weren't mutilated by famous murderers, they were probably mutilated by medical students. There is a high probability all these corpses were borrowed from dissecting rooms. -- Miles Mathis

They want to drive wedges between all individuals, because once all personal relationships are ruined, you only have your government to turn to. Since you can't trust those around you, you have to rely on Oprah to give you advice and be your friend. You have to trust Obama to solve your problems for you. You have to look up to Ironman and Captain America. You have to make friends with Eminem and Kanye West and Bono and Sting and Beyonce and Taylor Swift, and they will tell you what to do and what to buy and how to act. -- Miles Mathis

We have seen all the same markers in each event, with blatant numerology, stories with huge holes, and the military always hovering just on the periphery. -- Miles Mathis

These stories are likely planted to make us think they are doing something interesting with our money, besides stealing it. -- Miles Mathis

Nietzsche said, “It is easier to be gigantic than to be beautiful.”

Mimicking a machine is not artistic, by the very definition of artistic. If a machine can do it, it isn't art. So why would anyone bother to mimic a method that was inherently inartistic, and why would anyone find it fascinating? This entire phenomenon is useful only as a very tall sign announcing the ineptitude and confusion of the milieu. In the 19th century, artists and clients tried their best to avoid looking like boobies. In the 20th century, they tried their best to look like sub-boobies, and succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. -- Miles Mathis

Like other moderns, he has misdirected the audience's attention into forms and conventions, when real art and portraiture have nothing to do with forms and conventions. Forms and conventions are means, and the ends of art are not the same as the means. A perfect technique is actually a technique the audience never notices, as we have been told by many of the wise over the centuries and millennia. Calling attention to technique has always been a gaucherie, and still is. So why do the moderns misdirect us this way? Why are we always looking at forms and conventions with these people? Because if you are looking at forms and conventions, you aren't noticing the complete lack of artistic qualities. You aren't noticing that there is no beauty or emotion or subtlety or intimacy. Gimmicks are used specifically to draw your attention away from fundamental disabilities and shortcomings. Because the “artist” is not capable of real art, he redirects your gaze with a set of parlor tricks. The artist himself does this with gimmickry and politics and theory, and the gallery does it by filling your ears with big meaningless words and sentences. You are so overwhelmed with various stupidities and vulgarities, your eyes and heart forget to notice that you have been served no art. -- Miles Mathis

I despise them without prejudice. -- Miles Mathis

The moderns have been strafing us non-stop for a century, but we think if we blow them a few kisses they will call it quits and invite us across no-man's land. I have news for you: it ain't gonna happen, not this decade, not next decade, not ever. NEVER. -- Miles Mathis

Modern art has proved to be like kudzu or cockroaches or bagworms: there is no living in peace with it. It is like living in peace with a python wrapped around your neck. There is only one sort of peace the python wants from you. -- Miles Mathis

No one is going to rescue you: you will have to rescue yourselves. -- Miles Mathis

History has proven again and again that a small number of people who can do anything can defeat vast hordes of people who can do nothing, and that rule holds across all fields—war, politics, science, art, sports, you name it. -- Miles Mathis

Nobody remembers what Michelangelo was paid for the Sistine Chapel. If a young person should ask, “Why is Michelangelo famous?” we don't answer, “Because he was obscenely rich.” We show the young person the Sistine Chapel, and that is all the answer that is required. That is all the answer required because any child can see the virtuosity and the emotion and the greatness on the ceiling, without any subtext or audiotape. Real achievement requires no promotion, since it is never in doubt. -- Miles Mathis

The less real product there is, the more promotion it requires, for obvious reasons. The more something is advertised, the less likely it is you need it, and the more likely it is to be worthless. -- Miles Mathis

It wasn't defeated by superior works or superior arguments or superior wit, it was defeated because it no longer believed in itself, for some reason. It was its own self-criticism that defeated it, its own sinking and spreading feeling that it had no good works left in it, that it had done all it had come to do. -- Miles Mathis

This century wanted the rewards without the work, the fruits without the watering, the crop without the plowing. Which is precisely what they have. They have the food without the vitamins, the science without the mechanics, and the art without the feeling or skill. We exist in a depleted culture, and the only thing we haven't yet done is remove the oxygen from the air. But we are working on that, too. -- Miles Mathis

Ninety percent of the internet is porn, and the rest is pirated music, fake drugs, and CIA-approved propaganda. Is that really an information explosion, or it is more akin to a rupture? It is the international trivia champion preening himself that he is the world's smartest person. It is Wikipedia posing as wisdom. -- Miles Mathis