Good Quotes, Chapter 10

in #quotes7 years ago (edited)

Poisoning, dismembering, and suctioning children to death isn't health care, but killing — and Planned Parenthood knows it.

"Politics has become so primary in modern life that the masses are more moved by promises than by fullfillments." Archbishop Fulton Sheen

“Let those who are still separated from Us consider attentively the ancient glories of their Church which were at once a reflection and an increment of the glories of the Church of Rome. Let them consider, moreover, and remember that this Apostolic See has been waiting for them so long and so anxiously, not as coming to a strange dwelling place, but as finally returning to their paternal home.” – Pope Pius XI

“Two glasses that are empty cannot fill up one another. There must be a fountain of water outside the glasses in order that they may have communion with one another. It takes three to make love.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Three to Get Married)

There was a famous Catholic by the name of Dante Alighieri (1265–1321) and he wrote a book called The Divine Comedy, which is about going to hell, to purgatory, and heaven and, while he was in hell, he is guided through hell, he comes to the 9th circle [the place in hell reserved for the worst sinners] and [there] they have sodomites and usurers in the same circle. That’s the Catholic position: we are against sodomy AND usury. The sodomites take something fruitful, namely sex, and make it sterile; the usurer takes something that is sterile, namely money, and makes it fruitful. And that’s why they're both in hell together, because they were both involved in unnatural acts. That’s the Catholic position. Which party represents that? Which party is against both sodomy and usury? Find that party and I’ll vote for the candidate. —Dr. E Michael Jones

Our Lord healed the sick, fed the hungry, raised the dead, and called people to Himself. But in all of Scripture, He never once removed someone from their poverty. --Lepanto

No our Lord wasn't a social justice warrior. That belonged to Judas. You know, feigning concern for the poor, then skimming his share off the top.

“IT is easy to want things from the Lord and yet not to want the Lord Himself; as though the gift could ever be preferable to the Giver!" ~St. Augustine: “In Ps. 76, Enarr. 1, 2.”

“To understand its power, one must realize that love does not mean to have, to own, to possess; but to be had, to be owned, to be possessed. It is not the using of another for the sake of self, but the giving of self in order to help another. For one who lives in isolation, love becomes selfishness.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen

“Man is not an angel, nor is he a devil. He is not intrinsically corrupt (as theologians began claiming four hundred years ago) nor is he intrinsically divine (as philosophers began saying fifty years ago). Rather, man has aspirations to good which he finds it impossible to realize completely by himself; at the same time, he has an inclination toward evil which solicits him away from these ideals. He is like a clock whose mainspring is broken. He needs to be fixed on the inside, but the repairs must be supplied from without. He is mistaken if he is an optimist, who believes evolution to be the mainspring, or a pessimist who believes that nobody can fix him. He is a creature who can run well again, but only if some watchmaker will have the kindness to repair him.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Peace of Soul)

"If you were married you said: If I had another husband, or another wife, I would be happy. Or you said: If I had another job, or If I visited another nightclub, or If I were in another city I would be happy. In every instance, you made happiness extrinsic to yourself. No wonder you are never happy. You are chasing mirages until death overtakes you." Archbishop Fulton Sheen (You)

“A weak man can never be meek, because he is never self-possessed; meekness is that virtue which controls the combative, violent and pugnacious powers of our nature, and is therefore the best and noblest road to self-realization. The meek man is not a man who refuses to fight, nor is he a man who will never become angry. A meek man is a man who will never do one thing: he will never fight when his conceit is attacked, but only when a principle is at stake. And there is the keynote to the difference of the anger of the Communist and the anger of the meek man. “ Archbishop Fulton Sheen (The Cross and the Beatitudes)

“We have no strong passion for great causes, no great hatred of evil, but only half-drawn swords and one-fisted battles. We have thrown away our maps of life and know not which way to turn. It is horrible to contemplate, but there is probably not enough love of truth in the world to start a crusade.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Given the choice of an honest government and terrible real events, or a dishonest government and terrible fake events, I will take the second any day. -- Miles Mathis

The same sort of manipulation of migration that overwhelmed the South Side of Chicago in the '50s and '60s is happening in Europe now. In order to prevent its annihilation, Europe must come back to the faith and start having children. -- E Michael Jones

Picture an arrow painted on the moon, such that it's pointing upwards when the Moon appears on the Eastern horizon. As the Moon moves across the sky, you rotate your body underneath it, such that your orientation relative to the Moon changes. When the Moon is at zenith, that arrow that was pointing up when it was on the horizon now appears to point to the right, because you've rotated your body 90 (ish) degrees relative to where the Moon was when it appeared on the horizon. When the Moon reaches the Western horizon, your orientation has changed again such that the arrow is now pointing down.
If you observe the Moon while lying flat on your back, and simply roll as the Moon moves across the sky, then the orientation of the Moon relative to your eyes does not change; that arrow will always appear to point to the right from your perspective.

“A democracy flirts with the danger of becoming a slave state in direct ratio to the numbers of its citizens who work, but do not own; or who own, but do not work; or who distribute, as politicians do but do not produce.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (On Being Human)

"IF Americans can be divorced for 'incompatibility of temper,' I cannot conceive why they are not all divorced. I have known many happy marriages, but never a compatible one. The whole aim of marriage is to fight through and survive the instant when incompatibility becomes unquestionable. For a man and a woman, as such, are incompatible."
~G.K. Chesterton: "What's Wrong with the World."

“If you are disgusted with yourself, remember that you can come to God even by a succession of disgusts. That is one of the ways God makes you feel hunger for the Divine. Do you not crave food most when you are hungry? Do you not want water most when you are thirsty? Your own disgust, if you knew it, is the distant call of Mercy. Only when God ceases to be infinitely merciful and only when you begin to be infinitely evil, will there be reason for despair; and that will be NEVER!” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (The Seven Virtues)

Living at a time of unprecedented upheaval and social chaos, Benedict of Nursia could not save the Roman Empire from collapse, but he did something more remarkable: he created Europe to take its place. It didn't happen overnight but instead over centuries. Benedict took the best that classical culture had to offer, combined it with Christianity, and came up with a very specific way to live in a world where chaos was the rule. The Rule of St. Benedict proposed in specific terms, down to the amount of beer a monk was allowed to drink, how to live in a world where the empire had failed. Benedict's Rule became, in Dawson's words, "the Roman standard of the monastic life and finally the universal type of Western monasticism." It brought order and classical coherence to the chaotic ethnic existence of the Germanic tribes, as well as the formation of new centers of culture in Ireland, Northumbria, and ultimately the Carolingian Empire.
The Europe Benedict created is now facing another kind of threat. Europe has lost contact with its roots. The Enlightenment separates Europe's contemporary inhabitants from the man who made their culture possible. Cut off from his roots and disillusioned by one failed utopian experiment after another, European Man has contracted a spiritual disease whose clearest manifestation is his inability to reproduce. If this sickness is not cured within the the next generation, Europe will almost certainly reach the demographic tipping point and become a Muslim continent. The same is true of America. Cities like New York are fast on their way to losing their European character. And they are losing it for much the same reason: those of European descent are not having children. Benedict's vision of the small community is now more relevant than ever.
At a time of American imperial over-extension and the threat of imminent collapse, at a time when "citizen" is a euphemism for taxpayer, or cannon fodder, or both, everyone needs a supportive community. At a time of demographic collapse, young people need to know that these small communities will support them so they can marry and raise families. When they fail to receive that assurance from the Church, the young simply fail to marry and have children, creating a sense of doom based on the feeling that there is no future. And they are right. Without children there is no future. Their fears have created a self-fulfilling prophecy. Cut off from Europe's Benedictine past, the Europeans and their American cousins also find themselves cut off from the future by their fear-driven refusal to have children. Renowned cultural critic E. Michael Jones is the editor of Culture Wars magazine and the author of The Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal As Ethnic Cleansing.

"CHRISTENDOM might quite reasonably have been alarmed if it had not been attacked. But as a matter of history it had been attacked. The Crusader would have been quite justified in suspecting the Moslem even if the Moslem had merely been a new stranger; but as a matter of history he was already an old enemy. The critic of the Crusade talks as if it had sought out some inoffensive tribe or temple in the interior of Thibet, which was never discovered until it was invaded. They seem entirely to forget that long before the Crusaders had dreamed of riding to Jerusalem, the Moslems had almost ridden into Paris. They seem to forget that if the Crusaders nearly conquered Palestine, it was but a return upon the Moslems who had nearly conquered Europe." ~G.K. Chesterton: "The Meaning of The Crusade."

I believe that the Humanae Vitae is one of the great tests of the Church in our times. We live in days of moral laxity, where there is a shrinking from responsibility for rearing children and a love of carnal experience divorced from love of person. In that world where love and life are made discontinuous, Paul VI affirms the deep relatedness of one to the other. It was not an infallible decision; that would have too clearly separated sheep from goats; it was only a moral decision of the Chief Shepherd that the Vatican Council said the faithful should obey.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Seven Words to the Cross)

“The readiness to believe evil about others is in a large part ammunition for a thousand scandals in our own hearts. But by finding black spots in others, they believe they distract attention from their own miserable state. The good conscience, on the contrary, finds good in others even when there is some discontent with self.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (The World’s First Love)

The justification for cutting corners, taking bribes and other forms of dishonesty is twofold. First is, "Everybody's doing it." The assumption here is that right and wrong are questions merely of mob judgment, rather than of standards. It forgets that right is right if nobody is right, and wrong is wrong if everybody is wrong.
A second justification is, "My conscience is clear." What conscience is not clear if it makes its own standards? What note on a piano is wrong if the musician who strikes it declares it to be the right note? If a conscience decides that eighteen inches will be a yard, who shall prove him wrong? -- Guide to Contentment by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

“Mary is not only mother of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, but she is also our mother, and this is not by a title of courtesy, not by legal fiction, not by a mere figure of speech, but by the right of bringing us forth in sorrow at the foot of the cross…
Mary, by sacrifice and obedience, regained for us the title, Mother of the living. What a destiny to have the Mother of God as my Mother and Jesus as my brother.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen

"AS we should be genuinely sorry for tramps and paupers who are materially homeless, so we should be sorry for those who are morally homeless, and who suffer a philosophical starvation as deadly as physical starvation." ~G.K. Chesterton: "Illustrated London News," Nov. 24, 1934.

“Mockers: can you not see that they are defensive? Have you ever noticed how many of them are writing and talking and giving reasons why they do not believe in Christ’s Mystical Body? Nobody asked them for their reasons; nobody invited them to build their little house on the Rock; but they feel bound to tell you why they are not doing it. Nobody goes around telling people why they are not believers in a new Sun Cult or why ‘paint the barn week’ is a snare invented by a paint manufacturer. This is because people are not conscious of Sun Cults and barns. But all of a sudden, these people have become conscious that they do not have the faith, so they immediately proceed to justify their position. They never tell us what they believe, but what they do not believe. They never give a lecture on why they go to Rock Island, but they give profuse lectures on why they never go to the Rock.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (The Rock Plunged into Eternity)

"The Bible tells us to love our neighbours, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people..." ~G.K. Chesterton: 'The Irishman'.

"Complaint to God is dialogue, and dialogue is prayer. Not the ready-made packaged, memorized lip-service of the book and candle, but the encounter and the union that only lovers know!" --Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Lenten & Easter Inspirations)

"Whence women, reputed believers, began to resort to drugs for producing sterility, and to gird themselves round, so to expel what was being conceived on account of their not wishing to have a child either by a slave or by any paltry fellow, for the sake of their family and excessive wealth. Behold, into how great impiety that lawless one has proceeded, by inculcating adultery and murder at the same time!" ~St. Hippolytus of Rome (170–235 AD): "Refutation of All Heresies," Book IX, Chap. 7.

"Modern man’s skepticism in this respect has chilled his enthusiasm for politics and world-reform; more than that, it is the worst possible basis for a smooth flow of psychic energies into the outer world, just as doubt concerning the morality of a friend is bound to prejudice the relationship and hamper its development. Through his skepticism modern man is thrown back on himself; his energies flow towards their source, and the collision washes to the surface those psychic contents which are at all times there, but lie hidden in the silt so long as the stream flows smoothly in its course.
How totally different did the world appear to medieval man! For him the earth was eternally fixed and at rest in the centre of the universe, circled by a sun that solicitously bestowed its warmth. Men were all children of God under the loving care of the Most High, who prepared them for eternal blessedness; and all knew exactly what they should do and how they should conduct themselves in order to rise from a corruptible world to an incorruptible and joyous existence. Such a life no longer seems real to us, even in our dreams. Science has long ago torn this lovely veil to shreds. That age lies as far behind as childhood, when one’s own father was unquestionably the handsomest and strongest man on earth.
Modern man has lost all the metaphysical certainties of his medieval brother, and set up in their place the ideals of material security, general welfare and humanitarianism."

  • Carl Jung, The Spiritual Problem of Modern Man

Now maybe you understand why the people running these events decided to go ahead with 9/11 and everything since. By the late 1990's they could see that no matter how outrageous their stunts and jokes became, no one was catching on. Even the most revolutionary conspiracy theorists were clueless, missing everything. No one had even come close to figuring anything out, even though the perpetrators were leaving clues everywhere in plain sight, bigger every year. When people are so stupid they don't even know you are fucking with them, it isn't fun anymore. It isn't fun being a bad guy when no one even knows how bad you are. That is why they have graduated to 9/11 and Sandy Hook and everything in between. They need to be noticed. They need to be appreciated as bad guys. Just as I need my audience and you need yours, they need their audience. They need someone to get the jokes. Just as Moriarty needed Sherlock Holmes, these people need me. Even if I don't fully appreciate their sick jokes, at least I get them. I don't have to like them or even respect them, but it is important that I see them. No one likes to be fully invisible. Even the spooks don't like to be fully invisible. They like to get away with everything, but it is much preferable to be visible while you are getting away with it, don't you see? Any fool can get away with an invisible crime. It takes someone really clever to get away with a visible crime. Or this is the way they think. --Miles Mathis

See Steve Pieczenik, born in Cuba to Russian Jewish parents, now a military spy novelist. Formerly he had high positions in the US State Department. Currently one of his projects is—in my opinion—infiltrating the Truth movement. He has appeared on Alex Jones pretending to be a Truther. --Miles Mathis

As we have seen in all other cases I have unwound, they create an alternative story for those not buying the mainstream story. If you don't buy the accidental death, they create a murder scenario for you. Or if the main story was a murder and you don't buy it, they offer you a suicide or something. The important thing is they give you two choices, so you seem to keep your freedom. But they never put a faked death on the table. That is never one of your choices. But here—as in all the other events—the correct answer is behind door number 3. --Miles Mathis

This means that the trademark Apple isn't the trademark of a record company or computer company, it is the trademark of Western Intelligence. It is easy to see why Intelligence chose the apple as its trademark. Just ask yourself what the apple refers to in historical literature. In Genesis, the apple is on the tree of knowledge, right? It therefore signifies forbidden or secret knowledge. Knowledge=Intelligence. --Miles Mathis

The History Channel is a favorite bullhorn of propaganda for the Intelligence agencies, and it was created just for that purpose. Personally, I call it the Newspeak Channel, since it doesn't report history, it reports rewrites of history. --Miles Mathis

It doesn't really matter, since the media is now so controlled there is no way to blow the whistle on something like this. This paper won't get any traction, since most people prefer to believe what they are told by the mainstream. Most people won't read this, and even if they do they won't be convinced because they don't want to be. Most people are very uncomfortable being in a minority, and the minority capable of following my argument here is very small—something under 5%. Those running the world don't concern themselves anymore with the small percentages, since they have found they can be ignored. If a few smart people see through the scams, so what. The rest won't follow them.
Most people follow the mainstream propaganda because it is louder, and for no other reason. And that will not change. That's a sad fact of government, and doesn't give us much hope for democracy; but at least it allows people like me to write what we want. --Miles Mathis

To muddy the waters, they plant a lot of bad information, trying to sell it as an “alternative theory”. Readers then study that planted information, realize it is bad, and either go back to the mainstream theory or just give up. There is so much planted bad information that almost no one can sort through it all. --Miles Mathis

"To a great extent the world is what we make it. We get back what we give. If we sow hate, we reap hate; if we scatter love and gentleness we harvest love and happiness. Other people are like a mirror which reflects back on us the kind of image we cast. The kind person bears with the infirmities of others, never magnifies trifles, and avoids a spirit of fault finding." Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Way to Happiness)

In support of that, we find the Harry Potter books selling many of the same points of other Intelligence projects, including the destruction of the family. Harry has no family, being adopted by “muggle” relatives who don't like him and whom he finds both ridiculous and contemptible. He is glad to leave them and go off to a boarding school where he never sees them. So the books are selling an updated version of Plato's The Republic, where children are taken from their parents by the State, divided into classes, and raised to serve the interests of the Elders.
Children today are being taught to look upon their own parents as contemptible muggles and upon themselves as a superior class of magicians, who can potentially get whatever they wish with the proper spell. They will be happy to be taken from their witless parents and placed in fortified castles, as long as they are issued fake wands and are presided over by people in black robes. If you think that is a recipe for a healthy society or homelife, you need to cut your fluoride dosage. --Miles Mathis

Harry Potter is often compared to The Lord of the Rings, but the comparison could not be less apt. Potter is actually an inversion of LOTR. In LOTR, the heroes are hobbits—short and unattractive common folk living on the land. They are the muggles of their time and place. But Potter reverses this, making common folk less than useless. Without a few high-born wizards like Harry to fight for them, the muggles would soon be wiped out. But in Potter, it is hard to understand why this wouldn't be good riddance.
Tolkien made the hobbits ignorant and provincial, but through the actions and explanations of both Gandalf and Frodo, we understand why they are worth saving from the Dark Lord. In Potter, we have none of that, the muggles as described being completely expendable. This is no accident, since it is exactly how the current Elders see it. --Miles Mathis

Intel has been successfully promoting its books from the beginning, and it had already hit early peaks with Bulwer-Lytton, H. Rider Haggard, and many others in the 19 th century. I mean that it was one of the first to benefit from a newly upgraded, upsized, and fully coordinated media arm of Intelligence. In the decades leading up to the 1990s, Intelligence had finally realized its centuries-long dream of absolute control of all media. Even after gaining control of “The Mighty Wurlitzer” in the 1960s and 70s, it took a couple of decades for Intelligence and its masters to decide what they wished to do with it. They needed some time to compose their “great songs”. But by the 1990s, they had completed not only the apparatus, but a playlist. Over the past 20 years this playlist has been put into heavy rotation, at first slowly but with accelerating speed. Not only was a vastly enlarged repertoire of faked events made possible, but a vastly enlarged library of manufactured artifacts was as well.
Intelligence has dumped an impressive load of pseudo-science, pseudo-literature and pseudo-art on the shores of the world in the past score of years, all of it composed by ghost committees in the bowels and dungeons of the various linked agencies. No “art” or “science” now gets done that isn't imagined, moulded, and promoted to advance some nasty and shallow agenda. That is your New World Order in a nutshell. --Miles Mathis

In the world being made for you, the only moralities that will be kept will be the cracker-jack moralities that propel Hollywood movies: those moralities help them sell products and move people around in the short term. Ironically, both Gnosticism and Satanism are too deep and complex for the FutureWorld: both might require study, discipline, and a belief in something beyond immediate gratification. I have to think that even Satan would require something from his followers. But the new masters don't want any of that: there will be no text for you to memorize, not even any real bows to make. They don't need worshippers or devotees, only buyers. They want you to buy their products, including their art, stories, histories, and bios. Beyond that, they just don't care. --Miles Mathis

I have no interest in the dark side and never have, but I have to think Satan would be able to create a more interesting world than the one upon us. Being a fallen angel, he would be bored stiff by the flabby life most people now lead. I don't see people rushing out to become Satanists. That isn't the trend. The trend is people becoming slugs. The government is not promoting Satanism, nor does it fear a rise in Satanism. According to Crowley, the first tenet of his fake Satanism was “do what thou wilt”. But that requires courage and decision, something most people no longer have. The government is not promoting that: it is promoting the opposite. It is making sure you have neither courage nor decisiveness. That is what all the propaganda is about, including Harry Potter. It is not about making you a Satanist who will do what he wishes. It is about making you a slug who will do nothing important. It is about making you too scared to question anything you are told, so that if you have any residual courage or decisiveness, you will waste it getting a tattoo or piercing your belly button instead of resisting the world in meaningful ways. --Miles Mathis

Do What Thou Wilt isn't Satanic anyway. If you are evil, Do What Thou Wilt is evil; if not, not. An angel who does as he wishes will do angelic things, by definition. So even that morality is blurred. What I mean is, consider this possibility: maybe Crowley set up that tenet and labeled it Satanic just so that it would be shot down. He didn't want you to do as you wish, and neither does Intelligence. They want the opposite. They don't want you to do what you wish, they want you to do what you are told. Therefore they teach you doing what you wish is Satanic and doing what you are told is Godlike.
The current propaganda isn't teaching you to choose evil. It is teaching you to forget that there is any difference, or any division. It is teaching you to not care one way or the other. They are not teaching you to embrace evil, they are teaching you to do nothing as they do as they wilt. --Miles Mathis

A Satanist does evil things on purpose, and believes they are good. A Satanist will have flipped morality, enjoying doing harm, causing pain, and destroying beautiful things. But as little respect as I have for those running the world, I do not think that applies to them. They don't appear to me to have the character it would take to be Satanic.
Satanists don't push moral relativism, for one thing. Moral relativism is for the weak of will, not the strong of will. Satanists would embrace the negative consequences of their actions, but those running the world prefer to ignore the negative consequences. They are constantly in denial, telling you and themselves those things aren't really happening. They are only a little less squishy than you are, the major difference being that their births have given them the power to do things, even while they are being indecisive and pusillanimous.
There may be real Satanists running the world: I have no way of knowing. But I see no evidence of it. A world run by Satanists would be far less squishy at all levels. It might be a horrible place, but at least it would be firm to the touch.
As I see it, the current Elders aren't Satanists. They are just thieves. They want to steal as much easy money as possible, as far as possible without you noticing. They then use Satanism as another scare tactic, in case you notice. They want you to think they are powerfully evil people, so that you don't even think of taking them on. In other words, it is all a bluff. --Miles Mathis

As pets are a reflection of their owners, citizens are a reflection of their leaders. --Miles Mathis

The problems in the world now are, by and large, not problems that come from human nature. Yes, there are problems with human nature, and those problems will persist under any governance, benevolent or not. But the wickedness of human nature has been vastly oversold, and it has been oversold to mask the real cause of wickedness in the world: leadership by the corrupt. The more corrupt the leadership is, the more it tries to sell you the idea of corrupt human nature. --Miles Mathis

Marx was the son of a rabbi and a billionaire heiress, and he was just a mole himself. Marxism was created around 1848 to divert attention away from the worldwide Republican revolutions of that year. It was a very successful project to divide and conquer, redirecting the revolutionary energy and spirit into manufactured guaranteed-to-fail events. In the US, we saw this later spin out into the various fake Communist parties here, led by convincing frauds like Eugene Debs. --Miles Mathis

In support of that, I have shown in many previous papers that the Industrialists weren't just targeting Christianity. They were also targeting Judaism. Yes, the top “Jewish” financiers have wanted to destroy Judaism as much as Christianity or Islam. Why? Because all religions stand in the way of free trade. For this reason, even the Jewish question is misdirection. In previous papers, I have confirmed that the wealthiest Jews are indeed involved up to their necks in this and every other conspiracy. But I have shown and will continue to show they are not involved as Jews. They are involved as Industrialists. In other words, they would act the same even if they weren't Jewish. They do what they do not because Judaism recommends it. In most ways, their Bible is the Christian Bible, and the Old Testament does not recommend their way of life. They do what they do because they are greedy bastards who have decided to ignore all the warnings of their own scripture. A lot of Gentiles are ignoring scripture in precisely the same way, which is why I say this is not at root a Jewish question.
I will be told that those of Jewish descent are—to put it nicely—over-represented in the ranks of top scheming Industrialists, and I am afraid I am finding that to be true. However, even that doesn't make this a Jewish problem. Why? Because if we removed all the Jews from these ranks, their positions wouldn't remain empty, would they? No, greedy Gentiles would be happy to take their places, and within seconds they would. We all know that. That's why I can't take the step many want me to take, blaming everything on the Jews. Neither Jews nor Judaism invented greed. I honestly don't look around myself and see a lot of virtuous Gentiles being corrupted by evil Jews. What I see is a very few semi-virtuous Gentiles, Jews, and Others being swamped by vast hordes of blobs and climbers. --Miles Mathis

Grownups are certainly very, very strange. --The Little Prince

Kings don't own, they reign over. It's quite different. --The Businessman talking to The Little Prince

"A river must be happier than a swamp because it has banks and boundaries; a swamp is a valley of liberty that lost its shores and became liberal. Liberty is no heirloom. It requires the daily bread of self denial, the salt of law and, above all, the backbone of acknowledging responsibility for our deeds." Archbishop Fulton Sheen

The top peers of the time made up these fake wars just as they do now, in order to spend money from the treasury and keep everyone's eyes off their other crimes. These people don't like real wars, since they are cowards to the last man. That is why they have to manage them and fake all the major deaths. That allows them to rake all the funds out of the treasuries and create a grand fiction without any risk to themselves. --Miles Mathis

“If you do not worship God, you worship something; and nine times out of ten it will be yourself. You have a duty to worship God, not because He will be imperfect and unhappy if you do not, but because you will be imperfect and unhappy.” Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen

"PHILOSOPHY is merely thought that has been thought out. It is often a great bore. But man has no alternative, except between being influenced by thought that has been thought out and being influenced by thought that has not been thought out. The latter is what we commonly call culture and enlightenment today." ~G.K. Chesterton: "The Revival of Philosophy—Why?"

“LABOR is our portion lest we should make this world our rest and not hope for the hereafter.” ~St. John Chrysostom (c. 349 – 407): “Homilies.”

“Be not cast down because the persecutors of religion, having laid the Church, like its Founder, in the tomb, utter the boast: ‘Behold the place where we laid it.’ The law of progress of the Church is the reverse of the law of progress of the world. We are most progressive when we are most hated. It is only because the fires of its Truth are blinding evil eyes and convicting them of sin and judgement, that the world vainly tried to put them out. And though the world is tearing up all the photographs and blueprints of a society and a family based on the moral law of God, be not disheartened. The Church has kept the negatives.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Lenten & Easter Inspirations)

Originally, Equality meant “equal under the law”. It has to do with equal rights. It doesn't imply everyone has equal abilities, or should be given equal consideration on every issue—even issues they know nothing about. It implies that normal people shouldn't be lied to and preyed upon by rich people, and that therefore normal people should be treated with equal consideration in matters of law, education, finance, health, and so on. That is, public matters, not private matters. It is simply a fairness doctrine. Same with gender equality. It didn't originally mean that the sexes should be indistinguishable. It meant that one sex shouldn't be able to prey on the other one in any arena. It meant that women should be equal under the law. That's what all the other issues are about as well, including freedom of speech, freedom of the press, unions and so on. Without those things, it is too easy for the rich to monopolize society, raking everything into their corner.
Liberalism has been blackwashed on purpose. It has been blackwashed just like Republicanism was before it, and for the same reason. Both Liberalism and Republicanism are antifascist. They promote the rights of the lower and middle classes not to be preyed on by the rich. But, as we have seen, the rich have been infiltating and blackwashing Republicanism for centuries. That is what Marxism was all about. Marx was from Jewish industrialist families, and he was nothing more than a mole into the Republican camps, blowing them from the inside. It is the same with Liberalism, which has been blown both from the outside and from the inside, via the long telling of fantastic lies by thousands of paid agents.
Another way the rich have undercut Liberalism is by allowing things like free speech and freedom of the press, while gutting them of all real meaning. In theory, we have freedom of the press in the US, since the military is not actively shutting down major media at gunpoint. In reality, the press is not free at all, since it is completely owned by the rich. That is the neo-fascist answer to the press: not to forcibly control it, but to financially control it. In our society, the media is managed, which makes it utterly useless as a tool of Liberalism.
Beyond that, an owned and managed media can be used to flip the world on you, making you think things exist at A when they really exist at Z. They have convinced you the US is suffering from Liberalism, and that therefore we need to move Right. When the truth is, the US isn't Liberal at all, by the definition above. The country is tightly controlled from the top down, your freedoms are illusory, and all the events you see in the news are manufactured to keep you from the truth. Which means—by the old real definitions of words—we need to move sharp Left. Basically, “Right” means the rich control everything and have all the advantages; “Left” means normal people have an equal chance for advancement and can expect to be treated fairly. The entire world is far far far Right. --Miles Mathis

This is one of the favorite gambits of the mainstream: oppress the opposition and then accuse that opposition of being paranoid for thinking they are being oppressed. --Miles Mathis

The world has always been full up with these self-appointed guardians of the status quo, these homunculi who have never seen a rule they didn't immediately fall in love with, these tiny personalities whose greatest joy is mocking any innovation they cannot comprehend, any genius they do not have, and any artifact they could not have created. --Miles Mathis

“In the beautiful Divine economy of Redemption, the same three things which cooperated in the Fall shared in Redemption. For the disobedient man Adam, there was the obedient new Adam, Christ; for the proud woman Eve, there was the humble new Eve, the Virgin Mary; for the tree of the Garden, there was the tree of the Cross. Our Divine Lord in the state of his greatest humiliation, seeing all prophecies fulfilled, all foreshadowings realized, and all things done which were needful for the Redemption, uttered a cry of joy: ‘It is achieved.’” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Life of Christ)

Any real environmentalist would know that the only way to solve problems is to pass legislation. If something is wrong, you outlaw it, you regulate heavily, you watch the wrongdoers like a hawk, and you prosecute them to the hilt. You don't tax them for doing wrong, or allow them to trade their liabilities. That just leads to a greater burden on the lower classes, to whom the companies pass the costs. That isn't just a theory, it is exactly what has happened in the past thirty years of deregulation. The rich have gotten richer and the poor and middle classes have gotten much poorer, while the environment has continued to go in the toilet. -- Miles Mathis

What you should take from that is that all government conservation is a front. Lands that you think are protected aren't really protected. It is all a smokescreen. These lands like the Baca tract aren't Wildlife Refuges, they are corporate refuges. They were set up to allow oil and mining corporations to hide behind government and conservation names. You may not be allowed to ride your 4-wheelers there, but the corporations can tear the place up to any extent they see fit. The rich guys couldn't get around the Colorado State Legislature and Supreme Court, so they donated the land to the Feds, who will let them do whatever they want. Colorado no longer has jurisdiction over its own land. -- Miles Mathis

They are infiltrating everyone now, not just hippies. See the recent news of NSA spying. But since hippies won't watch enough TV or eat at McDonald's often enough, they have to brainwash and poison the hippies some other way. This they may do by introducing and testing the newest drugs, which many hippies still snatch up like candy. They may introduce new ideas, or new sounds, or new mantras, or new stories, anything they think might destabilize the audience in any way. If the current hippies understood the history of such things, they would be much more suspicious than they are. Unfortunately, their very nature prevents it. The first rule of this particular counterculture is openness (or maybe love), both of which conflict with suspicion. You are supposed to assume the best of everyone, which of course makes infiltration by the bad guys stupendously easy. -- Miles Mathis

We don't usually call ourselves hippies anymore, since most of us have been fooled by history. We have allowed the good hippie name to be sullied by the fake events of the 1960's, in which fake hippies created by the government did awful things in our name (think Manson Family). These false flags not only convinced the mainstream that hippies were dirty, confused, and anti-American, they convinced some of the hippies, too, especially later hippies who didn't live through that time. So although we are basically the same set of people, plus 40 years, we think we have to distance ourselves from that name: hippie.
Most of our fathers and mothers were earnest and true, and many of them were better men and women than we are. They didn't hide out in ashrams or retreats, they spoke on college campuses with bullhorns and started magazines and went to jail. Most of us don't even vote. That's why I consider myself an old-style hippie. The old-style hippies were fighters for the truth. They had enemies. Maybe they loved their enemies and maybe they hated them, but regardless they realized they had to resist them. They knew they had to do something besides smoke the herb and dress cool and meditate. They had to strike and boycott and teach. They had to study and write and speak. They had to resist and resist and resist. They did this because they really cared about the world around them and their neighbors and people living in other countries. They weren't just interested in their own spiritual purity or their own personal path to enlightenment. They realized that path to enlightenment led nowhere, and that the idea of it had been planted by the man to disempower them. You don't love your neighbor in order to avoid having an argument with him: if you really love him you want to protect him. -- Miles Mathis

Buddhism and Hinduism have been used on Americans to empty their minds and make them passive -- Miles Mathis

“The business world is bent on creating hungers which its wares never satisfy, and thus it adds to the frustrations and broken minds of our times.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Lift up Your Heart)

"ABOUT sex especially men are born unbalanced; we might almost say men are born mad. They scarcely reach sanity till they reach sanctity."
~G.K. Chesterton: "The Everlasting Man," Bk. 1, Ch. VI-The Demons and the Philosophers.

One form of love - Cuplidity - is indeed blind. The other form - Charity - is the opposite of blind. It is the road to Truth. -- Peter Kreeft