I already knew this, but, it's good to have a reminder. I've never really been the type to compare myself to others. When I was younger, as it happens with many of us, we want to fit in & have a sense of normalcy. Being abused as a child & having a strict religious upbringing, even more so I wanted to be able to go with the flow. As I experienced more of life, I came to realize that a lot of us didn't have an idyllic (whatever that's supposed to be) childhood. Fortunately, I did have a grandma who gave me some stability, support, nurturing & love. It's wonderful if we start off with a good foundation. So often, we have to create our own along the way. Which is why, the sooner we learn that being true to ourselves (as long as we do no harm to others), is best & what works for one & might be right for them, isn't necessarily the path we should take. We may fall down, many times, as we move through our adventures in life. As long as we learn, understand & evolve.
The above graphic isn't coming up for me. In case it doesn't for you, then, this is what it says: Don't compare your progress to that of others. We all need our own time to travel are own distance.
@gaman is on the @abusereports blacklist for being a bad Steemian! Bad spammer, bad!
Hi, thanks for letting me know