in #quoteoftheday8 years ago

Screen Shot 2017-06-12 at 10.26.45 AM.pngTHE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN

You Are Powerful . . .
Sometimes its very difficult to get people to understand the power of their WORDS, and the awesome power of their THOUGHTS! In a similar way, its very important that we understand the difference in our BRAIN and our MIND, because the two are extremely different. Our BRAIN is that 3-pound physical organ that controls our entire body. But your MIND produces the foundation of the THOUGHTS YOU THINK each day!! And those thoughts, whether positive or negative, are tremendously powerful in shaping the life that you live!
If you honestly realized how powerful your THOUGHTS are, you would NEVER intently think a negative thought again! That's because the words you speak and the thoughts you inwardly THINK, all work together to create your outward reality! Its like the Bible passage that proclaims, "As a man THINKS in his heart, so is he!"
One reason many people do not understand this concept is because they don't understand the functional difference between the BRAIN and the MIND. These two are NOT the same. So here's how I explain it: your BRAIN is like a highly powered computer HARDWARE, and your MIND is like the SOFTWARE or PROGRAMS that makes the engine run! Your brain is PHYSICAL. But your MIND is made up of both conscious and sub-conscious compartments, and is responsible for things like your emotions and feelings, your spiritual connections, creativity, and long term memory. So your THOUGHTS are more than psychological. They are also SPIRITUAL!!
But get this: every day, your CONSCIOUS mind transmits information to your SUBCONSCIOUS mind that it receives as being absolutely TRUE. So once a thought is received, your subconscious mind begins to view the whole world through the lens of THAT truth! So if you believe that you are fat or ugly, lazy, handicapped, worthless, unlovable, etc , your MIND accepts THAT TRUTH and views the whole world through the lens of THAT reality!! That's EXACTLY why you should feed POSITIVE thoughts and images into your MIND every day, and by all means, AVOID NEGATIVE THOUGHTS!!
The good news is that you can program your mind for success. Its starts with being proactive verses reactive.
Being reactive means “reacting to problems when they occur instead of doing something to prevent them.”
Being proactive means “creating or controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened.”

You may believe you are in control of everything you do. In some ways you are, but you’re also influenced by your environment and circumstances without being aware. Our minds our programmed 24/7 and most people have no idea that programming is taking place.

I have witness business seminars about money where
a hour after being showed/programmed various images of wealth, and cash groups showed an increase in independence, and a decrease in willingness to help someone in need of money.

You can do success rituals (program yourself for success) to start the day in a proactive way. When you start your morning off with a powerful morning success routine, where you increase your health in body, mind, and spirit, you will notice a transformation in your day!

I begin mornings doing a cold water facial. I submerge my face into freezing cold ice water for thirty second. After that, I do breathing and visualization exercises for five minutes. I take ten deep breaths, ten quick short breaths and one-minute in a head-stand. I say out-loud what I am thankful for and I imagine myself achieving a specific goal for that day. I had to consistently perform this morning success ritual for 3 weeks until it became new a habit that didn’t’ require so much effort.

No matter what you have been through in your life, I believe there is still so much more power locked inside of YOU!! And that's the reason you are STILL ALIVE!! That's the reason you're STILL HERE!! All it takes is for you to RECEIVE it, and UNLEASH it --- not only in your BRAIN, but in your MIND!!!