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“The wish for healing has always been half of health”
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
I once read the book “Anatomy of an Illness” by Norman Cousins wherein he chronicled how joy, laughter and a positive attitude played a huge role in healing him of a grievous illness.
Let’s never take our health for granted and remember the role of our thinking and attitude when it comes to health and healing. Let’s always work on our inner happiness and our wish for healing.
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True, good health can make our life happy and prosperous and an good health always lead us to positive and good thoughts and inturn it will spread smile and positivity around us, so it's really important to take care of our health and if our health is not well or becomes sick then our life becomes like darkness because the support system get slow and our active actions becomes stagnant, so the most important aspect to stay healthy is, creating an environment of fun and positive so that it can help us to stay happy and happy thoughts leads to the good health. For example, there was a man who was an active person and he can do multitasking at anytime but he was always unhappy and frustrated due to environment at home which leads him to carelessness towards his health and inturn he got ill and all his productive actions stopped and it increases more worse situations. We should try to create an environment where our all stress can become ab happy thoughts and this environment should bring smile on our face. And at last i want to say one thing that "Health Is Wealth". Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
"We should try to create an environment where our all stress can become ab happy thoughts and this environment should bring smile on our face."
I like this so much!
Thank you so much for the appreciation.
I have been in hospital a total of 3 times and have met many people with serious (but not permanent) injuries similar to the ones I had sustained. My biased experience confirms that true, the ones with the most positive attitude were also the ones to recover faster :)
Thanks for your personal experience. Did you have a motor vehicle accident?
Nah, I had a recurring knee injury from too much sports. Three years ago I had a stem cell transplant in a clinical trial and for now everything points to a total recovery :D
Happiness is the best remedy to cure our illness. It is health that is real wealth and not money so we must remember the role of our thinking and well being when it comes to getting better. :)
It is so important!
I always believe that a positive attitude can inspire happiness and health. If you have a positive attitude, you are always happy. Positive attitude also brings positive thinking where you can have inner satisfaction and peace and happiness. That is why positive attitude plays a great role in healing your mind, soul and body.
"positive attitude plays a great role in healing your mind, soul and body."
Health is first. Many times we get busy and forget that our body has a limit. On the other hand, if as a result of work we get sick or for some other reason, we have to have a positive attitude about it, this will totally influence our recovery.
You are right!
"The best way to defend against diseases is to face life with a smile" Because if you let the disease overtake you, there will be no medication to cure it.
*"The best way to defend against diseases is to face life with a smile" *
I love it!
I can relate to that because i always felt that if when i get a cold and i'm sick the happier i am the faster i get healed, on the other hand if i'm too stressed, angry or complaining it takes a lot more time. Positve attitudes in life always bring great gifts.
You make an interesting observation!
A positive attitude towards the possibility of an illness turns the bad moment of illness into learning and life lesson. A body healed and free of disease is the product of a positive attitude in the face of adversity. My mother says that laughter heals everything and I believe her.
"My mother says that laughter heals everything and I believe her."
Your mother sounds wonderful!
It begins with the Mind,body and Soul. First and foremost we supposed to be positive in whatever we do and think positively. Secondly,exercise is of great importance for the body to be able to coordinate with the mind and soul. Thirdly, meditation and prayer are very important for the soul. Thanks for the great post @goodvibrations.
You mention a very good strategy for health!
Thanks alot. I appreciate your response @goodvibrations. Positivity and support is all we need in order to move forward with life.
The power of our mind is unimaginable. When we learn to channel this energy, it becomes a powerful ally. With attitude and positive thoughts, good eating habits and desire to live, we become healthy people. Remember that "Healthy mind, healthy body"
Remember that "Healthy mind, healthy body"
So nice!
if we are happy from inside half of the health is always great because health is the real wealth
Thanks for sharing this phrase today ..! I agree. A clear example would be the people who have won the battle against cancer; When you listen to their experiences, they say that they have adopted a positive and grateful attitude towards life and that helped them a lot in their improvement. Happy day ..!
We can surely learn a lot from others!
Without the wish to get better, it gets hard to get healed fast. Joy, laughter and a positive attitude play without doubt a huge role in healing illness and so we need to work on our inner happiness and have a wish to heal. Thank you for sharing this nice quote :)
Thanks for having a look!
Truly said @goodvibrations if we are happy from inside nothing can stop us from being unhappy its the mental state of the body that's matter and whole healing is controlled from if we are not happy nothing is going to be happy forever.
Thanks a lot again for sharing this
Have a great day ahead,
I agree with you about inner happiness!
Well yes after all laughter and joy does indeed seems to play a great role indeed !
Agree with the quote buddy !
Thinking positive not only relaxes you and reduces stress, but the body benefits from that optimism. A good attitude decreases the level of cortisol, the stress hormone, in addition to reducing the susceptibility to new diseases, if you think positive, you are authorizing your body to heal itself. Be positive at all times and in any situation. Happy day @goodvibrations
"A good attitude decreases the level of cortisol, the stress hormone"
The mind body connection is amazing!
Get well soon!
So true @goodvibrations. No health no wealth!
Spot on :) A good laught and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything. Health is always more important than money and work, so we need to take good care of it :)
"Health is always more important than money and work, so we need to take good care of it :)"
You are so right!
Inner happiness and wish for healing contribute a lot for a fast healing.
Anxiety, depression, sadness and stress impact your physical health, because all of these emotions trigger chemical reactions in the body, which can lead to a weakened immune system. Always try to stay positive.
"Anxiety, depression, sadness and stress impact your physical health, because all of these emotions trigger chemical reactions in the body"
It is important to understand this!
I always felt that people that spend more time feeling sorry for themselves and get depressed have a harder time to heal and enjoy life. I think a positive vibe and optimism in life are connected to a better health of the individual.
I agree!
This is true, laughter is one of the best medicine.
And always bear in mind that health is wealth our best investment.
I am glad that you have a good understanding of this topic!
Lucius Seneca got it right. Its amazing how centuries ago he was able to see something that even today some people don't see it. I always recommend when people are feeling sick or sad to go to youtube and watch some funny videos or something they enjoy. Inner happiness and the wish for healing is half of the health :)
Laugh yourself to good health
Yeah, you are right, If we think more about our illness, illness will overcome us and condition will be worse, but we think we are alright, we will start recovering, it's just a mind game brother :)
AS this quote is about health :) I invite you to my blog where I am posting home remedies :) Check it out on @abdulmanan :)
The brain is a very powerful organ, with much influence on the health of the body. He can generate dopamine or oxytocin that will make us feel good, and that undoubtedly will be an excellent medicine. Positive thoughts will always help to heal a sick body. Best regards.
"can generate dopamine or oxytocin that will make us feel good, and that undoubtedly will be an excellent medicine"
It really is amazing!
for that there are placebos. "Mind Over the Body".
Yup a good health can be one of our Greatest treasure !
This is so true
Absolutely Right, Every thing Depends on mind and wish.
"Health is wealth"
Health is not only about physical illness. Health is something our body, heart, mind, and emotions should possess. Always consider that health is wealth. It is our armor for our everyday life. Positive thoughts are a great help for healing, If you think you can't then who will?Thanks for this.
"Health is something our body, heart, mind, and emotions should possess"
So true!
i wish everyone a happy day ahead because this is what makes this world peaceful to along the challenges will come but we can overcome it :)
if the inner soul is happy with peace then it has the power of healing everything even the deepest of wound