Spamming is defined as sending the same message. Each quote I post is different.
Plagiarism is defined as trying to pass someone else's work off as your own. Not only is quoting something the exact opposite of plagiarism, I also source the website/s I get the content from.
Although it is hard to take someone seriously who has "original" content like yours,
you have made me think about my daily quote posting. Specifically, that I should elaborate more each day on why I am posting the chosen quote. Adding something personal may have more of a positive effect for someone reading it.
Doesnt change the fact that ur spamming plagiarism.
Hope you are having a good weekend.
produce original content, copy pasting quotes is not original content.
Although it is hard to take someone seriously who has "original" content like yours,
you have made me think about my daily quote posting. Specifically, that I should elaborate more each day on why I am posting the chosen quote. Adding something personal may have more of a positive effect for someone reading it.
Scrolling down to my old 2019 posts, really clever.
Posts before the HIVE hardfork. Mostly 2019