Over A Month of No Tobacco Cigarettes... WOOT

in #quitter7 years ago (edited)

After a Decade and a Half of Smoking Cigarettes I'm FINALLY Enjoying Not Feeling the Impulse to Inhale Stinky Trash...

( A picture taken February 26th, 2018 of the last cigarette I'll ever smoke )

It's been over a month now since I quit smoking and while it may seem like I'm some sort of over exaggerating asshat trying to fluff my own goat honestly my lungs haven't felt this good since I was a young boy. Breathing in actually feels like something replenishing to my body, food tastes a hell of a lot better and my sense of smell is starting to come back, which is sort of a gift and a curse in a sense. For basically half my life I'd been tricking myself into thinking I needed to "pop out for a puff" or "go have a dart" when in reality I was just being a fuckin' buffoon and ritualistically inhaling needless carcinogens out of habit and sheer stupidity.

Every time I'd tried to quit prior I'd engineer some excuse to get back on the things.. Be it self loathing, allowing myself to smoke aromatic cigars or simply not giving a damn if I smelt like a burnt hookers taint while paying a premium price for the "priviledge" to do so.. Holy hell, looking back on it now I kinda just gotta shake my head and chalk it up to an expensive, suicidal and simpleton's learning experience.

I can't even stand the smell of cigarettes at this point, it physically repulses me!

Being a "Smoker" is a Self Made Mental Prison..

No body in their right fucking mind can honestly say they enjoy the taste, smell or effects of commercialized tobacco cigarettes.. If you state otherwise you're lying to yourself and your audience. The truth of the matter is it takes an immense amount of self brainwashing to even pick up the disgusting habit and when you strip away the layers and excuses to smoke you're left with a stinky cigarette but that does nothing but create faint withdrawal symtoms in all who take it upon themselves to train their body to essentially asphyxiate for the effects of poison...

Smoking and it's addiction is nearly all mental it seems.. The mind is a very powerful device when used (im)proproperly and ultimately the smoke convinces themselves they need to partake in the activity when in reality the effects aren't worth the effort to train yourself to do so. Don't be a slave to your own stupidity.. You can stop smoking, hell if I can anyone can!

Nicotine Addiction? Vape or Stank!

While I've managed to kick the stinky cigarette smoking to the curb the underlying nicotine addiction in my life is alive and stronger than ever. Currently I'm using a vaporizer and a 6mg per milliliter strawberry flavoured vegetable glycerin & propylene glycol mixture to stave off the nicotine jones.. Oddly enough my nicotine consumption is actually increased about 300% from when I smoked cigarettes due to the fact I don't mind vaping in my house and actually find it quite enjoyable. Previously I'd tried to quit but was vaping a far to sweet mixture which tasted far too much like candy and ended up getting tired of how sickly sweet it was. This new stuff which is an in-house blend at one of the local vape shops is not too sweet and not too nasty on the throat, allowing me to kill the nicotine craving in a puff or two while making the odour in the room something akin to a strawberry milkshake..

Needless to say I'd much rather inhale this delicious piss coloured liquid than burn plant matter to get my nicotine fix..! While it's still sort of debatable that vaping is any less carcinogenic than smoking tobacco my lungs certainly feel less gunged up and my cardio is slowly becoming better.. All and all this is the best decision I've made in my life since starting here on Steemit. While the initial start up cost to get a decent vape setup is about a carton of cigarettes (my vape setup was just over $200 CAD) the amount of juice I roll through is still about 500% cheaper than the pack I day I was smoking... Save money, save health, not stink like a rotten burnt gooch.. I call that a win! Thanks for reading folks, have a good day!

Vote KLYE for Witness!


Congratulations @klye.

Wishing you all the best.


You are doing awesome @klye ! I quit 6 years ago after smoking for over 30 years ! You have made through hardest part , the first two months are the worse !! I used the thrive nicorette gum it really helped me a lot and still chew normal gum to this day haha ! You can do it my friend , all the best of luck to you !!👍👍👍
I recently started a Auto Voter with steemdunk.xyz and added you to it , since I returned to work last week with limited internet I dont want to miss upvoting my favorite steemians ! I did a post about it hitting 4400 followers ! Woot !💕✌👍

You can be fairly certain that vaping is still less carcinogenic than regular smoking. There might be a couple of risky chemicals that are released through vaping, but definitely far less than when you'd smoke.

Also trying to switch over here, but longest I've managed is about a week.

Just ask yourself what you enjoy about the smokes.. Chances are nothing. :D

I'm glad you kicked the habit. I hate cigarette smoke

It stinks to high hell man... Lord I can't beleive I brainwashed myself into doing that shit for 15 years.. <_<

Bro, I'm glad you snapped out of it for sure. Pot makes sense. Cigarettes... NOPE That's nothing positive.

Awesome, congrats on the milestone! Keep going strong.

One idea I just had is, what if you put the amount of money it'd take to purchase a pack of smokes into a box at certain times when your past self would've bought a pack?

It'd be motivating and interesting to see how much you save in 6 months and then a year!

it's my worst habit. wonder what to replace it with haha!

Making love to hot women!

Or ladyboys!

ice cream...! :-D

Anything but smoking.. Vaping isn't a bad replacement.. Smells better and still gets your nicotine fix

Ini sangat keren kawan ku ,,, rokok dan ganja itu sangat sulit untuk di lepaskan . Saya @rahmatz ucapan selamat kepada @klye yang telah berhenti dan berhasil meninggalkan hal yang dapat membunuh paru paru anda .

I don't understand a fucking word of this but you put in effort I think to reply so good on ya!

Personally I think this should also have motivation tag, have always wondered what makes people smoke, is it the taste or boost your body and from my point even the smell when it is lighted its really offensive to the nose

So why smoke?

Glad I read the above, from your explanation the taste is awful, smell not good and overall not satisfactory just a state of mind that keeps one smoking.

Glad you could stay a month plus without lightning anyone.

Success all the way as you overcome this addiction

I can't even stand the smell of the damn things anymore... Let alone think to inhale them.

Wow that's a huge progress, barely a month and this far


That's great news....I know of people who have tried kicking the smoking habit several times but keep on failing. Congratulations on the month long anniversary----keep it going :)

I plan to man.. Far happier and less lung butter coughs since!

getting over smoking cigarette....?
i think you got yourself a new task for life, not a smoker tho. but i live where almost 75% are smokers and i know what they go through anytime they make up there mind to quit it.

well you just started, one month without cigar is already a milestone
hope you achieve your goal

Good for you! I have smoked pretty long and quit them 4 years back! It was the best decision I ever made! After two days I already felt a difference with the "normal air" I breathe in and out and the caughing went away really soon! Congrats on this victory keep it up! X

Good on ya. I've got just the hint of lung healing and it feels amazing! <3

That is great, I also thought when I just quit the sigs, I will see if I am still alive, and when I realized it was all good and my lungs were healing like you say , I felt so strong and victorious! Those damn things don't have control any longer, still proud haha you should be proud too! It is good to keep it up! I am proud of you too! X

Congrats!!! Though I think vaping in time will also be proven to have drawbacks, after just a week your lungs feels completely different and it is by far a better alternative than the cigarette. Also if you just use 6 mg it's not so bad with excessive use, if you would constantly vape with 18 mg of nicotine you might be better of smoking :P Keep up the good work :)

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Please take a look, if you love steemit, you'll love this one too.

Please don't shill your posts in my or anyones comments dude..

I tough that you will be interested... we need people like you, i'm not trying to annoy anybody...

It's sort of like junkmail or spam if you think about it.. While I may actaully be interested in it your comment has nothing to do with my post nor did you even bother to at least make small talk before trying to shill your link on me..

There is a right way to try to get folks to look at your links.. This ain't it dude. :/

Well, sorry bro... forget about it.

Good information @kyle. I resteem this post. Thanks

this is very informative blog .thanks to you for sharing..i praise
Carry on

hello friend, what you could help i?

Upvote resteem @akhyasad

nice post @klye i like your post tl much
thanks for sharing good post

wow this is a very amazing article,
Thanks for sharing @kyle

I hope you're calm and zen now.

Glad to hear you are stomping it out! :)
Btw: we need to bring the glorious tippy to market soon! :P

Well done, congratulations for your will. Greetings from Argentina.

Congrats KLUE! Hey this is YOLO. Sorry, I don't know any other way to reach you. Nothing important, just wondering how the business has been coming along? Hope you're doing well man!

i was the owner of a electronig cigarettes franchising network and i quit smoking when i was 30, now i am 40, if you want i can tell you some things about

I'm very proud of you, husband.
I'm very happy with the fact that you stopped smoking.
Without a doubt, you will now be less likely to have cancer, heart attacks, heart disease and strokes. You will breathe more easily and you will cough less and your skin will look younger and look healthier (I mean you will look more handsome)
And see the positive side!
You will have more money to spend or save, your clothes will smell much better, and now you will the own of your life and not the disgusting cigar

It is good that you took off the habit of smoking cigarettes but I heard that Vape causes popcorn lung issues because of a chemical in the vape ingredient. But anyway cigars a far more harmful and not worth it. Better eat Indian foods.

I wish your beautiful & happy life without this shittt

Sounds like you need a smoke to celebrate bb!

I quit almost a year ago, I used TBX-Free and I SWEAR by it. I had tried pretty much everything before, this stuff was the easiest path to tobacco free ever. CONGRATULATIONS to you, and if you get feeling tempted, try the TBX stuff.

Congrats hun.. I only managed to quit for a year straight once, but then life tossed me some lemons and I started up again. Been smoking since grade 7.. I only wish I could stop. xo